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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I believe this has been the cause of most of Tatsu's downtime from day 1. Over/Undershoots are inconsistent so they're hard to fix, and Tatsu's trains have a lot going on with them. It's not really anything you can fix, I mean, unless you wanna replace an already working sensor with a brand new one.




Wow thats crazy, so it will just do this at random that sucks.

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It seems like Tatsu has been miss shooting the station a lot lately. When I was there, they had to shut down the ride because of a miss shoot about three or four times. I wonder if anything is wrong with it.


I believe this has been the cause of most of Tatsu's downtime from day 1. Over/Undershoots are inconsistent so they're hard to fix, and Tatsu's trains have a lot going on with them. It's not really anything you can fix, I mean, unless you wanna replace an already working sensor with a brand new one.


So it's a design flaw?

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It seems like Tatsu has been miss shooting the station a lot lately. When I was there, they had to shut down the ride because of a miss shoot about three or four times. I wonder if anything is wrong with it.


I believe this has been the cause of most of Tatsu's downtime from day 1. Over/Undershoots are inconsistent so they're hard to fix, and Tatsu's trains have a lot going on with them. It's not really anything you can fix, I mean, unless you wanna replace an already working sensor with a brand new one.


So it's a design flaw?




I wouldn't say that either.



Tatsu's downtime issues are complicated and multifaucted. You cant point your finger at one thing and say, "Hey, if we just change that, the we'll fix it." It is still a new ride, and as much as I would love to say that you can purchase a brand new mulit-million dollar toy and it will work instantly, it doesn't work that way. Rides traditionally get more reliable as they age, as the park learns new ways of troubleshooting problems. It's all a matter of putting out fires.


"Oh, we have a problem with heat in the station"


....then we install a brand new venting system to maintain a calmer temperature.


"Oh, we have a problem with one of the trains 224 sensors."


....then we fix that one and see if we can keep it from happening in the other 674 sensors between the three trains.




So it's with that thought that I can assure you that downtime will be reduced.



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Which is why its pretty much amazing all coasters have as much uptime as they do, especially the big ones that launch you at over 100 miles an hour. You don't see it happening, but there's a lot going on with computers and safety systems to shut the ride down if something isn't just right. As much as it sucks when you're standing in line, it's a good thing because it means the computer is doing its job properly.


Releasing the seats (to allow them to move from fly to sit) when it's in the station is a very important safety concern, so it's no wonder the train is very touchy/feely when it comes to clearing for seat release (It would not be pretty if the trains released from fly to sit while circuiting the track(but the chances of that happening are significantly low)). It's not like an invert, where all that happens is restraints release.


Is anything going on with Thomas Town? How about with X2, I guess there's not going to be any tunnles?


It seems like these attraction's developments have come to a halting stop. I mean, its now April 1st, you think they'd be running around the locations trying to get stuff done. Something fishy's going on...

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Thanks for all the updates. This topic was very useful in planning my spring break trip to all of the southern California parks.


After my trip I've been to about 80 parks and SFMM is definitely one of the best ones I've been to. I was expecting a park that just had a few good coasters, but I was completely wrong. Magic Mountain is probably the best SF park out of the one's I've been to (haven't been to SFEG or SFDK). I'll try to do a photo trip report in the next month.


I know I posted this a little off topic, but I figured that this is the topic that most of the Magic Mountain employees read and I wanted them to see this.


Keep up the improvements!!


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^Yah I was gonna say, do they not see the joke in that?


Anyhoo. Glad to see more minor improvements hopping along, although I too am concerned about the lack of progress on certain things.


I really would like to know what is still planned for X2, and what has been "thrown out" of the idea box.

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As far as the tunnels go I think that we won't have an answer either way until the ride opens. If the park is using the "tent" concept, there is a good chance that those tunnels could be installed rather quickly. If the ride is set to reopen memorial day weekend, that still gives them roughly two months to wrap it up.

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Hello all -


Along with the tunnels on X2, I would guess that it wont be happening. I've been watching the site recently and checking every so often and as of a few day's ago it only mentions about " a light experience that changes with every ride ". It no longer mentions anything what so ever about a tunnel. I don't know if this is new or old news to everybody, I'm just mentioning. Although i could be wrong, I don't believe we are going to see a tunnel on X2. But, who knows?


- Ves

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This coaster is so popular due to old videos and movies, but I know, it's a dud live.


Did the ride ever run 6 trains? There is a pic in Rollercoaster Fever! where you can see at least 5 trains on the coaster, I think.


Since they removed that double-dip (semi anyway) have they run 6 trains?


I would do anything for Great America to run 6 on American Eagle again. I think that stopped around '85 (please correct me!) and of course, only 4 of those Frankenstein/PTC trains are to be seen recently (lucky to get more than 2 running at a time!).


Both rides were once truly great coasters. I think they still could be. I had a couple incredible 'top 10' worthy rides on Eagle in the last couple years. But those are NOT the norm. It was when they had both sides, 2 trains per/racing, which is rare.


The steel I-beams (which some people still DENY exist) really helped out the Eagle.

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Believe it or not, when Colossus opened in 1978 and ran the IAD trains, they claimed that ten (!) trains could run on the ride. To my knowledge, they never ran that many.


Joey's right---only four trains (two per track) could run till they flattened the double-down and made it into a block brake. SFMM has run up to three trains per track, but I don't know if they ever had both sides up and running with a total of six trains.


Right now, I don't even think they have six full trains to run, as I know that at least one train is in pieces (and part of it is up in the Sky Tower Museum).



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I've never seen Colossus run both sides 3 trains. And I've been to a lot of Fright Fests...


Question about X2... Did they change the supports on the rotation before the break run?


I don't remember the supports there being quite that... Funky.


If you look at a picture on this side you can see that support sticking out like a sore thumb.


Apparently that section of track was designed after the coaster had already gone vertical, hence it's "last minute uh oh" look. You can see where they could have easily built supports on the support right behind it, but it was too late.


I'd bet that support has a lot of movement on it, contributing to the roughness in that part of the ride. Something new trains can't fix.

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I have seen both sides open and with 6 trains, but that was at fright fest, and I have ridden it when they where racing them, that was also at fright fest though.


IIRC, they only used two of the Psyclone trains during Fright Fest. How could they have ran 6 trains if one of them was always still online at Psyclone?

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