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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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  garyman6 said:
He also confirmed the grading plan submitted by the army corp of engineers for the back of the park. He said they are looking at what the can potentially do before they decide what to do. The permit has not been approved but they are seeing if the submitted plan is a possibility.


Sounds like this wasn't a slam dunk and they may have been told to go back to the drawing board. Hope that is not the case and they are still in the process of the initial proposal.

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Ok I just got home from soak city. I did a few rides on High Roller a couple on Wild Thing and Renegade before the soak city opens. I'm going to tell you like VF15 said the force is like the third launch of steel venom goes 3-2-1 launch then they drop you. I was really nervous once I got dropped down I had water splashing in my face had a hard time seeing lol felt like a long slide then when I got to the bottom I got up I almost fell back down lol once I got off I got a terrible head ake I did what the lifeguards said cross your legs arms. My head ake didn't go away so I headed out once I started walking to my car my stomach started getting really upset when I was driving home ac on laid down then I threw up a lot force of the slide? Laid back down again took more Advil threw up once more I wasn't ready for it and someone here said there neck shoulder hurts? Right now I have a bad head ake stiff neck. Walking up the steps on a hot day is a challange. There fun but the force? I would bring some Advil going to lay down more the main lot was 3/3 full by noon getting full on a Tuesday with school field trips nice to see the park buys.

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Just a recap from earlier...but where exactly were the pavement markings by the amphitheater and the one's by panda express someone said they saw? I couldn't spot them the last time I was at the park. Was there any speculation on those?

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Kinda hard to understand what happened due to grammar but here's my advice on riding the slides. Cross your arms like the lifeguards tell you to, and put your head against the back of the capsule and tense up your body to reduce the pain when impacting the splash down area. (make sure to plug your nose and close your eyes until you've cleared the initial drop). If you do that, you should have a somewhat enjoyable experience. I would have gone and talked to the lifeguards if you felt sick enough to the point of throwing up because I don't think that has happened yet on the slides. I've ridden the slides nearly 25 times and I hope my tips help.

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  valleyfairfanatic said:
Kinda hard to understand what happened due to grammar but here's my advice on riding the slides. Cross your arms like the lifeguards tell you to, and put your head against the back of the capsule and tense up your body to reduce the pain when impacting the splash down area. (make sure to plug your nose and close your eyes until you've cleared the initial drop). If you do that, you should have a somewhat enjoyable experience. I would have gone and talked to the lifeguards if you felt sick enough to the point of throwing up because I don't think that has happened yet on the slides. I've ridden the slides nearly 25 times and I hope my tips help.

Good advice, the only unpreventable thing is the back ache from the water friction but it isn't too bad. I have closed my eyes all of the 5 times i have ridden, but do you get splashed in the eyes if you open them?

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I know they aren't as transparent as they could be, do we know extended hours for season pass holders yet?? I know last year they claimed the water park opened an hour early for pass holders but I went there ten times and never actually witnessed the water park opening an hour early.

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I went back today and found where the dirt was, it was behind Midway games... Does that mean Mr. Cleavers is going? because I looked around and saw no possible way for people to enter behind or around Mr Cleavers. There was more construction starting in that area. If you want a close up look at the dirt, ride Mad Mouse.

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I'm guessing the heat had more to do with it than anything. I kept my eyes open the entire time and didn't have a problem. I think these slides are awesome! The intensity is insane and in my opinion they don't hurt much at all. One trick I used is when your sliding and especially at the splash down, keep just the heal of your foot that's on the bottom and your shoulder blades in contact with the slide. The water then builds up under your back and slows you down without much pain. Bottom line, we asked for more intense rides and Valleyfair delivered!

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One other thing soak city could expand on is adding a large seating area with blue matts recliners I tried walking around find a open one but they were all full by noon on a hot day I have seen the water park at capacity maybe with the rumor Excalibur leaving new parking lot add a very large seating area with blue matts recliners umbrellas to shade from the sun if because your going to need more blue matts recliners seating area if your going to make a bigger larger water park.

Edited by ACES
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At the park yesterday, saw some survey flags out between Excalibur and Thunder Canyon. Also, saw some next to a drainage ditch coming into the park on the path behind High Roller where the proposed new employee lot would go.

On an unrelated note, during the rain yesterday, I bought a poncho at the park. When I went on Wild Thing, the poncho kept slapping the guy behind me in the face. On the on-ride picture, my poncho was blocking his face. He bought the picture. Same thing happened on High Roller.

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  garyman6 said:

Then maybe the most telling news. I mentioned to him that these plans have a ton of people very excited and a lot of speculation is going on. I ask a pretty direct question. I ask if he could tell me what are chances were of getting a new coaster, such as a b&m invert, in the next two years. He laughed, thought carefully about his answer then said that he could not give me an answer.He followed that up by looking around and then said you'll know we are within two years when you see footings going in. We were standing in the shaded area next to breakers plunge.

that's what i know!


So that pretty much confirms that we won't get one next year :/ not that it would've really made sense to do all of those renovations AND put in a new coaster in the same year, but I was feeling optimistic.

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I wouldn't give up hope yet. Remember he did not want to give a percentage of a new coaster in the next two years and then said that when you see footings we are "within" two years. My original questions was two years out. His saying within two years could still very well be next season. We will see soon enough! Keep your eyes open for anything out of place or suspicious. I'm hoping that they will put out some teasers. I still have not heard back from Matt McCormick about a coaster craze event. Perhaps they are waiting until they have an announcement. He did say they were working on something. Hmmmmm?

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  garyman6 said:
I wouldn't give up hope yet. Remember he did not want to give a percentage of a new coaster in the next two years and then said that when you see footings we are "within" two years. My original questions was two years out. His saying within two years could still very well be next season. We will see soon enough! Keep your eyes open for anything out of place or suspicious. I'm hoping that they will put out some teasers. I still have not heard back from Matt McCormick about a coaster craze event. Perhaps they are waiting until they have an announcement. He did say they were working on something. Hmmmmm?

Thanks for the hope, but 2017 is my bet.

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I know you can't wear t shirts on the new slides but can you wear swim goggles with straps for your eyes and nose plugs better ride? I'm going to give it a second chance.

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I simply don't see one happening next year. Where would it go?

The Dinos aren't leaving yet.

If it was going in the new area in back we'd see something juicy looking in the permit application.

For all our creative ideas, I don't see them squeezing it in an around existing attractions.


Just the Wetland Credits they need to buy are going to be spendy. They need to buy 9 acres of credits, that the going rate seems to be $20,000-$40,000 per credit. Not that they don't have that kind of money, just pointing out they have to spend it before they can even bring in the bulldozers.

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Valleyfair already owns the wetlands they just need to get the permits finally approved according to captain unknowns post they already have orange small survey flags down by the drain were thunder canyon and over by Excalibur and high roller were the new employee parking lot is supposed to be I'm thinking there going to have to get the permits approved if there's already markings don't markings mean something maybe this is a early start. I'm going to take a look this weekend. If the markings are up will they stay up all summer and can we be expecting annoucement? Survey markings kind of gets me excited because something is coming?

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I'm still predicting that 2016 will not bring a new coaster because the planned new parking lots plus a new coaster seems like too much to expect in one year. Right now, I think these are the most likely possibilities for 2016:


1) Second phase of the waterpark expansion.

2) 40th anniversary celebration with small new flats.

3) Large thrilling flat ride.

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  APunx176 said:
^^ That is true.


I'm sure this was discussed a while ago but what was the reason for taking out chaos a couple of years back? I loved that ride


It was due to maintenance issues, same thing with one at CP. At the end of it's run the ride was down about as much time as it was up and running. People really liked the ride, it was just too much work and money to keep it running.

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  RCjunkie said:
  APunx176 said:
^^ That is true.


I'm sure this was discussed a while ago but what was the reason for taking out chaos a couple of years back? I loved that ride


It was due to maintenance issues, same thing with one at CP. At the end of it's run the ride was down about as much time as it was up and running. People really liked the ride, it was just too much work and money to keep it running.


There was that accident at Michigan's Adventure too where the entire wheel basically slipped on the spindle. Cedar Fair got rid of all of theirs and other parks are doing likewise.

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