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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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I'm not there but I'm getting updates from my friend in my wind quintet. He said things are moving pretty smoothly with the exception of minor things like an illness on mantis and a brief breakdown on mean streak. Not a whole ton of info, but I'll relay more as it goes.

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We had thought of going and renewing our PP's and then go golfing at a nearby course, but the weekend weather forecast was a little iffy. That and the fact that I have heard too many horror stories about opening day at theme parks we decided to see what next weekend might bring.

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I'll be going to Cedar Point on Wednesday and I was wondering if there's somewhere I can get an inexpensive ticket. So far our awesome TPR discount can get me 13.99 off and reduce the price to 46 dollars, can anywhere else get me a better deal? I know you can get a really discounted Kings Island coupon from Kroger stores inte area.

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I'll be going to Cedar Point on Wednesday and I was wondering if there's somewhere I can get an inexpensive ticket. So far our awesome TPR discount can get me 13.99 off and reduce the price to 46 dollars, can anywhere else get me a better deal? I know you can get a really discounted Kings Island coupon from Kroger stores inte area.

I almost always purchase my tickets at Kroger. I can't remember exactly how much the discount is at Kroger, but it's pretty good from what I recall.

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So I've just came to the conclusion that I am too fat to ride Wicked Twister. Honestly, I now hate whoever made the seatbelt a smaller than every other impulse coaster!


That's sad, i enjoy this ride, but the damn seat belts are waaaaaay too short! No reason for it really. The belt should come up between the legs like on Maverick.....or just be an inch or two longer.

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So I've just came to the conclusion that I am too fat to ride Wicked Twister. Honestly, I now hate whoever made the seatbelt a smaller than every other impulse coaster!


Historically, I've found that the seatbelts vary in length from seat to seat. You may find better success in different seats.

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Just got back from Opening Day! I was there from 8:30AM till closing and it was a very successful opening day! Hats off to the Maverick crew running the coaster at full capacity on opening day, no stacking at all! I'll have a full trip report up in the next few days!

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So I've just came to the conclusion that I am too fat to ride Wicked Twister. Honestly, I now hate whoever made the seatbelt a smaller than every other impulse coaster!


Historically, I've found that the seatbelts vary in length from seat to seat. You may find better success in different seats.


I had stopped riding Wicked Twister a few years ago due to this. I thought I was getting too big for the ride until I went to SFGAm and had no problems with V2's belts. I have lost some weight this year and will try it again when I head back up to the Point.


The belts should be consistent throughout the train, not various lengths in different seats.

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While riding wicked twister yesterday, I couldn't tell you how many times they had to release the harnesses after checking them because a belt would not reach. It was to the point of being ridicules. I counted 6 times it happened on the train before us, and several times while we were on it.


I usally have no problem riding this coaster, but this year I could hardly get the belt buckled.

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While riding wicked twister yesterday, I couldn't tell you how many times they had to release the harnesses after checking them because a belt would not reach. It was to the point of being ridicules. I counted 6 times it happened on the train before us, and several times while we were on it.


I usally have no problem riding this coaster, but this year I could hardly get the belt buckled.


If they made the belts shorter, I am shocked. Why?



Here's the thing - on Pipe Scream media day, I fit into the Peanuts 500 ride and Woodstock Express (IDK, credit/ride whoring) with a little effort. I fit into MF and Dragster with only a little issue. Gatekeeper is fine - I kinda have to staple myself, but the ride ops or the ride itself will do that if you don't. I just think it is a load of crap that I can fit onto kiddie rides like Peanuts 500 and not Wicked Twister.

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So I've just came to the conclusion that I am too fat to ride Wicked Twister. Honestly, I now hate whoever made the seatbelt a smaller than every other impulse coaster!


Historically, I've found that the seatbelts vary in length from seat to seat. You may find better success in different seats.


I had stopped riding Wicked Twister a few years ago due to this. I thought I was getting too big for the ride until I went to SFGAm and had no problems with V2's belts. I have lost some weight this year and will try it again when I head back up to the Point.


The belts should be consistent throughout the train, not various lengths in different seats.


I've been before and fit easily into one seat with some slack, then come back through the line and almost not fit into a different seat. The seatbelts *shouldn't* be different lengths, but I've found that in some cases they are...

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Not going today but if you have a day tuesday and wednesday I will be there all day should you want to meet up!

On our way to Sandusky now, gonna visit CP tommorow and tuesday.


If you want to share a ride with 2 dutchies just let me know!



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The thing about WT is that the seatbelts are bolted on in a way that allows them to twist, essentially extending or retracting the belt by a bit. I made sure to rotate the belt to the position that would give the best chance. If you need to know, the seat I tried was the far back row on the right side. The belt just barely touched the buckle and couldn't go in. The ride op made me push the restraint down, but I noticed that she never pushed it down, only trying to buckle the belt. I don't know if they are even allowed to push the restraint down in that situtation. On another note, my restraint was unlocked about 4 times beforehand due to other issues. Wicked Twister seems to be the new El Toro.

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Hi everyone! I am traveling to the Point next Sunday, with two days in the park on Monday and Tuesday, and I was wondering if anybody had any tips, or a rough game plan to follow while we're there. We are staying in Hotel Breakers, so we get the early access too. I've heard start with the back of the park and move forward. I'm taking three people who have never been before, and I am really excited to go back (I was last there in 2009). Any tips would be appreciated! Thanks!

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^ Since you are staying at the Breakers, it only makes sense to start at the back of the park as that is where the hotel and campground entrance is located. You will also be right next to Gemini, the new midway and Magnum so those would all be good starters for the folks that have never been.


Being that you are doing Monday & Tuesday you should have no problem doing the entire park during your visit...as long as the rain holds out. Sandusky and the entire Great Lakes region is notorious for rainy May days.


Good luck and have fun!



Edit: Just checked their website and Math & Science week is going on all week so you might want to keep the Fast Lane option open in case it gets overcrowded. I have never been to the park during this week before, but I have heard rumors that it can get pretty crazy.

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