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Everything posted by coasternut

  1. ^^ I forgot all about that Hampton across the street. It's a nice place and very close too. It will be more expensive than the "good La Quinta." I've stayed at both.
  2. I was just there for Iron Gwazi previews recently. All the "local" AirBNB's are located in a scary area of town. I stayed a 2 different ones and lived to tell. There is is La Quinta by USF, not the one near the park that isn't bad and "not too dangerous. " Try that one.
  3. ^ I totally agree. I've been using my phone for sometime now at Magic Mountain. I love it! It even scans easier for the flash pass attendants versus the watch.
  4. ^ That's what I've been doing the past 3 days. There are locals with well over 130 rides on it already. I finished today with 75 for 3 days, not counting my lovely 1 ride on Sunday.
  5. I was at the park yesterday - Tuesday and Iron Gwazi was running great!!! IMO it was windier yesterday than on Sunday and no shutdowns. My 2 day platinum pass preview total is 55. I'm loving it.
  6. Today was a great day for Iron Gwazi. What a difference a day make! The previews opened with the park at 10. Dispatches were great - more often less than every 100 seconds as displayed by their countdown clock on the screen showing lap bar status. I went from 1 ride on Sunday to 20 today. I love it!!! The wait times were no longer than 5 minutes all day today, plus no wind issues or other maintenance problems while I was there. I certainly spent a lot of time riding there today.
  7. ^ I hear what you're saying, but for a new ride that's just poor design... Today's forecast is for breezy conditions. Let's see what happens.
  8. ^ I was at the park today too for the I.G. platinum preview. They shut the ride down just as I boarded the train around 4 and we were ready for dispatch. I left after an hour of waiting, and being told it was down for high winds. No other ride went down at the park during that time including Falcon's Fury their drop tower. If that was true, I guess it will be closed all hurricane season...
  9. ^^ I like that policy at Dollywood. If you can't secure your restraints yourself - get off and don't delay the dispatches.
  10. ^ Looks like fun guys. I'll be there in a few weeks after my Platinum rides on Iron Gwazi at Busch.
  11. I'm coming for the Iron Gwazi pass preview in Feb. What are the days for Ice Breaker pass preview? Are they listed on their site like Busch did?
  12. ^ I was at the park today and Xcelerator was closed. I've heard, it will be for quite sometime. Yes, Monte was open. I got lots of rides today.
  13. ^ I'm thinking of going too. Do you know will those previews be all day ops? The only negative is Montu & Sheikra being closed. I hope the I.G. lines aren't too bad. It looks great!
  14. Thanks for the "heads up" Bill. I was planning to go there for the Feb dates. With 2 of my favs closed, it's not worth it. You saved me a lot of disappointment and frustration. Now I'm sad...
  15. ^ I saw on YouTube that both cars have been removed. Just the catch car remains on both sides of the tower. Maybe because of the accident happening at another park with an Intamin drop like this. I'll be there later this week, so I hope to learn more in person. Glad Supe is back!
  16. You have a choice with Flash Pass. The old way is using their watch which you must return. I love and always use my phone. It works better for me and also the Flash Pass greeters too. It reliably scans with no effort at the ride entrance. The watches are more of a challenge for them.
  17. I too would really love this to happen. There are 2 reasons why it won't. 1. NEIGHBORS 2. IT'S IN CALIFORNIA
  18. Batman is being closed because of the construction of Wonder Woman. Not a BS excuse this time. I've heard the Batman exit ramp will be expanded to include Wonder Woman too. I've also heard Batman is now closed after it's last day yesterday - Sunday.
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