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Have you been to Disney?

Have you been to a Disney Park?  

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  1. 1. Have you been to a Disney Park?

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I've been to WDW a few times.


I went there in 1986 as a kid, and got to see EPCOT in it's old glory days. I'll always remember that.


I returned in 1991 and got to see MGM, but Space Mountain was being rehabbed at MK, so that was bad timing.


But, I returned again in 1994, and went on Space Mountain numerous times in one morning, and every time I'd come out the exit and play some "Killer Instinct" in the arcade nearby before going on again. That was fun.


The last time was in 1999, when my mom unfortunately got food poisoning while we were there. But, she was able to come on the last day when we went to EPCOT. Plus I got to go off to downtown Disney by myself and see DisneyQuest and the AMC theater there. I almost felt as if I'd died and gone to heaven in that place.


I'm also considering going there on the solo trip I've been thinking of doing this year, if I can find an affordable way to do it.

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I have been to WDW (Epcot, MGM, Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom) and Disneyland (No California Adventure...YET). I love MGM and Epcot. Gyen likes Animal Kingdom. Disneyland isn't my favorite. I can't wait to see California Adventure though. My favorite rides are below.


Tower of Terror (MGM)

Mission Space

Space Mountain

Rock 'n Roller Coaster


Test Track

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Yes, the 2 parks in Paris, I only want to go back for a beautifull Bjork poster in the que line of Rock'n'Rollercoaster.


No serious, I want to go back if the Tower of Terror has finished, and then I also can do Indiana Jones Forwards, Backwards wasn't so good for my ears.

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I go to DLR about once a year. I would go more often if I wasn't 5 hours away. I have been to WDW 3 times and I am planning a trip back next year. This fall I will be going to TDL. I'm sure at some point in a few years we will go to Paris.


Probably my favorite ride is either Thunder Mountain or Splash Mountian because the whole family will ride it.

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^ Because it's true. Another thing, their websites for their parks are TERRIBLE. Seriously shoddy work. I expect that quality of site out of a 5 year old retarded child, not Disney!

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Wes, you're entitled to your opinion, but of all the times I've been to Disney, I have never seen anything from the employees to make me think they were "jackasses", so your assertion that they are is quite shocking to me. I don't know what they did to you to make you come off as so bitter and angry towards them, but to me Disney's employees have always been standard-bearers in this industry.


But if someone says that about Eisner and his cronies at the top of the heap, then I'd be inclined to agree with that person.

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^ Because it's true. Another thing, their websites for their parks are TERRIBLE. Seriously shoddy work. I expect that quality of site out of a 5 year old retarded child, not Disney!


Their website isn't that great, but there are so many different unofficial websites about them so who really cares? Also, because they are Disney they don't need a great website to attract visitors. Universal's website is also crappy. But like I said, there are so many other websites totally dedicated to them that it doesn't really matter. By the way...



That is ABSOLUTELY NOT true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Unfortunately I think Wes is playing a little inside joke. He's being Sarcastic...well at least about the Disney Employees...the website does suck! Just ignore him like the rest of us do!


Elissa "seriously, the website looks like it was designed by some stupid kid going in and out of the hospital on heavy medication!" Alvey

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