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I finally gave up on the PSP


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Yeah, at first I thought the PSP was going to be something that I will use as often as my iPod or my cell phone, but for the 7 months I've had it, I have not played on it for 1 hr. I saw my friend playing the DS on a school trip, and I asked if I could play. To me it was WAY more fun than the PSP.


P.S. Have any of you played the Sims on PSP, to me that game was horrible, I thought it would be like the game on PC, but I was wrong

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I prefer the DS to the PSP but I think they provide 2 different gaming experiences. DS is good for unique and different type of games for a quick gaming fix like 10 - 15 minutes. PSP seems to be better for more in depth gaming like a console type games. Grand Theft Auto for the PSP alone made getting the PSP worth it for me.


As for the N-Gage, all jokes aside, I seriously was going to get the system. EB had the system down to $19.99 and all games for $2.99 so for under $60, I could have gotten a system and 10 games. Problem was, I went to about 6 EB's and none had the system and said they hadn't carried it in years

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I have been a Sony Fan for basically my whole life but now I think it comes to switching my way of life. Sony has let me down with their terrible service and TV's to the PSP and other systems. They are the worst for setting guidelines and not meeting them more than 6 months later. They say that they would have GPS for the PSP in July and guess what, has there been any sight of it so far NOOO.


My next system if I am still into games because I rarely play video games anymore would be the Wii.

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Can you make DS for a left hander? Or is it only made for right handers?


The only portable system that is able to be used by both right and left handers is the Atari Lynx, you pushed two buttons and the image on the screen flipped over



Phishey, Neo Geo released the Pocket Color a while ago, but it has some awesome games


Oh Look!!!! Samuri Showdown


Neo Geo Pocket Color, about as good graphically as a GBA


The only portable ambidextrous video game system

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Well, just thinking of one game off hand, Animal Crossing is totally playable with using your left hand holding the Stylus. you can do almost everything with the stylus, and play without using the d-pad at all, actually I can see an advantage to it



I'm not sure if there is any way to change the control layout for any other games, but the Lynx is the only TRUE ambidextrous portable game system, that doesn't mean you can't play some games on the DS.

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^ Then I won't be buying a DS anytime soon. If I can't use the stylus with my left hand then I'll get to frustrated and won't play at all.


A lot of games on the DS have options to alter how it's played. If they utilize the D-pad, you can mirror the controls, where the X,Y,B,A are the "D=pad" and vice versa. Besides, like Crispy said, most games don't even use the D-pad exclusively. Instead, you can control everything using your stylus.


Meteos is by FAR my favorite game on the DS and that doesn't even respond to the buttons, LOL.

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Honestly, I have been feeling this way for a while now about the PSP. I was let down HORRIBLY by Katamari, I barely watch movies on it, I dont use it for any of its other functions (I have an mp3 player, and its way less bulky), good games are few and far between, and those games that are good are SHORT.... The only thing Ive been playing the past month is Midway Arcade Treasures, and its only so i can get a few battles in on MKII with a friend of mine. And that doesnt happen too often anymore.


I just recently got a new laptop, and I have been introduced to City of Heroes... Ive never been so addicted to a game in my life. It has completely crushed my desire to play my PSP all together.

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The PS3 will make the PSP interesting again.


Good point. I like how they have shown the usage of the PSP for the PS3 at E3 this year. Like hooking it up to the PS3 and having it show the rear view of your car in racing games and storing/selecting your inventory on other games. That is a very cool function. I'm interested to see where else the PSP will provide assistance in PS3 games.


The PSP can become a very good functional tool to assist PS3 games if they do this right. They better be thinking of a lot of extra stuff to do for that system if they expect people to pay $600 for it.

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^^The only thing that comes to mind is 3 things.


1. Nintendo did this already before with the Transfer Pak for the N64. The only games I recall were some Mickey Mouse racing game and teh Pokemon Stadium games.


2. Nintendo attempted again with the GCN/GBA link thing. Not as popular...


3. Famous Kaz Hirai quote #1, "Its Ridge Racer... RIIIIIIIIIIDGE RACER!!!!1"

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^ Then I won't be buying a DS anytime soon. If I can't use the stylus with my left hand then I'll get to frustrated and won't play at all.


A lot of games on the DS have options to alter how it's played. If they utilize the D-pad, you can mirror the controls, where the X,Y,B,A are the "D=pad" and vice versa. Besides, like Crispy said, most games don't even use the D-pad exclusively. Instead, you can control everything using your stylus.


Meteos is by FAR my favorite game on the DS and that doesn't even respond to the buttons, LOL.



Oooo thats what I was thinking you could do. I thought there was a reason why they positioned the ABCD buttons like that instead of at an angle like other game boys.


Thanks bro!

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The PS3 will make the PSP interesting again.


Good point. I like how they have shown the usage of the PSP for the PS3 at E3 this year. Like hooking it up to the PS3 and having it show the rear view of your car in racing games and storing/selecting your inventory on other games. That is a very cool function. I'm interested to see where else the PSP will provide assistance in PS3 games.


The PSP can become a very good functional tool to assist PS3 games if they do this right. They better be thinking of a lot of extra stuff to do for that system if they expect people to pay $600 for it.


I'm also pretty sure that you will be able to play your PSP games on the TV through the PS3.

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Wouldn't that look pretty crappy though? The graphics would be highly distorted if they were enlarged to TV screen size much like the distortaion you see on various G4 shows that blow up the PSP images to review a game.


It's not like the PS3 would enhance the graphics either since all the graphics/information are on the disc itself and cant be altered more than whats already there.

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Most likely.


I don't think it would look as bad as just blowing up the the PSP screen. There isnt any way to ouput the video from the PSP through the usb, so the PS3 would be taking all the info from the disc and rendering everything, so they could apply some AA and whatnot to make it look a little better. Textures wont look so great though.

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And I actually considered getting one, glad I didn't.


Sony may have whored up all of the third party with the PS2, but the PSP only has a good Burnout game and a GTA game thats been ported to the PS2.


The DS? Endless possiblities... that and it has Diddy Kong Racing coming out for it. A port? Yes... but DKR was by far one of the few cartoony racers to beat Mario Kart.


Flippin Sweet!! Diddy Kong racing is back! My favorite game of all time!!

I also do thhink the DS is better than the PSP. It has a great lineup of games for the holiday season, and the lite is pretty sweet. I was about to buy a PSP but I then realized how I dont like the feel of the PSP and since there will be no more movies coming out for it I wont be buying it at all now.

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