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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Metrolink is free on Monday, April 22nd for earth day.

Does anyone know if local schools get this day off?  I don't have any children to ask but don't want to visit the park on a school holiday.

I have taken Metrolink twice to Knott's over the past two months and other than a slight delay, we arrived okay.  Am I insane for wanting to try this next Monday?  I will save maybe 1/2 ro 1 hour by driving but can't watch TV on my phone during that time, so I might as well take the train since it is free.  I am worried about the 11 minute layover in LA on the way.  It is fine if my Riverside to LA train is on time but if it is late, I am screwed and may not make the connection.



versus driving each way


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Can't help you on the metro stuff, but as a whole, most schools do not get Earth Day off. 

LAUSD now gives April 24th off in remembrance of the Armenian Genocide, which is on a Wednesday this year.

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3 hours ago, ryder said:

Can't help you on the metro stuff, but as a whole, most schools do not get Earth Day off. 

LAUSD now gives April 24th off in remembrance of the Armenian Genocide, which is on a Wednesday this year.

Thank you, and I found a better route through Rialto where I have 22 & 18 min transfers plus I can stay the whole 10:30 am to 6 pm operating hours.  I am just going to do it and if it fails, an expensive Uber ride.

Oh well, I still have never been on Wonder Woman.  Hope I am not missing much.  I do enjoy "NOW OPEN! & Closed for Refurbishment".






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On 4/21/2024 at 9:29 AM, prozach626 said:

I wouldn't bury my head in electronics while riding public transportation.

My experience so far is that Metrolink is like Amtrack coach or Frontier Airlines (without crowding), with a slightly larger bathroom that doesn't have a "Fasten Seatbelt" sign keping you from using it.  I am free to walk around my entire train journey.  Perhaps the $10+ fare each way keeps the joy riders at bay?

Meanwhile Los Angles let a person out of prison after two felony Metro related assaults last year, so he could stab an old woman to death for her purse this week.  



According to LA Metro, there was a total of 166 reported crimes against people on city buses and trains during February. Just February, WTF?  We voted for three strikes and you are out and ?????

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On 4/27/2024 at 5:39 PM, SoCalJasonland said:

.... According to LA Metro, there was a total of 166 reported crimes against people on city buses and trains during February. Just February, WTF?  We voted for three strikes and you are out and ?????

HOLY CRAP!!!! And this is perhaps why I can't stand the idea of using public transport. - I'd rather Uber or rent a car. 

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20 hours ago, PeoplemoverMatt said:

The Antelope Valley Metrolink line and Santa Clarita Transit buses are reasonably safe modes of public transportation.  I would NOT take the Metro Red Line (or whatever it's called now) anywhere.  

Thanks so much.  I didn't want to miss Wonder Woman, and wanted to reschedule my visit.  I haven't had any Metrolink problems but the last time we took it to Union Station, we followed by a subway to Hollywierd and everything went down hill safety wise.  Glad to hear the AV Metrolink line is okay.

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  • 5 weeks later...

So, the website says Wonder Woman is STILL down for refurbishment! Can the locals confirm that is accurate? If so, what on earth is going on with it that their newest coaster is down so long?

I'm going to the park for the first time since the year before Full Throttle went in, so there will be plenty of new coasters to experience regardless, and I've ridden Jersey Devil, so I know what WW would be like. But I quite enjoyed Jersey Devil, and would have liked to get on a similar coaster to it! Maybe I'll get lucky, and it'll open by Monday! lol

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11 hours ago, DILinator said:

So, the website says Wonder Woman is STILL down for refurbishment! Can the locals confirm that is accurate? If so, what on earth is going on with it that their newest coaster is down so long?

I was there yesterday and it was cycling non-stop all day half-filled with dummies (the water kind as opposed to the general public kind). My guess is that it'll be open in the coming days. Apocalypse and Crazanity were down, but everything else was running. The park was quiet, but most rides were single-train ops.

Be warned that the parking lot is a bit of a mess right now, but the new solar system thing they're installing seems quite impressive. It provides a ton of shade, and I'd be curious to see the numbers that thing generates.

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