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Twilight Zone Tower of Terror: E5D...VIDEO RELEASED!!!

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^Yeah, not only that, but the quality would be horrendous on YouTube.


Anyways, great work on the ride Fisherman.


Just one question. How do riders get off of the ride at the end station? Is the wall on the right another one f your ride event walls?


Anyways, besides that, great work with the soundtrack, and voice overs. It really added an extra umff to the ride, although it would've been fine without.

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This was truly one of the most realistic RCT3-rides EVER made - no wait! It was not one of the best - it IS the best!


There were details everywhere, and they were sooo realistic, and the ride itself was just perfect.


And as coasterdude5 says - the editing was really good and you felt that you were riding it in real life - imagine this in a 3D-cinema

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Just one question. How do riders get off of the ride at the end station? Is the wall on the right another one f your ride event walls?


Yeah...the wall on the right of the car opens up and the peeps exit to the right and into the hall to the gift shop.


Thanks, guys!



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That Fisherman was truely a work of art.

I thought the Raining Pouring song was extremely creepy, though I wish you had used it at the top of the big drop, and then after the big drop I wished it was more realistic, I mean you couldve used the speed for something besides turns or you couldve just slowed it down. But still great job, amazing, just truely stunning, I could never do that in a million years! One question though, was that your voice on the TV lift hill? Just wondering, anyways splendid, superb job mate, just amazing.

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