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JZ's Ongoing Kings Island Update Thread!

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Hey guys. I've got a small update. I went to KI yesterday, and had a great day! It rained a LOT that morning, and it was COLD. Then the rain cleared, and was completely clear the rest of the day, and it warmed up quite a bit. I met up with Zach, too!


onto the pics...


Shout out to Zach for meeting up with me. Thanks man!

(that's all folks)


International Street.

It started to rain pretty hard shortly after this was taken.


New gate sign.


Action Zone from parking lot.


For those who haven't seen it yet, this is the new road sign.

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Haha, I'm glad I didn't look too bad in the pic....my eyes were so itchy and water from new spring alergies! Blah!


Anyways, it was really cool to meet up with you, Russel and family! Hope to see you next year!


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^^Same Here! Thanks again for hangin with me!

I would have gotten MANY more pics, but I was using my mom's camera, and she took it from me as soon as it started raining. My camera needed batteries.


I hope to get a new camera eventually.

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Yeah, it was a good day.


Drop Tower - 15 minutes

Flight Deck - 5-10 minutes

Red Racer (2) - 10 minutes

Vortex - 10 minutes

FoF - 25-30 minutes


I'm forgetting something...


SoB had 45 min wait...it was rediculous.

Firehawk was an hour.

Crypt broke down.

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You know pretty soon your going to have to change your signature!

Nothing will delight me more!

Although ginzo reminded me that Drop Tower is Intamin, as well as the Eiffel Tower...to be technical...


That's true I didn't think about that. But hey we all know your talking about coasters!

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Drop Tower - 15 minutes

Flight Deck - 5-10 minutes

Red Racer (2) - 10 minutes

Vortex - 10 minutes

FoF - 25-30 minutes


I'm forgetting something...


Adventure Express-about a 5 min. wait.


I might be coming back to KI the first week of June. One of my cousins is graduating that week, and I'm going. CoasterMania is that week, too. My dad and I are headed to Sandusky for that. I hope to have a photo AND video trip report when I go to CP.

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Yeah. All the footers on the right side in those pics are definitely for the lift hill. If you notice, as each pair goes on, they spread a little bit, along with single footers to further support track between each set of two.


Anybody understand? I sound VERY nerdy I know, but that's just how I am. I (along with many others) am REALLY looking forward to this coaster!

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Yeah. All the footers on the right side in those pics are definitely for the lift hill. If you notice, as each pair goes on, they spread a little bit, along with single footers to further support track between each set of two.


Anybody understand? I sound VERY nerdy I know, but that's just how I am. I (along with many others) am REALLY looking forward to this coaster!


Yeah, it's kinda hard to tell by the pictures, but when you see it in person; add some day dreaming and connect-the-footers; you can see it's a coaster in progress.



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Got to see the plans today. It isn't exactly what I expected, but this will be a good addition to KI. I'll definitely be buying a pass next summer! This ride will definitely transform Rivertown, but in a way I think it will much improve the overall area. I'm going out on a limb and saying this may be Cedar Fair's best install yet. I wish I could tell you more, but I would get in a lot of trouble (I knew I should've put a false name as my avatar!!!)


-James Dillaman

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^ I don't like you.






Just kidding, but that is borderlline evil! Now it's even more agonizing waiting. I wish it had been more like, "yeah, this looks a lot like what I had pictured" or something to indicate with more conviction that it is what we've discussed. Now, I don't know if you mean the layout is a little different but is still a B&M hyper or if it's a completely different style of coaster...ugh.


I guess I'll enjoy the 2008 year, wait for track and supports, and continue my speculation!

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Got to see the plans today. It isn't exactly what I expected, but this will be a good addition to KI. I'll definitely be buying a pass next summer! This ride will definitely transform Rivertown, but in a way I think it will much improve the overall area. I'm going out on a limb and saying this may be Cedar Fair's best install yet. I wish I could tell you more, but I would get in a lot of trouble (I knew I should've put a false name as my avatar!!!)


-James Dillaman


You didn't happen to catch wind of when they might finally spill the beans on this project, did you?

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Got to see the plans today. It isn't exactly what I expected, but this will be a good addition to KI. I'll definitely be buying a pass next summer! This ride will definitely transform Rivertown, but in a way I think it will much improve the overall area. I'm going out on a limb and saying this may be Cedar Fair's best install yet. I wish I could tell you more, but I would get in a lot of trouble (I knew I should've put a false name as my avatar!!!)


-James Dillaman


Did you mean that in a good or bad way? Is it going to to be better or not as good as you expected?

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However, he also said this:


I'm going out on a limb and saying this may be Cedar Fair's best install yet.


If he means just at KI, then its not saying much. If he means at a CF park in general (even if he means outside of CP), then that's saying a lot.


I wish I could tell you more, but I would get in a lot of trouble (I knew I should've put a false name as my avatar!!!)


You could always tell the scoop to somebody else who could anonymously spill it for you (or not spill it at all and just keep it for personal info).

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Great. Now I know someone with all the details, and someone is starting to hint too. CURSE YOU, CONFIDENTIALITY!



Anyways, I'll be back in Cincy starting in a few days, so I'll start taking construction shots whenever I'm at the park.

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Wait, are we still debating the new coaster for KI next year?


I thought it was all but officially announced that it's pretty much a Behemoth Clone!??!


Heck, I could totally see them using the same name and merchandise too!


Although, I'm still always hopeful for a Pigeon: The Ride.

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I think the only debate is what should KI's '09 slogan be?


"Come to KI....we suck just a little less now."


"King's Island....not just a credit run anymore.....sort of."


"Kings Island ride it before we ruin it like the Beast"


This ride will probably get me back to KI in the next 5 years, but I will be stunned if I go next year. Heck, after my field trip with my student to Michigan's Adventure I am going to see how long I can go before visiting another CF park.

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Not what I was expecting not pertaining to the ride mechanics itself, but more how the ride fits in to the rivertown area and interacts with other things. Already said too much... but rest assured it's better than I had supposed, NOT worse.


-James Dillaman

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I think the only debate is what should KI's '09 slogan be?


"Come to KI....we suck just a little less now."


"King's Island....not just a credit run anymore.....sort of."


Yeah, the sad thing is the park typically brings huge crowds. That's one of the main reasons I didn't renew my season pass. I'll put up with mediocre coasters just to get out of the house, but I draw the line at waiting an hour to ride them. Also, my wife is the world's biggest KI hater. I should get that on video some time. It's pretty funny.

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That's why you try to shoot for an overcast Wednesday, or a school day. Now, those are fun times at KI. Rerides on Drop Zone for as long as you want! Last year on one of those days, I rode Drop Zone 40 times in a row; once in every seat...plus a few more rides. I think it took about 3 hours or so, haha. But damn, that was an awesome day.

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I plan on making my first trip to KI next summer, will actually have money for once, and any B&M hyper is better than no B&M Hyper. For some odd reason, I think the name will somehow incorporate "Beast" in it. I mean it IS Cedar Fair, we can't expect anything too creative from them. As long as it has speed, height, forces, and is built by B&M, I am a happy camper.


Corny name ideas:

Beast Slayer

Beast Reborn

Grandson of Beast, we F'd up big time with SoB, so here is the third generation, enjoy.

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