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Everything posted by coasternut

  1. ^ Wrong thread. This is the New Jersey park Great Adventure not Great America. Sorry.
  2. ^ Kings Island did it a few days ago. We'll see, but I hope I'm right.
  3. Any news / rumors about a flash sale coming to C.P. ? I'm looking for that "special bonus" to make it worth my while. Maybe on Monday - National Rollercoaster Day.
  4. The thing I don't like about the Jersey Devil is the seat configuration. You're sitting with your legs spread, almost like straddling a car transmission hump (for those old enough to remember). It also reminds me getting a colonoscopy! Also the engineering is poor with the restraints. I like that the entire restraint pulls over your head as one, but if you do it too soon the platform rideop needs to release it with a tool. Just lock it up until it's ready to come down or program the computer to not sample it's position until later. Maybe this has been fixed, since I've not read anyone complaining about it. I hope so. The layout is great compared to Wonder Woman at 6 Flags Fiesta.
  5. I was at the park yesterday and today. I was told by one of the Beast (relocated to Mystic Timbers) rideops that Thursday the general public was complaining about the roughness of the Beast, so they shut it down 2 hours early and relocated the rideops to other rides. Today I was there until 2, and it never opened. There wasn't anyone on the platform either. Maybe the guys were working on the track which you really can't see, even from Windbreaker.
  6. The two days following Coasterstock, I was on both Windseeker & Diamondback during the fireworks. It was fantastic. Just lucked out. Sorry I missed you guys at the event. Soooo much better than Coastermania at that place up north.
  7. ^ I see Gatekeeper running on their webcam. Just empty trains??? I'm heading there for the weekend with my family and I hope it opens.
  8. Hey you guys forgot to report on our new coaster friend - the groundhog, who came out of during the behind the scenes trip of Banshee. He looked like he was related to Don Helbig...
  9. I just saw Gatekeeper cycle on the webcam. It's too far away to see if people are on it. Either way, that's a good sign.
  10. I was at Holiday World yesterday. Legend was closed with no activity anywhere around it. It's been 2008 since I've been there and can't remember if I liked Raven or Legend more. I guess I won't know. I posted this as a "heads up" for those visiting. As of yesterday only 2 of their 3 woodies running. I'm definitely not a fan of Voyage, but that's just me.
  11. ^ My experience is that will NOT WORK. They have ride ops and security at the entry to those rides. These guys have X-Ray vision and will catch you. No metal detectors, as they don't need it.
  12. I really appreciate their ride / rain policy. Very different from the "big house" up north - Cedar Point.
  13. The website for Great Adventure has El Toro "temporarily closed" as of this moment.
  14. ^ It's the national anthem. Yes, Cedar Point does this. Sea World San Antonio does it too.
  15. I totally agree! They care about the customer experience. Cedar Point just doesn't care anymore. They demonstrate this on a daily basis. They've lost the definition of CUSTOMER SERVICE. Not the case at Kings Island. I really love that place.
  16. I'm confused about SV. Are the pouches gone now from the trains? That's where I'd put my phone & keys. This locker thing seems to be a nightmare....
  17. The call for the "commercial photo shoot" I posted a week or so ago, said early June. That's where they do their commercial filming. Opening must be after that. Hopefully in June.
  18. This sounds more like Great Adventure in Jersey than K.I. That's especially true on a Saturday afternoon back by Nitro. Lot's of line jumping...
  19. I remember when you worked at the Point. I enjoyed it then. Seems like quite a mess now. For $20 / hr, and a $500 bonus, I'd do it except I live over 2000 miles away. That's a long drive to work every morning! Seems like great pay for a part time job. With their staffing crisis now, you could call your own shots for more...
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