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Fear of inversions

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My very first rollercoaster was the Orient Express at Worlds of Fun. I was 8 when I rode it. All that I basically remember was the total roughness of the ride, I even got bruised off of it! So this year I started to conquer my fear of rollercoasters by going on Screaming Eagle and the Boss at Six Flags St. Louis. I absolutely loved those rides, but I didn't want to go on the looping ones. So next year I'm going to Cedar Point, and I was just asking advice on how to conquer my fear of going upside down. Thanks a ton!

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I suppose the best news is that Orient Express no longer exists! And because that right beat the crap out of you, I would suggest going on a smooth looping coaster first, such as a B&M ride.


Cedar Point has Raptor and Mantis, which I've not heard any horror stories about. But since Maverick will get huge lines (new coasters at Cedar Point always do) I'd consider going there first unless you're staying more than one day. But you're better off asking someone who knows how to visit the park for advice on planning your day.


A lot of the early modern looping coasters produced by Arrow weren't fantastic, but since B&M hit the scene they had mastered looping coasters after a few years, and from rider reviews, almost all their coasters seem to be glass smooth.

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Well, to tell the truth, I wasn't really ever afraid of loops. Before getting into coasters, I hated drops.


Loops are fun... To tell the truth, they feel like the track is curving up with (usually) quite a bit of g-force pushing you down into your seat until you're straight back up again. They don't feel like you're gonna fall out, if that's what you're worried about.


Corkscrews are a mixed bag... Some of them are like loops, with positive g-force... Others are taken slowly, and have "hangtime", which feels a lot like airtime but with a dizzying upside-down view.


Either way, they're not anything to be afraid. Just fun.

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I have always loved looping coasters or any kind that go upside down.

I have never been to cedar point but if I were you I would go on raptor first because its a B&M invert. And you are reading a post from someone who knows the difference between smooth and rough(see nick name) the thing with any kind of coaster that has inversions is that if you are really scared dont open your eyes while youre upside down because if you dont it just seems like you are pulling up into a hill or something. The main idea is to have a freaking good time

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Try to go on a one loop coaster and see how you feel. I am not such a big fun of inversions but a simple looping is ok and it tkaes only few seconds. If you close your eyes for the first time and breath you won't feel it that much at all.

My guess is that after one ride this fear will be forgotten.

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hangtime is amazing...



anywho, dont think about going upside down, queue up, talk like its a normal day, push any negtive thoughts outta your head, get on the ride, let the bars lower, deep breathing helps a lot. as youre going up the lift hill, think of what ever you want, but dont close your eues! it makes going upside down worse because you cant see when its coming up!


just repeat to yourself that you loved it and you want to do it again.


if it makes you feel better, you have more chance of being killed by a coconut than dying on a rollercoaster...



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Carnage - What have people be saying about "Mantis", I found it very smooth with good strong G's in 2000, after 4 times in a row I felt quite dizzy.


I have no fear of going upside down, it's "floating Airtime" which I need to address the most.


youthink - I would ride a woodie (Thunderhead) than go upside down anytime, I am a woodie fan.


Your lucky to go on Screaming Eagle and The Boss, Never ridden them myself, Screaming Eagle looks a better ride.

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Carnage - What have people be saying about "Mantis", I found it very smooth with good strong G's in 2000, after 4 times in a row I felt quite dizzy.


It tends to get alot of complaints of head banging. Though most of the complains come from people who never venture out of Ohio, so take it with a grain of salt.


the thing with any kind of coaster that has inversions is that if you are really scared dont open your eyes while youre upside down because if you dont it just seems like you are pulling up into a hill or something.


That's actually a bad idea to suggest. Closing your eyes can actually make you sick. Your mind doesn't see the loop coming, and thus can't prepare for it.

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Actually, I was like you. I was afraid of loops, but didn't mind drops too much. I went on my first looping coaster in May of this year. I was scared on my way up the lift hill, and when I got off, it left a sort of unconcious fear, probably caused by the roughness of the ride. (It was an arrow ride.) However, I did love going upside down. I think you'll have fun going upside down, but get a smooth coaster for your first with inversions.



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My son had a fear of inversions, and does still sometimes.


When he first rode CA Screamin' that has a launch and loop he was quite nervous. After he rode it he wanted to go right back on.


He was barely 8.


Still, he does have some fear of "different" inversions. When we were at MGM he didn't want to ride RnRC because it had a corkscrew, even though IMO corkscrews aren't as intense as loops and he's been on MUCH more intense rides than that. (Goliath, Superman, Montezooma's Revenge, etc).


Your psyching yourself out for nothing. Just go and have a great time with it.


If you don't like it, just remember, the inversions don't take long.


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Yeah I'm just afraid pf that hanging feeling you get going upside down. It's weird, I went on Top Thrill Dragster but when somebody said Let's go on Raptor I was all NO!


A lot of the time there is no hangtime in loops, because the "centrifugal force" (not a real force in physics) holds you to your seat.


You skipped out on the B&M invert? Man, you screwed up. They're so much fun.

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I would do Corkscrew first at Cedar Point. It's a little rough, but there are more painful Arrow loopers than this. It's just more boring than anything. It would be a good one to start your day off with though.


I didn't find Mantis to be nearly as rough as people say it is, but Raptor is still the better of the two Sandusky B&M's.

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The thing about Mantis isnt that it's rough, it's the fact that the seats are painful. Unless you bend your legs a little, taking all of those forces to the crotch can make for an unpleasant experience....


Anyways, about your fear, just ride B:TR when you go to SFStL because Ninja will beat you up a bit. Also, at WOF, simply ride Patriot, as Boomerang can also be rough, but not as bad as Orient Express. At CP, Raptor, Maverick, and Mantis should all be smooth. Stay away from corkscrew though.

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My very first rollercoaster was the Orient Express at Worlds of Fun. I was 8 when I rode it. All that I basically remember was the total roughness of the ride, I even got bruised off of it! So this year I started to conquer my fear of rollercoasters by going on Screaming Eagle and the Boss at Six Flags St. Louis. I absolutely loved those rides, but I didn't want to go on the looping ones. So next year I'm going to Cedar Point, and I was just asking advice on how to conquer my fear of going upside down. Thanks a ton!


Hi. I used to be scared of going upsidedown but it's not as awful or scary as you may imagine. On some loops, you don't even feel upsidedown completly. But I imagined them to be a lot worse than they were. I'd say inversions arn't as frightening as launches or vertical drops.

I recently advised a friend of mine who'd never ridden a thrill ride. he managed to go on the world's only ten-looping coaster and loved it. The only way to overcome your fear is to just get on a looping coaster. Trust me, you will feel totally secure and safe on a loop, barrol roll or boomerang. Hopefully, you'll enjoy it too.

Hope this helps.

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I used to be paranoid of inversions until this spring. I made myself get on Python at BGA and I'm glad that I did - inversions are AWESOME! I've found that now that I've conquered that fear, I'm not really scared of coasters any more. You'll feel so good about yourself once you ride an inversion. They're one of the best types of elements on a coaster.

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