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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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On 1/25/2025 at 1:56 AM, Blake Hooton said:

I will stay tune for more as they put of the final touches for the marquee at Six Flags Magic Mountain.

You really don't need to.

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21 hours ago, PeoplemoverMatt said:

This should look pretty good once it's done.  Nice to see the park's name restored to prominence like it originally was.




Based on contractors stated, the Six Flags will to be on top of the name as i showed you that on of the golden letters.

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I am planning to go to multiple legacy Six Flags parks this year starting with Magic Mountain in early May. I purchased the all park dining plan and all season drink bottle through Magic Mountain. Are the legacy Six Flags parks the same as Cedar Fair where the all season drink bottle works at all legacy Six Flags parks?

I also never had to enter a season pass number for the dining plan like I did for Cedar Fair. Is it correct that the dining plan gets added to my pass once I am at Magic Mountain?

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No, they said it would but It won't work.  if you have a legacy CF pass with ALL PARK and CF dining and add an all park dining via SFMM for legacy SIX, as I did, it won't work.  They had to refund me at the park.  They said it would only work if I wanted to buy an all park SFMM pass, which why would I when I had the All park via WOF?  Out of the three people also at guest relations when I was there, we ALL had the same issue.  Get it refunded and just buy your meals.

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Now the current Six Flags logo (as separate brand) has been added, but on the top of the retro Magic Mountain logo and also small. I knew that was gonna be added, but i didn't realize it was gonna be gold/copper color

Screenshot 2025-02-26 3.53.06 PM.png

Screenshot 2025-02-26 3.49.33 PM.png

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44 minutes ago, prozach626 said:

That looks great. Thanks for all the updates.

No problem. With that almost complete. This combination of the current Six Flags and the retro Magic Mountain logo combination does pay tribute to its past and present time of the park.

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On 2/23/2025 at 9:14 AM, jazma said:

No, they said it would but It won't work.  if you have a legacy CF pass with ALL PARK and CF dining and add an all park dining via SFMM for legacy SIX, as I did, it won't work.  They had to refund me at the park.  They said it would only work if I wanted to buy an all park SFMM pass, which why would I when I had the All park via WOF?  Out of the three people also at guest relations when I was there, we ALL had the same issue.  Get it refunded and just buy your meals.

I don’t have CF dining because I will be more going to more legacy Six Flags parks this year, but I assume that doesn’t make a difference. They really advertise that poorly on their website. I don’t know why they wouldn’t do it like the legacy CF parks where you enter a season pass number when buying so they know you’re eligible.

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Now the crew working on the sign makeover is in the final phase right now which is the two drums. I think they could put the new font for Hurricane Harbor on the top drum and possibly could have a small circular led screen on the lower drum.

Screenshot 2025-03-04 2.11.07 PM.png

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