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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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Well, since Knott's boomerang isn't staying in the Cedar Fair chain, I guess we won't get a coaster for the next few years


I really hope some poster on the Knotts page who happened to talk to some clueless ride operators isn't your source. Good chance the track parts are off site being painted

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^ That source is as credible as the sources who say Boomerang is coming to VF or that the track is currently off site being painted.


I said there is a chance. The other poster said his as fact that the coaster is NOT going to another cf park. Huge difference. .02

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I really hope some poster on the Knotts page who happened to talk to some clueless ride operators isn't your source. Good chance the track parts are off site being painted


You said there was a GOOD chance, meaning over 50%. Huge difference. Either way, you still only have as much knowledge and credibility as the Knott's ride ops in knowing what is going on with the Boomerang being removed from there. My .02.

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Gonna butt in here a little bit.



Employees can be good sources but it really depends on who you talk to. For example, during my earlier years of working I knew what was coming usually a month or two in advance. However, telling others (especially guests) company secrets can and will get you fired. There is a reason why Mr. Frazier was so tight lipped about this kind of thing. I'd say theres a better chance that these people do not know what is really going on than there is the chance of them absolutely knowing. Because to be quite frank, if they really did know they wouldn't say it.


As of right now, there is no evidence other than speculation that a boomerang will be coming to Valleyfair. Yes there is a chance that we will get a boomerang, but that's using the same logic as saying that there's a chance of a meteor hitting valleyfair. Chance? Sure. Is it likely? Not at all.


Overall talking with contempt and judgement around people's opinion of what might happen is not really the smartest thing because honestly none of us know what is going to actually come next year. There really isn't a right or wrong party or opinion when the announcement hasn't even happened yet. Just be civil.

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Valleyfair just posted a video on instagram of one the slides that isn't at valleyfair. Check the video out on instagram. I think there gonna get 2 new drop slides and 4 mat racer slides as u can see in the picture in the bottom right in the video.


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1) Valleyfair using stock footage is nothing new, and they're not going to use this method to spill the bean on what they have planned.


2) The last thing they should be thinking about is new drop slides considering we already have four good ones and we don't have any tube slides, matt racers, family play area, or Tornado.

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As far as what we will get, that's if we get anything with the waterpark expansion, I will be happy with anything as long as it is not just standard body slides. A pair of tube slides, and maybe a bowl slide or one of those proslide tube rides with multiple funnels is already enough for me.

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As far as what we will get, that's if we get anything with the waterpark expansion, I will be happy with anything as long as it is not just standard body slides. A pair of tube slides, and maybe a bowl slide or one of those proslide tube rides with multiple funnels is already enough for me.



How about a Giant Play Area where Giggle Run/Splash Station is?

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As far as what we will get, that's if we get anything with the waterpark expansion, I will be happy with anything as long as it is not just standard body slides. A pair of tube slides, and maybe a bowl slide or one of those proslide tube rides with multiple funnels is already enough for me.



How about a Giant Play Area where Giggle Run/Splash Station is?


I just don't see that ever happening, we recently received the other play area. As far as being kid friendly goes, the old white twisting body slides are not that fast, and fit that category well.

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We got a bit nicer splash pad recently but a giant play area is one of the things Valleyfair is missing. Geuaga Lakes has one, but I don't see it fitting where the old splash pad is. My prediction is Valleyfair gets at least two of the four waterpark staples it's missing (family play area, tornado, matt racer and body/tube slide tower that it's missing before a new coaster or anything else major, and Looping Starship doesn't move because they really don't have to now.


That they bothered to put a permanent queue in for Raging Rapids tells me they aren't going to remodel and expand the waterpark this year but perhaps the year after. My prediction is that they'll have the new road ready by the end of the summer season. Then they can 1) Dig out the dirt for the new wetlands north of the parking lot and use it to build up the end of the parking lot that always floods, and 2) Use the dirt from the old road to fill in the wetlands around Excalibur. The probably don't want to shut down any of the parking lot during haunt, but they could get a start at the back of the park as soon as the summer is done.

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We got a bit nicer splash pad recently but a giant play area is one of the things Valleyfair is missing. Geuaga Lakes has one, but I don't see it fitting where the old splash pad is. My prediction is Valleyfair gets at least two of the four waterpark staples it's missing (family play area, tornado, matt racer and body/tube slide tower that it's missing before a new coaster or anything else major, and Looping Starship doesn't move because they really don't have to now.


That they bothered to put a permanent queue in for Raging Rapids tells me they aren't going to remodel and expand the waterpark this year but perhaps the year after. My prediction is that they'll have the new road ready by the end of the summer season. Then they can 1) Dig out the dirt for the new wetlands north of the parking lot and use it to build up the end of the parking lot that always floods, and 2) Use the dirt from the old road to fill in the wetlands around Excalibur. The probably don't want to shut down any of the parking lot during haunt, but they could get a start at the back of the park as soon as the summer is done.

The permanent queue could also just mean that they are planning on keeping Raging Rapids, it doesn't mean that they couldn't be tearing out the old body slide tower and replacing it with something else for 2018.

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Where would a designated soak city entrance join the paths already built in Soak City? I don't see any place it could go... Maybe by the old fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo rooms?

If they built a parking lot where Excalibur sits the path would probably connect by where the white body slide tower is now (it may be farther back depending on which way they would expand Soak City).

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^ I hope 2019, but I could see it either being 2019 or 2020 depending on what all happens in 2018. If they expand Soak City in 2018 I could see a new coaster coming in 2019. I know spending wise Cedar Fair may not do that but we never know, look at Cedar Point, for example, they got Valravn in 2016 and Cedar Point Shores in 2017 (I know Cedar Point is a lot bigger than Valleyfair and Cedar Fair puts more money into them). I have two different scenarios that we could see, but my main guess is that we would see a new coaster in 2019 or 2020 (maybe 2021 but I feel that being very unlikely).

Scenario 1:

2018 - Water Park Expansion/Removal of Excalibur (could include a parking lot)

2019 - B&M Invert (I would love a hyper but I know that won't happen until Wild Thing gets removed)

2020 - Kidde Rides/Break Year

Scenario 2:

2018 - Frisbee/Removal of Excalibur

2019 - Water Park Expansion WITH a Soak City Parking Lot

2020 - B&M Invert

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In 2019 is valleyfair getting the B&M invert? What are you're guesses?
probably, I think after removing a fairly large coaster(for valleyfair at least). They will add a invert to replace it, and instead of it going over the the main entrance it will go over the new water park entrance.
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FYI to those at the park today: Matt Ouimet is here today.


Did he bring anybody with him like Rob Decker? If he has Rob with him then maybe that is a sign that something will happen this year. Or it just could be his yearly visit that he does for all of the parks which is probably the case. Thanks for the info though. Since you work there and have access to behind the scene area's, how is the progress going on the new employee parking lot and road?

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