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Everything posted by coasternut

  1. Are you sure about this date? Don hasn't posted anything on the website that I could find. I know it happens around this time every year. I hope you're right...
  2. Superman has been off the Flash Pass for years now. X2, F U L L Throttle and West Coast Racers are one time reservations. West Coast Racers is only available for Gold & Platinum Flash Pass. No skip the line for West Coast Racers either.
  3. ^ There's an entry into the store as you get off the ride, down the steps. You don't see the "landscaped area" you spoke of. That takes you outside of the store. I'm guessing this entry wasn't open when you were there.
  4. ^ I rode it 4 times today. It's a nice addition to their coaster lineup. The line does mover slow... They even have extensions for the comfort collars too. Even with that, they were having trouble getting a guy out of his seat this afternoon. We had very light rainfall, and the ride went down for several hours. Not sure if the rain was the issue. That's what we need is another ride like Superman that can't or won't run in the rain even if it's in the forecast. It's bizarre that the train accelerates (both sides) right as your picture is taken. Seems very strange. The pictures are visible as you enter the store. The big screen weren't working yet. One last comment, on Flash Pass for WCR. Only gold or platinum can reserve WCR one time. No skip the line either. I do understand that, since it's new and in high demand.
  5. ^^ Hey J.T., thanks for those pictures. That was way before my trips to the Mountain. That construction had to be a major job! I'll ride it occasionally, only early, since I won't wait for it. I only ride it in the now last row with 2 seats. I like the reverse launch better now.
  6. Today is the day for members to ride West Coast Racers! I can't wait to hear the reviews... I wish I was there.
  7. I can't wait, I'm so excited. I knew they would come through this year....
  8. I had noticed Revolution running only one train over the past few weeks and had just assumed the 2nd train was being rehabbed. I wonder if Six Flags plans on using that train on Mindbender and keeping Revolution at permanent one-train ops? Permanent one-train ops isn't a typical practice for Magic Mountain, but Revolution rarely has a sizeable wait anymore and doesn't have much need for a second train outside of exceptionally crowded days - so who knows? I'm hoping that's just a test of the "new" "Rev train in Atlanta. The 1 train operation on Rev, makes for long lines just about any day, in contrast to your comment. I also thought the other train was in rehab. I do enjoy Rev since the new trains without horse collars and the VR is permanently gone (I hope).
  9. The new ride at MM - West Coast Racers was scheduled for 2019. Not sure if they'll make it.
  10. ^ Okay, I'll accept that. It didn't seem like a thing K.I. would do. Thnx.
  11. Why have they turned off the webcams? I wanted to follow the Orion construction. This is so much a "Cedar Point" thing to do. This is beneath Kings Island, which I love sooo much more.
  12. They always tell you it’s 1x only, but every time I use a flashpass they seem to be buggy. When they scan your watch, the reserve doesn’t go away. So technically you can go again over and over. I have to manually cancel the reserve after they scan me, if I want to reserve for a different ride after I get off the current one. Even if the watch cancels correctly, it's unlimited rides on TC.
  13. To the first question, yes. Same thing for Crazanity and Superman I believe. For the Haunted Houses, the set design is kinda cool, but there's no soundtrack in most of them and barely any scare actors. If you've been to horror nights or scary farm then be prepared to be let down big time.[/quote ] Superman hasn't been on FP in years. Crazanity, FT, X2 one time rides. TC is unlimited.
  14. One other thing I forgot to mention. Apocalypse is back and running great! Today there was a membership ERT and I rode it seven times without getting off. It's VERY RE-RIDEABLE. The only thing missing is the fire. I love fire...
  15. The Grunt Lantern (Green Lantern) is finally gone. I took this picture before they removed all the steel support structure. Good luck to the Canadians with this one. I only rode it twice and that was two times too many!!! Also the spaghetti bowl is complete now for West Coast Racers. Looks mesmerizing... Good bye Grunt Lantern Spaghetti bowl
  16. ^ For the most part it's the general public's fault for no duel on TC. They insist on bringing on bags, and slow walk back to the train. Generally, the rideops try to make it duel, but people don't care! There's always the issue of the "fat guy bounce" too. Yes, slowing down the second lift hill about 5 seconds would make it dual more frequently.
  17. I've heard the 2020 memberships and "big announcements" are coming on Thursday 8/29. Should be interesting... West Coast Racers for Christmas 2019!
  18. ^Yea, that store has been there for awhile. I've heard rumors that it maybe becoming a membership lounge.
  19. I've heard unofficially that Scream will be running 1 train for at least a year. This I don't understand...
  20. I was at the park today and had a great time. Very short lines everywhere. I did see a rideop with a Zodiac button on. I don't think they have a ride call that do they? If they do, it must be in the kiddie area. That would make sense with the "nighttime reveal" of this info. Just a thought.
  21. ^ Yes, they've done re-tracking earlier this year, but it's just been sitting out in the sun baking. Not sure how much good that has done.
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