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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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I think some people are disappointed because of the false rumors that were passed along saying that this would be a huge and complete overhaul of the waterpark. I also think this is probably just phase 1, i'm sure over the next few years we will see a phase 2 that will provide an update to the old section of the waterpark.

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  TacticalToots said:
Just out of curiosity, has anyone been to a park with a tube slide like raging rapids? It's one of my favorites and I haven't seen one at another park.


I do like it a lot. Noah's Ark had them years ago but they were removed in favor of Black Anaconda. I'm guessing that they're out of favor because they have low capacity and require a lot of staffing.

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  madsecar said:
I feel like everyone is just giving up on Valleyfair. Like just because we didn't get a huge expansion, people are automatically inferring that this means we won't be getting growth or a B&M. It makes me kinda sad.


Well don't count me as one of those people. A big expansion will eventually happen, this is a great park that can successfully grow. Time will deliver. I am super excited to see an expansion to the water park! That is big for me!:)

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  Diamondbacker27 said:
  Mdcastle said:
  Ed Farmer said:


Hilarious how most of the people in this concept art are pointing at something.


None of them are wearing swimming suits either...


Well, the ones in the pool are, but why go to a water park in normal clothes?


Not trying to be racist, but maybe they're expecting a lot of those Hispanics who wear full clothes to water parks.

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  wbprecision said:
I think some people are disappointed because of the false rumors that were passed along saying that this would be a huge and complete overhaul of the waterpark. I also think this is probably just phase 1, i'm sure over the next few years we will see a phase 2 that will provide an update to the old section of the waterpark.

Exactly what I said a few pages ago. I really don't think that Soak City will undergo another period where it will be neglected for a long time. Of course, now that some additions have been given to the waterpark, a new coaster should now be VF's biggest priority, but in about 2-3 years, I think we'll hear about another waterpark expansion.

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I think people are highly underestimating how tall, fast, and thrilling these 6 slides will be..this expansion is perfect for now in my opinion..the water park was basically a bunch of low-thrill, family slides with a mild wave pool..it needed some thrilling slides in its line-up..and the added seating within the play area, along with 6 new slides, will help with crowd control in the water park..


Hate to break everybody's hearts, but Valleyfair will never be the park to receive any eye-opening attractions..Cedar Fair is not going to pour money into ground-breaking additions for one of it's smaller parks..we are going to get solid, medium-sized coasters like we have in the recent past (Steel Venom, Renegade)..


I used to be a part of a bunch of coaster forums 10+ years ago..they were complaining about not having a B&M then..your complaining about not having a B&M now..and 10+ years from now I would not be surprised if everyone is complaining about the exact same thing..


That is all from me..everyone can continue to their lack of a "real" looping coaster and inverted B&M rants..see you in another 10 years..

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I think there is definitely a good chance for Valleyfair to get a B&M. I worked at Valleyfair for 4 years in the mid 2000s, and Valleyfair was VERY close to getting a B&M invert instead of Renegade. I saw the actual designs for the B&M invert we were supposed to receive, it was supposed to go in the location of where Antique Autos were (current Dinos Alive), and the layout was very similar to what Talon is at Dorney Park. There were multiple very detailed designs that I got to see of it. A friend of mine who worked in park services found them in the trash. I am not sure what caused the change in plans but it was definitely something that was planned for the 2007 season at one point!

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  Skol69 said:
I think people are highly underestimating how tall, fast, and thrilling these 6 slides will be..this expansion is perfect for now in my opinion..the water park was basically a bunch of low-thrill, family slides with a mild wave pool..it needed some thrilling slides in its line-up..and the added seating within the play area, along with 6 new slides, will help with crowd control in the water park..


Hate to break everybody's hearts, but Valleyfair will never be the park to receive any eye-opening attractions..Cedar Fair is not going to pour money into ground-breaking additions for one of it's smaller parks..we are going to get solid, medium-sized coasters like we have in the recent past (Steel Venom, Renegade)..


I used to be a part of a bunch of coaster forums 10+ years ago..they were complaining about not having a B&M then..your complaining about not having a B&M now..and 10+ years from now I would not be surprised if everyone is complaining about the exact same thing..


That is all from me..everyone can continue to their lack of a "real" looping coaster and inverted B&M rants..see you in another 10 years..

I've accepted the fact that Valleyfair will never be the park that receives a Millenium Force or a Gatekeeper or a Fury 325, but I don't see why a small B&M is completely impossible. WOF is a similarly-sized park, and they have a small B&M invert (Patriot). Plus, I remember reading that Valleyfair had plans in the early-2000s to build a B&M invert, but they got cancelled. Maybe you are right, maybe Valleyfair will never get a B&M, but I'll just remain hopeful for one in the meantime.

  grsupercity said:
I still think a modern custom SLC with the new trains and the vest style otsr's would be great at VF. There thrilling, and a lot cheaper then a B&M invert.


No thank you. I've heard that the newer SLCs still aren't that great. Plus, Cedar Fair doesn't buy stuff from Vekoma. The last time they bought a Vekoma was 14 years ago, and I don't see why they would suddenly start doing business with them again.

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I'm honestly happy with the new additions, overall the amount of slides at soak city have doubled with this expansion. As for the trap-door slides, I'm glad we got these, I've been on ones at the Kalahari, Wilderness resort, SFGAm, and I've never had a bad experience on one. For the twisty thrill slide, okay with me. And finally the plunge slides similar to panic falls, my only reject is that I hope its not as rough as other plunge slides I've been on (example: Leap of Faith at Atlantis)

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  Skol69 said:
That is all from me..everyone can continue to their lack of a "real" looping coaster and inverted B&M rants..see you in another 10 years..


Hopefully you can keep your promise, see you in ten. Wild Thing is a medium sized coaster? While not probable it is totally possible CF will make another investment that large 20 years later in 2016 or beyond.

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  wbprecision said:
I am not sure what caused the change in plans but it was definitely something that was planned for the 2007 season at one point!


I have heard the same from other people who have worked at the park and now you who also worked in the park echoes the same thing. Thanks for sharing. The reason I have heard is that when CF bought the Paramount parks in 2006 they curtailed some expansion plans at parks to save money to cover the debt of the purchase and why VF got Renegade instead of a B&M. Luckily VF got Renegade, even if it is cheaper it is still one rock solid ride.

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This is a bit off-topic, and it may have been discussed before, but who else would want to see a B&M floorless coaster come to Valleyfair? I don't think it is impossible for us to get one because a smaller one could fall into the $12-15 million neighborhood. It would satisfy VF's need for a modern steel looper, and it would give us something unique because there are no other B&M floorless coasters in the Midwest (although that could change if CP converts Mantis). Kraken is my current favorite steel coaster, so one here would make me happy. Although, it would definitely be more like Hydra than Kraken. Even though 2005 was the last time CF bought a floorless coaster, CF did suddenly bring back the invert after 8 years, so that could be the case here too. Plus, I heard rumors somewhere that Hydra was supposed to come to VF, but for some reason, it went to Dorney instead. So, thoughts?


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  Lightning9SX said:
I don't really care who makes it or if the train is above or below the track. The park needs a QUALITY looper.


I agree. There are alot companies that make good coasters. I know B&M fanboys are gonna boo me, but there are OTHER companies that make as good if not better roller coasters, and alot of the times less expensive!

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  BurgoAndM said:
People may question me too but, I really lean everyday towards a Mack Rides launch coaster. I said this a bunch of pages back but I just wanted to restate it.

I too would be happy with a Mack launched coaster too, as long as it has inversions, because I've heard great things about Blue Fire and Helix, but I looked up the costs of those coaster, and Blue Fire & Helix cost $25.3 million and $36 million respectively. I couldn't find a cost for Manta (SWSD), but that was apparently pretty expensive too. Unfortunately, dreaming for a coaster that expensive at Valleyfair is delusional. At that point, a small B&M invert or floorless would be significantly more likely.


  Mdcastle said:
What about a Vekoma Flying Dutchman?

It's my understanding that they are one of Vekoma's better models, but I don't think they produce them anymore.

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^ They still make them. One was made in China last year. Just not a lot of parks buying them anymore. I think flying coasters were a trend. B&M hasnt been selling lots of them either. All the NEWER product vekomas have came a long way. There new motorbike coasters rock! Battle star Galatica looks very nice. 4 abreast seating like B&M. Once there new products start hitting us shores, i think alot of people will be shocked. Its not boomerangs and old school SLC;s anymore

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  madsecar said:
So I may be going to the Park today, I was just wondering, is it usually busy on Saturdays right before HAUNT?

The two weekends before Haunt are generally quiet, so crowds shouldn't be an issue today. If you do wait for anything, it shouldn't be any longer than 15-20 minutes.

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