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Photo Trip Report: Oakwood April 2007 *UPDATE: VIDEO INSIDE*

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Its taken me a while to get round to uploading these photos, but me and a friend went to oakwood in wales on easter sunday to have a look around and enjoy the park, here are some of the photos i took, enjoy!


a much busier exit at closing time, i hope you enjoyed the photos as much as i enjoyed the day


down theres the kiddie area, we dont go there anymore


another load of satisifed riders, shame there is only one boat though


see what i mean about the splash?




hydro is now open for those who want to experience the wettest ride (in my opinion) in the whole of the UK


possible location of the new ride? lots of plant going in and out all day


on to bounce


i know it has southern roots but this doesnt really fit in with the theming its a bit... bright?


i preferred voodoo mansion although neither is particularly good


onto new orleans where i think its the first time ive actually seen people panning for gold, dont blame them with the three hour queue for megafobia and all


this wasnt half bad for lunch. it was served from a little kiosk down by the summertime show staging, good value and best food in the park.


you can see how wooded the park is


the park will look much nicer when it gets all its leaves back


they were running two trains for a change


this was taken from a pedalo boat


help i cant feel the seat


we missed first train of the morning, but we were on the second


isnt it beautiful


next onwards to megafobia


got a good colour scheme


"lets do the twist"


speeds overbank, sorry i didnt get any pictures of the loop of the air hill


the drop really is impressive, and space saving


first we ran to speed, no new credits this trip though


soaking will be kept to a minimum today


not a frequent site nowadays to see the entrance so empty half an hour before opening

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Great TR, i love the picture of Hydro you have as your avatar.


Hah, there is a funny story behind that picture... well not very funny but here it is, on the bridge over hydro there is a dry spot about a foot wide and a couple of feet long... i would have taken the photo from there but for 2 reasons i didn't:

1. my video camera was there and i didn't want it to get wet.

2. there were so many people trying to get soaked on the bridge all you would have seen was heads.

So i stepped into the line of fire and took the photo from the centre of the bridge which although not the wettest part still gets you very wet, i took the picture then i dived for cover because there were too many people to get past, i had a soaking wet back as a result, but a dry camera, and an awesome photo!

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OMG Great TR! You are right... "got a good colour scheme" speed does have an awesome color scheme! OMG And I love the pictures of Hydro! Expically the splash! I still think it is funny how a water ride has OSRS! Again Great Job! Thanks for posting!



OMG! That is a lot of OMG's and exclamation points!!!!

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I really do miss Oakwood! I remember going there when all they had was Megafobia and I still had a really good time there. Such a great laid back park. I wish more parks in the US could be like that.


--Robb "And I wish more parks in the US would get clones of Speed!!!" Alvey

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I still think it is funny how a water ride has OSRS! Again Great Job! Thanks for posting!


its a shame because they hurt like hell, they dig in, its a shame that girl died as it was so much better with the lap bars and less magnets for breaking, much bigger splash than it is now


I really do miss Oakwood! I remember going there when all they had was Megafobia and I still had a really good time there. Such a great laid back park. I wish more parks in the US could be like that.


its a great park ive been going there since i was 9 and its changed so much, megafobia is still my favourite ride



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Great TR. I've been going to Oakwood since it opened as I only lived 10 miles away in Pembroke, but haven't been for the past few years (since just before Hydro was built) when I moved away (now about 140 miles away ). We'll definately have to go back soon so I can ride Speed, though Hydro is definately not on the list (not an acceptable amount of wetness ).

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did you use 35mm film?

no i didn't it was all taken on an olympus sp350 with a telephoto lense for some of the shots, ill admit some of the pictures were recoloured using Photoshop CS2 to give more vivid colours as i find my camera gives very flat images with little colour.

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Nice Pic's, Oakwood is a lovely Park and it may even install a "Classic" Out n Back style woodie for 2008/9 season.


Rebuilds of Long gone "Shooting Star" at Coney Island or "Million Dollar Coaster" at Rocky Glen can fit the bill for me.


Why was the tree chopped down which covered "Fobia's" 1st drop..?


Megafobia is the best and only USA style woodie in the UK, even Europe, until "Troy" takes over in 2 months time.

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Nice report, sound’s you had a very nice visit at a great park. I hope it the same when I visit sometime in the summer when the ECC are there .


How busy was the park? As two trains running on Megafobia is an rare sight



Why was the tree chopped down which covered "Fobia's" 1st drop..?


That was removed end of 2005 as it was decaying.

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Nice photos. Like a lot of people here, I wish I lived closer to Oakwood.


And yeah, I'm gonna have to jump on the 2-train bandwagon as well. That must have taken a lot for the park to put on both trains, that rarely ever happens!

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^ it was very very busy, the queue was down to the lift hill by the entrance nearly all day except at the beginning and end, the same went for speed, its been the same the last three times i've been. Attendance has increased massively since speed was built. the park really needs another high capacity ride and more efficient entrance system or it may get overwhelmed. As for the new ride i suspect it is going to be built the far side of speed, this is why the park has made little effort to clean that area up because its the location for their new highlight attraction. i hope its a GCI woodie like a lot of people have been saying, that would definitely put oakwood up in the running with the likes of the Tussaud parks and BPB. well it will so long as they sort out a lot of other slight things like food outlets and as i said above a more effective ticket selling method, although online tickets can now be bought there didn't seem much advantage at the moment

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