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Name chosen for new BGE coaster?

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I think it's a cool name, and if the coaster is anywhere near as good and well themed as Sheikra, I am all for it!


I am hoping for a splash down finale possibly in the river or a man made lagoon (ie Sheikra). I was just at BGA yesterday, and the splash effect along with the hot temps made for some very happy guests.


It is such a simple concept, but it really involves those people who would not otherwise have any interaction with the coaster, such as small children or guests who just do not want to ride Sheikra.

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I guess they'll finally be able to update their shirts and say "Fear the Five" instead of four now. lol


AC isn't terrible, but it's not one of my favorite coaster names either.


It sounds like a video game or something.


Actually, they did sell a Fear the Five shirt back in 1998 before Drachen Fire closed and they got ride of Wild Izzy/Wild Maus. The five were:


Loch Ness Monster

Big Bad Wolf

Drachen Fire


Wild Maus

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Speaking of Busch Gardens, is there a reason why the kiddie lands do not have rides?


Land of the Dragons at BGE has a few kiddie rides (including a small ferris wheel and a teeny flume with dragon boats). But it is largely a playground.

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I remember going on Land Of The Dragon's kiddy flume the year the whole area opened, but you're right, they don't have much for little kids but there's plenty of family stuff to make up for it.


They ought to take some from my local six flags, we have way too many taking up so much land.

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New for 2010!


Flight of Icarus (B&M Flyer)


// quote]

Lol. I actually thought that would be a good name for a Mt. Olympus coaster. They would never spend that much money though.


Anyways, this name should fit perfectly.

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Official File Trademark link: http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=3rsh92.2.1


This link was posted on an earlier BGE forum, but I will post it again. If you notice on the list, several of the names already exist within current ride names (and many that people think highly of).


For example:

Hydra/Tatsu/Loch Ness were all chosen within the similar genre. The BGE ride name is 'ok' and unique, but I sort-of stated (on another forum and this site) that the following would have really suited the ride:

1. Gryphon (perhaps another way of saying Griffon)

2. Manticore

3. The Gargouille (My personal choice and what I recommended based on this) quote/description:


a dragon which rose from the waters of the Seine, the river in France. It spouted a tremendous blast of water from its mouth which flooded the countryside. It was called Gargouille or "gargler". The sign of the cross subdued it, and the people of France erected statues of the creature on the buildings to instill fear. The statues are known as gargoyles.


It even gives a description of a "blast of water from its mouth"; therefore, describing a possible "splash-down" effect for the ride-similar to Shiekra's concept. Either way we look at it, love or hate the name, I believe the attention to detail and the ride will far surpass Shiekra's version and some people may be suprised by the design/layout and the fact that BGE will no-doubt use the terrain to its FULL advantage (as in most cases).


Link: http://www.greyglass.com/dragontypes.html#d16


Also, BGE's website posted its teaser sign on its homepage, but about 4-5 days ago, they added: Immense Strength to its current fortay.




**Someone can double-check on this one, but I believe Griffon is a 1/2 bird/lion creature. If Chuck (CFC) or any other BGE passholder can confirm this as well, but there was a statue around Alpengeist and another one in France section that both have the lion-bird type of creature?

A few of my other friends and current workers have noticed this as well (and it has changed locations from time to time)-so I'm curious if the marketing departments/management is giving subtle hints to the ride...hmm I noticed it around mid-June around Alpengeist, but never really bothered to give it much thought except for the fact that it appeared to be out of place for theming.

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^A Griffin has the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion. As for the statues, I vaguely remember them. Sorry for not being more help.



Edit: The Griffin is also the creature in Corkscrew Hill that picks you up and drops you.

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I'm not sure how kids' rides came up but I will throw in my two cents. My two kids love Land of the Dragons but are a little too old for the rides (since they can ride Big Bad Wolf now, everything else is too wimpy). But you would be surprised what kids like and what will keep them occupied. BGE (IMO) has a perfect set up for families with rides spread out and not just in one themed area.


I personally love "Griffon" which BTW is also a vulture in France. So, the name could go either way. If it is the mythological beast, it will be a great addition and goes well with the other coasters. Busch does pick good names and there is nothing wrong with "Apollo's Chariot" since the ride IS the chariot and not Apollo or Phatheon themselves. Montu, Alpengeist, and Shiekra are my favorites, but Griffon will soon join (once confirmed). I think its great.

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I actually really like that name. Just seeing it next to the posted image makes me hope great things from the ride.


...beats the hell out of Maverick.




Hey Maverick beats Humdinger. People actually thought they were gonna name Stealth that!?!?!?!

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Great name choice.


What makes it so good in my mind is that it ties in with the "New France" area more than most people would probably realize. Griffon was also the name of Rene Robert Cavelier's ship as he explored the Great Lakes and established forts for the French... in an area also known as "New France". Of course the bird tie-in is cool too, but I think this may have been the "clincher" in selecting the name Griffon.


// history dork

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I think the next set of clues is that statue(s) floating around the park. A friend from another forum-site took a photo of it around the Alpengeist area and now he visited the park today and it was at another location-along Trappers Smokehouseand not at Alpengeist. I wonder if marketing department is sending clues in moving the statue around.

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On your mark.....get set.....


BGE has announced that AUGUST 23, 2006 will be the official day for announcing of is new attraction for the 2007 Season. This will also coincide with the Jamestown 400th Anniversary. [/b]

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Any hints on what it's going to be? There's a little voice in my head that's screaming B&M Flyer, but I can hear "Dive Machine" in there too. I suppose we'll have to wait for the 23rd to find out for sure...

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but the sky lift thingy might get in the way, and they don't have that much room to work with . The name is ok i guess, but lets hope they put in one freaking sweet coaster. Im gonna try to look for as much info and construction updates as posible before my "fun-pass" runs out.



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