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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I guess I should say theres a video with good amounts of testing rather than just good video huh? You guys are right, the quality of the footage is very poor, especially for it being on the official website. But it is nice to see more footage of the trains making the circuit, regardless of quality and source, I guess lol. Oh and as far as the trains just crawling thru the circuit your right it is pretty slugish, and the reason is simply phyisics, less weight = less momentum energy, which in turn will make it seem more slugish around the peaks of the ride's elements. But that video was shot way back on the 7th, which was one of the first days it tested, so they may have adjusted the train to perform better.

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The video is the very first cycle of new X2 train. We did not have a ton of time to prepare for the video, or to contact Robb to come and film it for us. I had thought you might appreciate seeing the very first cycle of the train. We are already working with Robb to come and shoot both our 1st and 2nd train that has already taken a few test cycles to date.


Several weeks ago we contracted a professional to come shoot the commercial footage, which we will use in future commercials. We have scheduled that shoot to take place as we are nearing the end of the project.


As for the lockers…, come on guys, if I wanted to make money, I would charge you five dollars to store your belongings. We are not forcing anyone to use the lockers. We are doing our very best to make sure you do not enter the queue line with loose articles. My only intent here is to train riders to not bring anything into a line or onto a ride. My suggestion, don’t bring anything with you that you can’t secure in your pocket! It is that simple. If it was feasible, we would have these lockers at all of the rides. The sole purpose is to increase capacity! Sole purpose! Remember, Tatsu last summer consistently had 6 minute and 30 second dispatch times… Unacceptable! We have made vast strides to reduce this number and have been very successful to date.


You may ask about gifts and souvenirs, we have a “free” package pickup you can use to store the items you purchase. We have lockers you can access all day long for 17, 13, or 9 dollars depending on the size you want.


I am not looking to nickel and dime the guests. How much do you pay to access the internet at Cyber Café? How much does it cost to go to the Magic of the Mountain Museum at the Sky Tower? How much is Package Pickup again? That's right... all FREE!


I have no problem defending the value proposition here at our park. We are a phenomenal value and working hard each day to make it that much more enticing! I am just blown away that this continues to be a sore subject with many of you… especially after we have continued to deliver on so many improvements at the park this season.


Guys, I CARE so much about this park! Just as each of you do! If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be coming to this thread. But please, be patient! I can’t share many of our plans, but certainly… or hopefully, you can all see that we are heading in the right direction. We never claimed to be perfect! We did say we were working towards it!


Keep the Faith,




Jay Thomas

Park President

Six Flags Magic Mountain &

Hurricane Harbor

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I guess another way to look at this is to ask how much your stuff is worth. Is it worth a dollar to know you can ride and that your stuff not only will not fly off of the ride and be damaged or destroyed, but that someone won't walk off with it. How much would it cost you to replace something like a camera/camcorder, car keys, etc.?


At Tatsu, I've seen slow dispatches because people are over putting their stuff on the shelf, then getting on the train. (I'm guilty of that, too ) But as I said, I bring the bare essentials with me inside the park and leave the non-essentials out in the car.


My jacket has zippered pockets, so my phone and sunglasses won't go anywhere.



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My suggestion, don’t bring anything with you that you can’t secure in your pocket!


In California I can see going awhile in line without much hydration since it is usually very pleasant temperature wise there. In Texas, however, it is unbelievably hot in the summer. We can no longer carry our park refillable refreshment bottle past the entrance of the queue if we plan to ride. Furthermore, its of no use filling before riding any 'ride locker' ride since the ice is just going to melt away while it sits in the locker. If the locker were not at the very beginning of the queue, it wouldn't be as much of an issue, but standing in line with nothing to drink for sometimes over an hour can even be dangerous in the summer here.


Yeah, I know, we can just buy a water or soda and drink it before we get to the station but those ARE (unlike the lockers) terribly expensive and kind of negates the purpose for having a park refillable bottle in the first place.


This may not be that big of a concern for most but it is my main beef with the lockers, not the price. Of lesser concern is that it makes it harder for me to takes pictures or video of the rides from angles in the queue or in the station, but understandably, I doubt they care much about that.



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I am just blown away that this continues to be a sore subject with many of you… especially after we have continued to deliver on so many improvements at the park this season.

This is exactly why I keep reapeating my comment of "Why is this locker thing such a big deal?"


Thanks for posting Jay. And yes, I do hope to get out there soon to get you guys some really awesome X2 footage!



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I'm very glad to have read that post from Jay. The reason why the lockers cost money to begin with is to prevent 2 kids from renting every single locker just to be "funny". Sure, Universal's lockers are free. But the cost of the fingerprint-based system is so insane (as you'd know if you checked them out at IAAPA) that it isn't feasible for umpteen locations in the park. Seriously, we're talking grass-under-Scream expensive.


Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion, and every vote counts the same, but in the face of everything Jay's team has done to *improve* our experiences this year I'd feel a little silly arguing against lockers after his post.


That aside, I've e-mailed Jay and wanted to share with you something I thought truly defines the new Magic Mountain "culture". At the end of our visit at 6:15pm this Thursday, my wife noticed the Popcorn Wagon vendor across from Flags and the Cartoon Candy Kitchen (by the churros cart) was selling yellow cotton candy of all things. Of course, she wanted some but the attendant said he was "closed, sorry". I noticed a Supervisor named Charles (40's, heavyset, blk w/ grey hair) walk by and I explained the situation. He asked the attendant to go back into the wagon and re-open for us even though he had counted out his till. When Charles saw I only had a credit card, he purchased the cotton candy for my wife with money out of his own pocket! Understand, I didn't name drop Jay/Tim/Neal, whine, or complain. I simply asked the man for help and he happily offered it. After the fact I said I had Jay's card and I'd email him to say thank you. Charles said, "Oh, you know Jay Thomas? Well this is what he'd want me to do so I'm glad I did it." What a class act. Is this a new Magic Mountain or WHAT? The $4 are on their way back up there in a Thank You card.


It's experiences like this that actually make my heart hurt when I log on here to find comments over lockers that aren't even mandatory.


After 22 years of visiting this park (granted only about 5 of which I've smartened up to the operational aspects) I will definitely say I have never been prouder to be a season pass holder, nor have I ever looked more forward to visiting from San Diego as often as possible. THANK YOU to the whole team.



-Sam @ San Diego

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^ Very classy on that supervisor's part. I just hope that some of the "bottom elements" of our society don't catch on and take advantage.


I also hope that the attitude and dedication to service that Jay, Neal, and others have brought to SFMM will trickle down to the employees who interface with guests throughout the day. Maybe we'll see an end to the cell phone use, early closures of food/merchandise outlets, and so on.


Honestly, a good attitude on the part of park employees can inspire a better attitude from guests as well.



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What a class act. Is this a new Magic Mountain or WHAT? The $4 are on their way back up there in a Thank You card.


It's experiences like this that actually make my heart hurt when I log on here to find comments over lockers that aren't even mandatory.


After 22 years of visiting this park (granted only about 5 of which I've smartened up to the operational aspects) I will definitely say I have never been prouder to be a season pass holder, nor have I ever looked more forward to visiting from San Diego as often as possible. THANK YOU to the whole team.

I want to make sure that Jay/Tim/Neal read posts like this because underneath all the bitching and complaining we all may do, at the end of the day I think we all do appreciate the effort that is going on there.


I just want to make sure we voice that so the people who are staying there until wee hours of the morning trying to make the place better for all of us can see that.


For the record, I really think the locker issue has been beaten to death. I'm going to ask everyone that if you do feel the urge to post yet another locker related response to please ask yourself "Does my post add anything to the conversation that's not already been said?" If not, please try your best to refrain.


I'd really like to get this thread back on topic of discussing the park, not complaining about the lockers for 15 pages.


Thanks for your understanding.



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I guess people should look at the big picture in terms of improvements instead of petty nit picking. My visit last year in August was the first time this century I haven't walked away from SFMM feeling frustrated (I visit once a year, given I live on the other side of the Pacific), and I actually had a really good time.


I think everything is looking up at SFMM and I hope that translates into higher attendance and revenue for them. There is a fair amount of brand damage to turn around and it will be challenging, for example, SFMM has dropped off our aussie travel brochures like Qantas holidays for Los Angeles since 2001 while all the other socal parks stayed on.

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Getting back on topic eh?








I was talking to a few ride ops on Scream yesterday and they said they might put balloons on the lift, or at least celebrate in some way. If you have a chance, come by and give some love to Scream!

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Can't believe Scream has been in the park that long now, other then being the ultimate parking lot coaster, it still is a good ride. In my opinion just having park officials post anything on this site and give any kind of feedback says a lot to me. The people running the show now really do seem to care, it's not just an illusion. I had many times talked with Del Holland while I was running my site, and never did he seem as willing to help as does Jay Thomas.


The park has a long ways to go before it is running like we all know it can. The difference is now, for the first time in a long time, the park is moving towards what we all know it can be. I can't wait to see this park in 5 years, and see how it's running!

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I have faith, man. I worked at the rat factory during my college years (with Robb before he became a famous celebrity!). I was not only blown away by the progress that the park has made WCB but also the great management team. I hope that you continue to get support from headquarters to keep the momentum and can't wait to see what happens in '09.


There are fifteen pages of venting about the lockers because it really strikes a nerve with many people. When I first experienced mandatory lockers at Universal Hollywood on the Mummy I was angry until I realized it was free. It's not logical, just human nature.


The average day guest to SFMM probably pays about $40 and goes on about 10 rides during a visit. In essence they are paying $4 per ride. If you let people into the park for free and charged $4 per ride then park attendance would plummet. Why? The end result is the same either way. The difference is *perceived* value rather than *actual* value.


The perception that the lockers are a ripoff is going to be an ongoing problem and will need to be solved through ingenuity or education. Your customers don't intuitively know that the driving force behind the lockers is to make lines move more quickly.


The park doesn't offer free package pick-up out of kindess. The unstated reason it's offered is to sell more merchandise! It's still a great service because it increases customer satisfaction.


Season pass holders are heavy-users who should know better than to lug loose articles around the park. If only there were a way to give day guests two or three free locker uses with a paid one-day admission...


...but *please* don't rip out any more flat rides. I know capacity is an important issue, but a lot of the rides that give Disneyland its atmosphere have a low capacity like canoes, Dumbo and the Main Street vehicles.


Keep on groovin' and keep on doin' it right.


Viva la revolucion!


As for the lockers…, come on guys, if I wanted to make money, I would charge you five dollars to store your belongings. We are not forcing anyone to use the lockers. We are doing our very best to make sure you do not enter the queue line with loose articles. My only intent here is to train riders to not bring anything into a line or onto a ride. My suggestion, don’t bring anything with you that you can’t secure in your pocket! It is that simple. If it was feasible, we would have these lockers at all of the rides. The sole purpose is to increase capacity! Sole purpose! Remember, Tatsu last summer consistently had 6 minute and 30 second dispatch times… Unacceptable! We have made vast strides to reduce this number and have been very successful to date.


You may ask about gifts and souvenirs, we have a “free” package pickup you can use to store the items you purchase. We have lockers you can access all day long for 17, 13, or 9 dollars depending on the size you want.


I am not looking to nickel and dime the guests. How much do you pay to access the internet at Cyber Café? How much does it cost to go to the Magic of the Mountain Museum at the Sky Tower? How much is Package Pickup again? That's right... all FREE!


I have no problem defending the value proposition here at our park. We are a phenomenal value and working hard each day to make it that much more enticing! I am just blown away that this continues to be a sore subject with many of you… especially after we have continued to deliver on so many improvements at the park this season.


Guys, I CARE so much about this park! Just as each of you do! If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be coming to this thread. But please, be patient! I can’t share many of our plans, but certainly… or hopefully, you can all see that we are heading in the right direction. We never claimed to be perfect! We did say we were working towards it!


Keep the Faith,




Jay Thomas

Park President

Six Flags Magic Mountain &

Hurricane Harbor

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I am just amazed that Jay Thomas even would post here. It just shows you how dedicated he is in turning the park around. There are a couple of thousand people on here vs 2.6+million people visiting the park each year(hopefully more in the future)


That he is even responding to some trolls who wine about $1 lockers is absolutely amazing and shows that he not only cares, but that he wants everyone to be proud of the park again


I was one of these kids in the early 90's that was running around from coaster to coaster at the park. Now that i am getting older i really start to appreciate the beauty of the park itself, heck sometimes i just go there to chill, have some food and stroll around without even going on any rides(ok, Tatsu i have to,lol)


To make a long story short, i think Magic Mountain is one of the most stunning looking parks in this country, if not even the world. So for them to take time to fix little things that an average parkgoer might not recognize is exiting in my book at least


I for one am proud to call this my homepark and cant wait to see what is going to be in store for us in the years to come


Just hope that the upper Six Flags Management is dedicated to the 5 year plan and not going to stop the $ for a little tlc that this park so greatly deserves

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Funny, back when it was rumored the park might be sold there were people wanting it to be paved and saying it was a terrible park that would never recover and now look, all the improvements, people reporting good experiences and positive things happenening and how MM has really turned around and how great it is that someone like Jay Thomas who really seems to care is in MM's corner. So happy to see it . For all those that said this park was worthless and wouldn't last all I have to say is....in your face!

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To help get back on the track of focusing on this year's updates (and to take advantage of Jay reading this forum) I wanted to say thanks for the improvements I've seen so far this year. These changes have genuinely made a difference to me, and hopefully to you guys. Feel free to add to this list if you guys and gals have enjoyed some other aspect I've missed. This team is working hard for our benefit; let's show a little love!


THANKS for operating at least 2 trains park-wide the past several weeks!

THANKS for re-training Tatsu staff and having both sides open!

THANKS for training the team to NOT let Flash Pass queue lines build up, esp. at Tatsu!!

THANKS for the Cyber Cafe'! Seriously GREAT food and free computers!

THANKS for updating the Baja Ridge 'Greatest Coasters Every Built' Murals

THANKS for the painting done around Gotham City!

THANKS for the Goldrusher station overhaul!

THANKS for the Roaring Rapids overhaul!

THANKS for the new signage explaining the sports bottle refill policy as promised!

THANKS for Skytower Museum!!!

THANKS for removing dead leaves throughout the park! Great landscaping!

THANKS for the updated trams with automated speeches!

THANKS for taking the load off of Johnny Rockets with the 2nd location!

THANKS for pulling out the barely and non-functioning attractions!!

THANKS for the new uniforms so we can see where employees are!

THANKS THANKS and THANKS again for spending time with us at West Coast Bash!

THANKS for implementing the IBU to improve upon park culture and team morale - it IS apparent us as we visit and enjoy better attitudes park-wide!! (P.S. RideOp of the Month Award should go to "Jennifer" [brn curly hair, wht 5'8"] who was running Goliath Thursday evening, she has an amazing attitude!!).


.. and all this in addition to the "new attractions" this year - THANKS for the 3-Point Challenge, X2, and Thomas Town!!!




...how great it is that someone like Jay Thomas who really seems to care is in MM's corner. So happy to see it .


We are fortunate to have a team in place here who cares about the property and its well being. I hope all of us here at TPR show our support by e-mailing praise, stoping to say thanks while there, and spending money on the lunches, snacks, et all this season. If you have not had a fresh brownie, bag of donuts, or a vegetable cup at the cyber cafe' you are missing out.


-Sam @ San Diego

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How much do you pay to access the internet at Cyber Café? FREE!


I am so impressed by this! I have not been to the cafe and I honestly did not suspect that they were providing this service for free. Speaking as one that has been gouged at more airports and hotels than I care to mention I just have to say that I am flabbergasted. With all of the teens descending on the park this summer with their families on vacation, I'm sure that they could make a fortune off the MySpace junkies. Bravo Jay!

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