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Everything posted by coasternut

  1. Batman is being closed because of the construction of Wonder Woman. Not a BS excuse this time. I've heard the Batman exit ramp will be expanded to include Wonder Woman too. I've also heard Batman is now closed after it's last day yesterday - Sunday.
  2. Batman will be closing today or tomorrow for Wonder Woman construction. This will be an extended closure. Another ride down now... Please open Lex!!!
  3. Sorry I don't agree. Wicked Twister was the only one that spiraled backwards. I'd only ride it in the last or next to last row. When I was at Dorney this year, they had the reverse magnet holds turned off. So how is it better?
  4. Sad but true, Wicked Twister is a goner. It's not coming back as many of us had hoped at another Cedar Fair park. Some parts are being saved to support the other 2 rides like it at their other parks. At the end of the tweet from Tony (official), he pronounces it's death sentence. https://www.cedarpoint.com/blog/our-winter-begins
  5. I've posted about a week ago that Goliath is back open! Lex is down for maintenance. It can be temperamental with the sensor adjustments etc.
  6. ^ i don't think that's true about corporate CF being in Charlotte. The have a location in an office complex in Charlotte. The main headquarters is still in the brick building near the sky ride at Cedar Point. Charlotte would be a better location though.
  7. Goliath was open yesterday! The only major attraction closed for maintenance was Lex Luthor. Superman was closed because of lite rain early in the day.
  8. @bert425^^^ "I spent an entire day at SFOG wearing a mask. it's NOT that big a deal, folks. either wear a mask if you go those days that require it? or don't go those days." Bert I hear what you're saying. It was your choice to wear the mask. It's not required. I did that (mask wearing) last year. This is just insane now! Nobody but LA county requires this when you're outdoors. Does covid know to stay away Monday -- Thursday??? Just kidding.
  9. Two other bits of bad news, I've learned from an insider. Goliath is closed until the end of October Lex Luthor is closed until the end of November.
  10. Well, I was expecting this from LA. It starts tomorrow 10/7. The selected days are Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays in October. I'm fully vaccinated, but this full time mask requirement is uncalled for! We're going backwards... COVID-19 Protocol Update – Full Vaccination Verification or a NegativeCOVID-19Test (PCR or Antigen) Required on Select Days for All Guests 12+ In accordance with the LA County mandates, effective October 7, guests 12+ will be required to show proof of full vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test (PCR or Antigen) within 72 hours prior to visiting the park on certain designated days, which can be found on the park hours and schedule page. All guests 2+ will also be required to wear a face mask at all times on certain designated days, including while outdoors. Additionally, all visitors 18+ will also be required to show photo identification, effective November 1. On days not affected by the mandate, vaccination or negative test verification will not be required, however, everyone 2+ will be required to wear face masks at all indoor locations regardless of vaccination status. All policies will be adjusted on an as-needed basis to ensure compliance with state and county requirements related to COVID-19.
  11. Both webcams are back up. Tony admitted a "technical issue" after a storm last week.
  12. Cedar Point took down both of the video feeds from the park earlier this week. Not sure what this is all about???
  13. I've heard from an inside source that Lex Luthor is down until December. No further info on this. It was down last weekend too.
  14. According to a friend of mine, Tatsu was open yesterday Saturday. He rode it 4 times. I also read that Superman is only running 1 side (new forward version), as the restraints were taken off the other train.
  15. ^^^ I'm not heavy, but I do find the straddle position on the Devil very uncomfortable. The ride is good, but the trains not so much.
  16. Did anyone go to the park sponsored event last Saturday 9/4? It used to be "Riding of the Bull" the Saturday after Labor Day sponsored by a local coaster group. Without El Toro out, it had to change. I normally go to this event, but Labor Day weekend, really?? It didn't seem very organized, and not worth my cross country trip. Just curious. ...
  17. Amazing no new on the health status of this lady that was injured on TTD. The only thing was she got moved to another facility from Firelands hosp. Normally something would've leaked by now. I hope she's okay.
  18. ^^^ I have the same thing with my Cedar Point Platinum pass. I bought it earlier this week. I'm sure a glitch.
  19. Inside rumor - Flash. They will then convert the existing Flash ride back to Atom Smasher.
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