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Why? Well, last night I had one of my scariest nightmares on record. I was just lying in my room, waiting to get up, when I figured that this would be a pretty decent topic. Here are my 2 most memorable:


Hotel of Death - I don't know if it was a hotel, but it was kind of like Resident Evil. You know, 2 people go in 1 room, one person is killed. It might not been as scary (it was kind of dumb) if it didn't involve my classmates and my parents! I think I even saw my principal in it...


The Walls Are Alive - OMG this was REALLY scary! It kind of involved people screaming at me from the walls. And it wasn't nice people. Somewhat like Pulse, but with more scariness. This was one of those that when you wake up, you are kind of shaking and are afraid to get out of bed.



So if you want, try to remember any REALLY bad ones, or discuss new ones. If you can remember any.



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The Walls Are Alive - OMG this was REALLY scary! It kind of involved people screaming at me from the walls. And it wasn't nice people. Somewhat like Pulse, but with more scariness.

That reminds me of one of the things they do at Halloween Horror Nights at Islands of Adventure. They have people with the matching costumes with the wall jump out and scare the crap out of you. lol.

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I had a dream when I was 4 that I can still remember vividly. ET was sitting on a chair, and had me over his lap and was spanking me. But in my nightmare, I was watching myself being spanked. It scared the hell outta me.


Sounds funny in print, but it was frightening to a four year old.

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I had a dream when I was 4 that I can still remember vividly. ET was sitting on a chair, and had me over his lap and was spanking me. But in my nightmare, I was watching myself being spanked. It scared the hell outta me.



LMFAO that's hilarious! Sorry for laughing at that but it was funny.... Probably would ave scared me too if I were 4.

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Tatsu- my first time ever to SFMM i was on Tatsu and it derailed.


Now, the weirdest one you'll ever hear, but I remember it clear as a bell.


Pirate blob- when I was about 5, I had a dream I was at my school's auditorium. Under the stage, there is a giant storage space for sets, props, stuff like that. Well I heard this giant gurgle, so I walked over to the storage room and there was a giant blob underneath it. It chased me into my bedroom (which was for some reason in the school) and I locked the door and hid. So then a pirate came up and looked in the window and broke the window and came into my room. At this point I woke up.

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I've had a few scary ones, others not so scary, but are really freaky...


When I first saw Godzilla or Jurassic Park (around 6 or 7) I kept being chased around by a dinosaur that could change size. I always ended up in the public indoor play area...


Another one was when I saw Chester from Linkin Park die at the hands of the evil scientist. I asked if I could go to his funeral and he got up and said 'what funeral?' and then proceeded in asking me whether I would join him on stage at the Download Festival...


I've had a few where restraints came undone on rides too, I didn't die, I just wedged myself in or fell... It is truly scary when that happens

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I had a dream when I was 4 that I can still remember vividly. ET was sitting on a chair, and had me over his lap and was spanking me. But in my nightmare, I was watching myself being spanked. It scared the hell outta me.


Sounds funny in print, but it was frightening to a four year old.



Your my hero....

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I'm very familiar with nightmares. Of course, I have to say the rollercoaster related one. The day before I went to Magic Mountain, I had a dream I was riding X, and my shoe was falling off on the lift, so i unbuckle the strap to put the sandle straps in the belt. Before I could buckle it, I was going down the drop and all the harnesses opened, and my strap thing wasn't buckled so mine was wide open, and i was falling out. So I have my ams wrapped around the harness and my body is dangling. Then on the top of the first raven turn, i fell out and hit a support then right as I hit the ground, I woke up.


Another one was from when I was a few years younger, I had a dream that I was walking though a corn field with a rusted, abandoned truck with a black bird on it. Then I fall into a hole thats above my head and I can't get out. So I scream and scream but nobody can hear me because there's nobody around for miles.


Another interesting one was that I was in a shipwreck in the middle of the ocean. So i'm swimming and I'm getting really tired and there's nothing floating for me to hold on to.


Those are a few I could think of right now.

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I rarely have nightmares, but a few nights ago I had one of the worst dreams Ive had in a long time. I was at the airport, without my passport, my flight was leaving in half an hour and everything was just a mess.


I know this sounds really stupid, but for some reason it really freaked me out. It didnt involve any monsters, blood or death, but it felt so real and it really made my heart beat

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I had a really weird nightmare the other night......


I had left a bag in a shop and the bag had my bus pass in it and I needed it to get home. So to get to this shop, I had to go underground to get a train. Although, the train wasn't like a subway train it was an old fashioned steam train. Then when I went to get on, it drove away and it somehow cut off my toes!! So I had 2 walk around on these weird wooden crutches that were like hockey sticks but really thin and kept snapping so I had 2 go 2 the doctors and get my legs chopped off!!


I woke up in a total panic!! Luckily, my legs and toes were still there

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^^Wait, why would he lock this thread? I didn't do anything wrong here!


He goes on a rampage every time he logs on.


There's a difference between your thread and this one. This thread asked a question to have it be more than just an offhand comment. Yours was a statement and provided nothing for group discussion. Besides, if you had searched, you would have found the dream thread in existence, and could have easily posted it in there.


I don't see why you have some kind of personal vendetta against Wes. His job is to keep the forums clean of any topics that don't need to be there. That's what he did, and I don't see why you care so much. I've had topics locked before, but I didn't say anything about the person that locked them. In fact, I saw their point in locking them.

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I had the weirdest nightmasre last year! I was living in Boston, in an apartment building, but around it was a put for dead bodys! I looked down one day and saw some bones with a t-shirt saying "I love everyone". I was shocked by that and started to cry. Next thing I know I, I was pushed into the pit and then, I saw something rising from the dead. I had a gun and was screaming! I started to run for the edge when he said "I'm Jesse James! You must die!". I climbed the pit wall as fast as I could barely making it to the top, but Jesse gained on me! I then ran onto the street and got hit by a car! Then, I started to rise up, but my bloody body was left behind. After that, i woke up feeling sick, that must have been a sign.


The best one that was on the thread was swampfoxes though. Lmao at ET spanking butts!

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