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Everything posted by coasternut

  1. Trust me, 19K is not average. There were people everywhere. All the parking lots were full. It was very crowded... I would guess it was more than 19k and closer to 25k. Capacity is around 30-33k. 19k is busy but not insane like it was on Sunday. We usually hit 15-18k on weekdays right now. I'm not by no means an expert on crowd estimates. I was told that 19K number by a flash pass person. I'd agree with your number on Sunday. It was wall to wall people everywhere.
  2. They’re testing fireworks this morning. I’m not sure of the launching point. Maybe towards the construction area.
  3. Trust me, 19K is not average. There were people everywhere. All the parking lots were full. It was very crowded...
  4. AGREED! Also Goliath has been having fits lately. I've been at the park the past few days, and it keeps getting stuck on the mid-course. In fact yesterday we were stuck up there for 10 minutes. One of the rideops walked up to us, and started taking names. She was then instructed to press the dispatch button up there and we release about 2 feet an stopped again. This happened two more times, and finally enough of the train was over the hill and gravity took over. They finally gave up and closed the ride (parking the train on the lift half way) about 5 yesterday. I can't see how this is so hard to fix. It's normally old reliable.
  5. This is my favorite at the Point. I enjoy marathoning it! I only ride row 1 or 2. It's a winner every time...
  6. As I said in an earlier post. I found out Sunday's attendance was 19,000. That's incredible! Today was much better. Only the 3 lot was full. No overflow parking today. I think it's all due to "bring a friend free" promotion.
  7. I arrived yesterday - Sunday around 2 after driving in from Phoenix. It was the busiest Sunday I've ever seen! I ended up parking in the overflow / gravel lot. Again, most of the first section of the lot is blocked for the premium parking now. I was between the 4 & 5 sign which is about 1/2 way in. People people everywhere... My fav Goliath was down most of the day. That's normally not the case. It seems it was getting stuck on the mid-course. I hope today isn't so crazy, but I'll be there for early entry.
  8. Yeah I agree. It's doable, just not fun. Many times I have stayed at the HGI with plans to walk to the park, but then as I got ready to do it I decided I really didn't want to. Plus it makes it that much harder to rest in your room in the middle of the day and come back. Now it's a little more dangerous with all the construction going on around the park. No this construction isn't 6 Flags related so don't get excited. I'm looking forward to being there for the next several days and cooling off from the temps here in Phoenix.
  9. I totally agree with Daniel. I haven't seen this year's show, but previous years have been great! An additional plus is getting AC on a hot day...
  10. I just spent the past several days at Dollywood (first time visit), and they require YOU to bring down the bar yourself. This is true on all their coasters not just Lightning Rod. In fact if they think your bar is too high (that's the way I like it), they make YOU pull it down further. I was waiting on Thunder Head yesterday morning as they waited for a "fat guy" to latch his restraint. They even made his girlfriend help. I was right behind them and they asked for help, and the rideops said they can't do that. After about 3 minutes of tugging and grunting it finally clicked 1 click. In my opinion that was too long delaying all other riders. I feel after 3 tries - get out!
  11. Yes, the train ride is relaxing and amusing at the same time. The cooking bug smell reminds me of popcorn...
  12. Yes, the train ride is relaxing and amusing at the same time. Those bugs smell to me almost like popcorn...
  13. They were pretty consistent all last year, until the "incident" on Green Lantern and the retracking of Apocalypse. This is my home park, and I don't know about "the incident" on the "Grunt Lantern" you spoke of. What was it???? just curious.
  14. It's quite the adrenaline rush! Are they only running with the VR or could you choose to ride without? You as the rider have a choice with or without VR. I like reality, so I don't need VR. The view on either side is awesome. I didn't use it when it was on Rev. I think it's time is limited. Just my observation, nothing to back it up. Several reasons for this. I was at MM the past 4 days and I really love the drop on Lex. I was watching how many people used the VR headsets and I'd guess greater than 65% went without the headsets. My other reason is those phones don't like the summer heat. They'll start to act up, so I'm thinking and hoping they go away soon. I miss my single rider line there.
  15. I was at the park for the past 4 days. Yes, there are very few foreign employees, which surprised me. They normally are excited to be here in the U.S., and have a great attitude. They have filled the "gap" early and at the end of the season. Operations were poor at best...
  16. This pretty much sums it up. They went to the expense and effort to make a permanent sign. 2 days at the park = 0 rides on Sven...
  17. I was working this week near San Antonio. So after work I drove a little over an hour to got to SFFT for the purpose of riding Wonder Woman. They have 3 trains (8 passengers per train), but only using one at 5pm. That train had 2 inop seats, so a maximum of 6 people per train not 8. I waited 1 1/4 hours to get on. It was after 6 (closing time), so that was my only ride. I don't like it! I find the OTSR's uncomfortable, and the ride tries to do too much in a small space. I should've ridden Supe or I.R. which I love and no lines at all. Personally, I'm not impressed with this RMC monorail coaster. If I get another chance tomorrow to go back I won't ride WWLOT. It's not for me.
  18. Just a quick post about Coaster Stock. I was there yesterday, and will be there today too. The weather was poor at best, but the park and staff were great! Lot's of hustle and personality from the ride-ops there. That's been my experience with this park, unlike it's big brother to the north. I hope the weather is better today, but as of now the forecast says no. A question was brought up at our lunch yesterday to the G.M. Why doesn't the park allow re-rides??? He said he wasn't sure, but will check into it. Even that's a good response.
  19. ^ I don't have FP pictures. The users get a watch instead of the normal device. The FP rideops have a small tablet they use. It's too rich for my blood, although I have the season pass flash pass for Magic Mountain (my home park). I'm sure I won't like it since I don't wear my glasses when riding (I'm far sighted), that watch screen is sooo small compared to the devices. I have trouble with the old devices in the dark.
  20. Just wanted to post about my visit today at SFOG. The "A team" was working today on the rides and food services. A definitely much better experience. A few rides were down (sky screamer and sky buckets) because of the wind. That's not their fault. I think TC - Twisted Cyclone is going to be a lot of fun. I wish it was open for my visit. Looks like a RMC job!
  21. I was at the park yesterday too. TC looks great! I was working in Atlanta this week so I thought I'd visit. It's been nearly 4 years since my last visit. I've been to every US 6 Flags park, and this one holds the record for the work ride operation. Yesterday was bad since there was at least 30 school buses with bands there. The worst ride operations was at Dare Devil Dive, not so much because of the rideops but the ride. Each train / car holds only 6 people. Between all the flash pass guests and "fat boy bounces" the line barely moves. One new thing I noticed, was the flash pass watches. None of the 6 Flag parks I've been to this year has had them. The others use the normal device. I'm not sure if that's a plus or minus. I'll be back again today, with hopefully better results. Although, I'm not holding my breath.
  22. ^^ Hey JT, was the park closed when she was there? Did they just escourt their group to the front of the lines like a VIP tour? Just curious.
  23. Let's hope so. I'd rather have KBF's old Boomerang, TBH. I was at the park last week, and they were again working on GL on several days. Lots of grinding on the track from a high lift. Not sure what they're up to. I really don't care much since it's one of the few rides at the park I won't ride. I rode it twice when it was new. Once facing forward and once backwards. I didn't enjoy either, hence the name I call it - "The Grunt Lantern."
  24. Last week when I was at the park, I heard they didn't get the appropriate permits to proceed. That sounds like 6 Flags...
  25. ^^ I've been at the park the past few days and Rev has been closed. I hear there's problems with the lift. It's a possible chain problem. This makes me unhappy.
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