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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Holy crap! It's not an aquatrax! (asuming that that video is real, which it probably is.) OHHHH, this thread is going to break into chaos in the next 30 minutes...


Anyways, this new ride looks really cool, with what looks like to be many airtime hills and some cool non-inversion elements. The theming looks cool too.


I guess Screamscape was right when they said that this thing would be made up of small trains that would hold 12 people...

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It always saddens me when there's a leak before the ride is officially announced. I realize as more and more people "know" that it becomes harder and harder to keep the secret. This is why I wish CP would announce their rides earlier, so they can announce them with the fanfair they deserve. I don't blame you for posting the link to youtube here, however I do blame the uploader. It's just poor taste. Can't you wait one more day?


-James "The fanboys are too impatient, who even spends time searching for this stuff?" Dillaman

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It's pretty much what I figured it would be. Nothing ground breaking in the sense that it's not the tallest and fastest, which is probably a GOOD thing.


If anything it reminds me more of "Cedar Point's answer to Power Keg" than anything else. It's got a lift hill part, it's got a launched part, it's got some western themed stuff, and then the "more" part is the inversions and the 90 degree drop.


It will be interesting to see what the height restrictin is because this ride seems more "family friendly" than is does "scare the crap out of you" and if it's got a lower height restriction (48" like MF does) then it will probably do very well for the park.



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So... exactly what record is this thing breaking???


It's breaking the record for tricking ridiculous amounts of people into thinking that it would be an aquatrax. I mean hey, it got me...


I never thought it was an Aquatrax for a second.



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I think it looks really cool. I loved Powder Keg, and this looks like it has the potential to be a lot better (although they are from different manufacturers I feel like there are a lot of similarities between the two). It looks like Cedar Point is actually trying to make a good fun ride instead of a gimmick (not that their other rides aren't fun).

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