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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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They also decreased the size of the free water cups. 4 of the new cups match up to one old one in terms of how much water they hold.


That's too bad...they did that to us at SFGA this year as well. It was a small styrofoam cup there, whereas Dorney gave us all 12 oz. Pepsi cups full of water and ice.


I wondered if they would catch on to that free ice water concept at chain parks and do something like this, or refuse to give it to you altogether. Let's hope these were fluke events and do not get set into standard policies.


I actually remember when the drinking fountains at parks used to have cold water instead of the p%ss warm water you get out of them now - you know that's intentional so you'll buy beverages instead.


While I don't expect that every park should go all Holiday World and give away free beverages (although that would be super cool), I think it is chinsy that parks would dole out shot glass style cups of water when it is a super hot day and not provide cups of ice & water to keep families safely hydrated.

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Not extremely bad. I'd say around 45 mins-1 hour from Milennium. Dragster might be a little bit more, while Maverick will have an extra 30 minutes or so. Everything else could be anywhere from walk-on to 30 minutes, depending on when you ride them (Raptor line decreases a TON around 7 or 8).

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I didn't see that coming, but I'm not totally surprised. Its been years since I've ridden Ocean Motion and I'm sure CP has noticed the same thing with most people. Every time I look back at the ride, it seems like there is never more than 10 people riding. Even if Ocean Motion did have a higher ridership, it was still one of the most boring swinging ships I have ever been on. Along with the really short cycle, it doesn't go very high at all.

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^ Exactly. It's not as thrilling, has a low ridership, and with the main target being kids, it's also not very appropriate. (For TPR on the other hand...)


This was my first year riding it and it was very disappointing. It made me think of the awesome one at Geauga Lake. Why don't we have that one?

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^^That would violate CP's rain policy .


Unless demon drops old spot has other plans.....

Maybe Ocean Motion is secretly the new ride going to DD's spot. It would bring back memories (from 6 seconds ago) and it would satisfy teens (scared teens) .

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I think part of the problem with that corner of the park also has to do with the fact that it's hidden away behind the Coliseum, on top of the lack of any real draw. Maxair is the major exception, but then again, it isn't too terribly difficult to reach. All of the other rides on that outer loop are out of the way, sparse, and fairly un-noteworthy, and people seem to have a thing against exploring anything that isn't along the major drag or in Frontiertown, which all adds up to a dead zone.

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Before you say this is just another case of ITAL using CP's pics to sell a different ride (a la Chaos), this info matches up perfectly with Ocean Motion's upgrades:


Ride in excellent condition. Fiberglass on boat re-painted 2002. New bores & pins for columns & sweeps in 2008. New boat frame & lap bar system rebuilt 2009. New hydraulic motor frames & rebuilt hydraulic system 2010.

From: LINK - ITAL Int'l

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