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Everything posted by coasternut

  1. HI Coasternut, It was a pleasure meeting you at the park last week. Did you go again? Did they remove the diamond elite parking from the RV? I'm so confused. It looks like they underestimated how many diamond elites pass they were going to sell. Yes, it was good meeting and talking to you last week. Yes, I was at the park Tuesday -- Friday until 2pm. Yes, they moved the preferred parking to most of the first lot now on Friday morning. I'm sure they underestimated the members that bought the special parking on their diamond membership.
  2. I was at the park yesterday - Friday for a visit. The first parking lot is now at least 50% for preferred parking. The handicap area seems to stay the same for now. They watch it during the day to be sure nobody parks there that isn't preferred. I got there at about 9:50 and was parking 2 rows behind the security tower. Membership changes taking effect...
  3. ^^ Much to my surprise the crowd wasn't bad today. Maybe that was because it was cooler than it will be the rest of the week. Less than 2 1/2 parking lots full. Also I noticed 2 workers grinding the track on the Green Lantern. I hate this ride, but I found it unusual that it was being worked on with a High lift.
  4. ^ I rode it today also with VR. I'm not a fan of VR. I didn't use the goggles when TNR had it. I'll ride Lex again, but without the VR. Just give me the bracelet, and let me enjoy the ride. I like reality, and don't need any virtual reality. I'm really missing the single rider line. I mentioned this to the ride ops today when I rode it. The delays for dispatches weren't nearly as bad as they were with TNR.
  5. Last year didn't sell out, if I'm not mistaken. They've been charging and limiting tickets for the past few years. I'm definitely in favor of that! Before charging, the ERT lines were like normal wait times for the rides. Good move Tony!!
  6. ^ Man I hope not. I love Lex for the view on either side. I'm definitely not a VR man. Now it will take forever to dispatch...
  7. CoasterMania is sold out according to Tony this morning. Glad I got mine.... All tickets to #CoasterMania are now sold out. We will see you in June! 10:08 AM - 23 Mar 2018
  8. I hope it doesn't come back. As you said, I hate the wait times and won't do it. I love the ride for what it is, now that they removed the "horse collars." I don't need VR to enhance my experience. I love Rev for what it is...
  9. Not on the meal plan, so it's out. I don't want "sit down dining." I'm there for the rides.
  10. I'm still waiting for a gourmet Mac n Cheese bowl place... From that same article though, they're changing their marketing slogan to "A place like no other." Definitely an interesting choice. I much prefer the "America's Rockin' Roller Coast. They do have a Mack and cheese place. It's right under the north skyride station(near coasters dinner). Here is a review of it... http://cpfoodblog.com/review-cedar-point-sky-ride-refreshments-pulled-pork-mac-and-cheese/ I've eaten there several times last year and it was good. A nice change of pace and on the meal plan. That's important to me.. Topping choices were good and good quantity.
  11. oh boy. . Bill and I *hated* (and I mean HATED) it. one and done, and it messed both of us up for a while after. rough, rough, rough, and no, we were not on a wheel seat. You just need to know where to ride. Only rows 1 or 2 for me.
  12. I totally agree with the statement that Six Flags can increase their Season Pass pricing dramatically! I say that as both a stock holder and gold pass guest. They maybe doing this with the coming change in the Gold Pass / new Membership program. The details haven't been released yet. Stay tuned, it's coming soon. Also I'm a fan of the new president Neil Thurman. I think he'll do good things. You already see him walking the park with a "garbage stick."
  13. Personally, I call it the grunt lantern. When it spins you hear all the guys grunt as their nuts get crushed. I rode it twice when it first opened, once forward and once backwards. That was enough for me!
  14. FT only has 1 train onsite. The other one is gone for inspection / maintenance.
  15. While at the park yesterday I saw Neil the new park president walking the park with his trash grabber accompanied by Donald - I'm guessing his second in command. He's following "the steps" of Jay Thomas, not the past president Bonnie. You'd never see her in the park unless there is some type of opening event. Got lots of rides with the 365. Not sure how long they'll keep this. As a 6 Flags stock holder, this has got to be loosing money big time. As a rider, I love it! Need to see now what they'll do with migrating from Gold season pass to the membership program. I'll give them time to figure this out.
  16. As promised, here are the new signs at the “old” gold pass entry. I took these this morning.
  17. You’re probably right. Like I said, mine was just a guess. However, one positive thing I noticed is that they seem to be launching both sides together as of recently. Not a perfect race, but typically when one launches, the next one comes a few seconds later. No more "fly byes" for awhile. The second car (east side) is no longer onsite. Must be out for inspection / maintenance.
  18. It says this in the FAQs: So I think you'll continue to keep your early park entry, at least for this for year. I have a gold membership and I wonder if they'll eventually make me buy a season pass or upgrade to a gold plus membership. I was at the park today. Not even the first lot full. That's the good news. Magic Mountain will soon be phasing out the Gold Season Pass. When I entered the park and headed to the Gold pass entry, the fellow there told me as of March 1, that will be for gold members only. On March 1, I'll enter like the rest of the general public. There is a new sign that says Membership entry, not the normal gold pass sign. I should've taken a picture. I'll try to remember tomorrow. Before leaving tonight, I stopped at guest relations to get the full story. I spoke to a really nice lady (a lead there), and she said emails will be coming out next month regarding the new process and different levels of Gold Membership. She assured me there will be an upgrade path for existing gold members. I told her 6 Flags has had my gold pass cash since last fall when it first went on sale. This membership program is a month to month deal. She also filed a "concern" for me, so we'll see if I get a response.
  19. It's been a while, but to their credit, I wouldn't really want them on in the winter months anyway. If it were like USH, where they turn off the water effects in the winter season, I'd be fine with that. Also they were turned off during the drought. It's coming again...
  20. Neil is a good guy. I saw him at Great Adventure in Jersey. I'm glad to see him coming back home. Good by Ice Queen...
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