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A New Weird Al Yankovic Song...


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Great find. I think the music perfectly fits the message.


Just a few dumb chords, a lagging and boring beat, default chorus as usual, bumpy rhymes that don't always follow the rythm, a senseless blown up arangement, overall as unimaginative as can be imagined.


Just like that crap the music industry is trying to sell as latest greatest hits.

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Yeah I think I've decided that I don't like it.


It sort of sends a mixed message. I know it's supposed to be more of a rip on RIAA but it almost sounds more like he's whining about kids downloading songs.


I've gotten to the point where if I really like a song a lot, I do actually buy it on iTunes. If anything, instead of complainging about P2P it seems like he should be trying to come up with a "weird" funky way to promote actually BUYING music.


I think overall it's a good message, just not quite delivered correctly.


--Robb "Didn't bother to listen to it a 3rd time." Alvey

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Bah. THats stupid. Downloading music isn't going to make something go out of business. If I download a song, 90% of the time I have the cd too, but I personally think its just greedy artists who think they deserve more than other people who work twice as hard that get 14 bucks an hour...

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Kind of makes me want to cry... like one of those songs that start quietly at the end of a movie and end REALLY loud and inspirational.



However, I really didn't like the part about the humvee. Plus he's telling you to do something right, but at the same time making the RIAA look like jerks.

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Bah. THats stupid. Downloading music isn't going to make something go out of business. If I download a song, 90% of the time I have the cd too, but I personally think its just greedy artists who think they deserve more than other people who work twice as hard that get 14 bucks an hour...


You're in Canada where it's legal to download music though.


Part of the whole "let's assume everyone is using CDs/tapes to copyright so let's tax the crap out of them" law.

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Bah. THats stupid. Downloading music isn't going to make something go out of business. If I download a song, 90% of the time I have the cd too, but I personally think its just greedy artists who think they deserve more than other people who work twice as hard that get 14 bucks an hour...


You're in Canada where it's legal to download music though.


Part of the whole "let's assume everyone is using CDs/tapes to copyright so let's tax the crap out of them" law.


DUDE! It's legal here? I didn't know that!

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^ Downloading is legal. Uploading is still illegal.


It's because they've been charing levies on all forms of blank tapes for years. Basically they're charging "copyright" taxes on every blank media sold, regarldess of what the intended use is.


The Canadian equiv of RIAA has tried to sue downloaders anyways. Except they've been basically fallen on their face and been laughed out of court.


This really only covers downloading music for personal use. downloading something like movies is still illegal.

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^ Downloading is legal. Uploading is still illegal.


It's because they've been charing levies on all forms of blank tapes for years. Basically they're charging "copyright" taxes on every blank media sold, regarldess of what the intended use is.


The Canadian equiv of RIAA has tried to sue downloaders anyways. Except they've been basically fallen on their face and been laughed out of court.


This really only covers downloading music for personal use. downloading something like movies is still illegal.


I just download from limewire lol. Single songs.. No discographys or anything.

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It sort of sends a mixed message. I know it's supposed to be more of a rip on RIAA but it almost sounds more like he's whining about kids downloading songs.


--Robb "Didn't bother to listen to it a 3rd time." Alvey


I'm a Plimpton fan, so the video was cool.


But as for the song itself, I think it has a deeper meaning than what you think. Wierd Al publically criticized the RIAA and iTunes, for ripping off artists by not paying them the fair share for each download. It was all over the headlines about a month ago. Granted the song talks about file sharing sites, but that's more funny than itunes, and he certainly can't bite the hand that feeds him, even if it isn't enough. He also tells you "You belong at the record store", and "go buy the CD" because he claimes artists make more money from a CD sale.


I'm not that thrilled about the song either, I think he could have done better.

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