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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I'd bet that support has a lot of movement on it, contributing to the roughness in that part of the ride. Something new trains can't fix.


What could they do to the support, or that section of the ride to change that?


They could possibly add some bracing supports on it. I'm no engineering expert or anything, so I don't know if that would help, but a couple poles welded in here and there might do the job, or it might not.

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I took a day off of job hunting and got plenty of miles' worth of walking today. By a coincidence, it happened to be at SFMM. Who'da guessed?


When I arrived about 10am, they were parking cars in the second part of the lot. The first section was deserted. But I found out that there was a special event later on after the park closed. Tonight, it was 6pm.


There were a bunch of high school kids there for Physics Day, but I stayed anyway. All I rode was Tatsu, Scream!, Colossus, Goliath, and Ninja. Riddler was closed, and Deja Vu was open, but closed when I went over there. According to the guys there, it would be open in 45 minutes; didn't want to wait.


Just after coming down from the Sky Tower with TPR member TATSUFAN and his brother, I ran into Jay Thomas, who was picking up trash with one of those claw thingies. Neal Thurman was with him and we talked to him for a bit.


Apparently, someone tagged the ACE plaque honoring Revolution. That was one thing that Jay and Neal were alerted to.


Lunch was at Johnny Rockets, did some more walking around, then headed for home. It was very nice out there, weatherwise and overall a nice break.



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I did get it back, but I figured if I brought it there again, I might lose it again! That would be my luck!


And another thing: Superman was running both sides today. I don't know if they did at the same time (didn't ride it), but I saw cars going up the tower on both tracks, sort of intermittently.



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Wow, the whole tagging thing is really ridiculous, and on Revolution's honorable plate? If they even knew what that landmark status meant, and still means today in history. That just shows a total disrespect for the park. I hope that certain areas could recieve more security cameras, especially ones that hold specific "landmark status" qualities. I almost feel offended as a coaster lover and enthusiast just to hear that type of crap going on.

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^The "landmark status" was granted by ACE. That should say enough. It's meaningless. In fact, IIRC, the plaque has had the tagging on there for a few years.

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I'll bet that many honorary type plaques are tagged on a regular basis, be it at historical sites or wherever. Regardless, it gets old.


I'm not sure why that particular segment of our population has such a need to put their names on public property.



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I think tagging relates to "owning" something. Much like graffiti, many say it's a form of art. Well sorry, but ruining private, even public property is not legal, nor wanted. Then it also ties into gang affiliation, but I don't want to go off topic now.


So I miss seeing updates from people. Nobody's done a PTR in a while, or so it seems. I guess I'm just used to seeing them every weekend.


By the way: Riddler's 10th birthday was yesterday!

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^And do you know how Riddler celebrated it!?!?


Anyway, I think that you won't see many reports until X2 opens. Really right now every visit is more of the same. Cleaner nicer park with a few small problems each visit.

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Hee hee, riddler spend it stuck on the lift hill. It's still there yesterday. Whee!


Park is lots of fun again. It's looking pretty cleaned up with new plants and stuff. I think they need to work on major things now. Valencia falls will look nice again I hope. Doing something with the Spillikin Ghetto area would be nice too, even just replacing the bay theming that's rotting away would show some care.


Gotham looks great though, I mean for a burned out warehouse district theme that is, at least it's freshly painted burned out warehouse theme.


Although now that it's summer I think they'll just sit on those things until september.


And why is TATSU misbehaving! It's down for so long lately.

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There's one thing no one has done, despite many chances at WCB. That being a full video of an X2 test run. A newer one would be especially nice since the kinks have been worked out, allegedly.

Working on it! I've been talking with the guys over at Magic and as soon as they get back to testing more often I'm going to get some video of a test run.


From what I've heard it really hasn't been testing much lately since it was a very busy Spring Break season for them. I would assume they will get back to testing very soon.



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Sorry to go a little off topic here, but I actually visited the park for my first time yesterday with my family! We really enjoyed ourselves, and even my parents (who don't ride coasters) loved the park! Thats a very good sign. The park was very clean, I didn't see litter anywhere! The rides, from what I saw, were running great, and the employees were very helpful, one of them was even nice enough to walk us up to Ninja when we got lost! We were very satisfied with our trip and will be returning sometime in the fall or next spring. The only thing that I thought I might point out that was negative was that people were smoking while we were in Tatsu and Batman's queue. I don't know if thats allowed or not, but I think that might make some people uncomfortable. Overall, we had an amazing day, and I want to thank everyone at Six Flags for a memorable experience!

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^ No, smoking is only allowed in the designated areas of the park. But people do smoke wherever they like, unfortunately.


Disneyland/DCA is like that, too. Not sure if Knott's is, though.



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Wow, I was just looking online that if you have a unprocessed season pass from last year you can upgrade it to a 2008 season pass for a fee. Well I called them and asked them what the fee is and they told me 35 dollars, does anyone think that this would be negotiable especially since i have been a season pass holder for the last 13 years? I guess im just mad at myself for not goin last year! lol

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$35? That sort of sucks. IMO, it should just be the difference in the price. It doesn't seem like there would be any actual cost to the park...


Anyways...we did a lap of the park on Saturday, and I didn't see anything HORRIBLE like you would in previous years. The park still looked clean and it looked like all the coasters had 2 trains.


Plus the Soda Shack had Vault Icee!!! And the employee was really friendly.


Now the bad stuff...


-RRv was still down with the train on the lift.


-Sandblasters: Just from looking in at the queue from the midway, you could see it was trashed. Which I could totally understand if the ride op was locked in to position...but there was 3 employees at the console. One was a lead, one was operating the ride but not paying any attention to the ride, and I have no clue what the 3rd persons deal was.



-Soda Shack: the aforementioned friendly employee was in over his head. He said it was first day and they didn't train him at the location. He was out of water and pretzels. He said that he hadn't seen anyone in a few hours and that he was just hoping someone would come by to help him because he didn't know what to do.


-Sky Tower: This was always a huge peeve of mine when I worked at the park, so I felt it was worth mentioning...we saw 5 supervisors at Sky Tower. And a lead. Were they hanging out? Working? Training? I don't know. But it seemed pretty busy for 5 supervisors to be up there!!

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