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Everything posted by dankeykang

  1. Just circling back on this - would these additional benefits apply to people who purchased the membership after the pandemic began? I didn't make my purchase until September of last year, and I can't recall seeing any emails or anything about it, but in the app it definitely says my membership is Diamond Elite VIP...
  2. You never know, especially considering Kings Dominion isn't opening for another two months
  3. I thought preferred parking was pretty easy to get to compared to Over Texas. Just follow the cones and you'll see the sign along the right side. Make sure to get your preferred parking pass from the original parking booth; they will ask to see that. When I was there a few weeks ago, Wonder Woman Golden Lasso Coaster was eligible for Flash/Skip-the-line passes. Not sure if that was just a spring break thing, though.
  4. LOL I just looked at the app and it says my membership is at the VIP level. Would have been nice to know that when I was at the insanely crowded Fiesta Texas the other week Good to know!
  5. Probably a dumb question, but doesn't Diamond Elite get just 2 skips each visit? Or can each individual person bring someone else for their two passes?
  6. I would guess it's Covid or maintenance related, since Rio Loco was open when I was there last week.
  7. Steel Eel at SeaWorld San Antonio. Fiesta Texas today was the most crowded I've ever seen an amusement park get (serves me right for trying to go during Spring Break ), but thankfully the lines at SeaWorld weren't too bad at all.
  8. So... any guesses as to when they'll change it to a standard chain lift?
  9. They aren't changing anything. Same goes for Fiesta Texas. https://www.sixflags.com/overtexas/plan-your-visit/safety-protocols
  10. ^^ Nothing official from the park but apparently they confirmed the reopening at the media event last week. This article also appears to confirm that it will be ready for opening weekend.
  11. From what I'm seeing elsewhere, the launch will actually be powered down slightly, but the speed should feel roughly the same as before due to less friction with the I-Box track.
  12. Lightning Rod is opening with the park (3/12 passholder preview day, 3/13 for general public)
  13. You should be fine with the the bottle - all of the coasters have either the bottle holders or just general bins for personal items. I had mine when I visited last year and had no issues.
  14. Dang, just watched the POV and for an Arrow suspended coaster, it looked pretty insane! Bonus points that its URL number on RCDB is #1337. Shame that it's been removed.
  15. T3 probably isn't going anywhere IMO. The general public likes it well enough, and the park's social media presence has embraced the fact that it's pretty much become a meme among the coaster community, which makes it super marketable for the park overall. Although we'll see if this changes at all under Herschend (hopefully not).
  16. ^ Those Vekoma flyers can also be somewhat challenging going up the lift hill when it's sunny out, depending on the time of day. I can remember a few annoying rides on X-Flight and Firehawk back in the day. Since then I will never visit an outdoor park without my shades, even if it's overcast. Last summer, I was on Lost Coaster at Indiana Beach. There was a younger couple in the car along with myself. I had a facial covering with some Ohio State buckeye leaves on it, and I was asked if they were marijuana (which, admittedly, is understandable if you're not familiar with the university)
  17. I grew up in Aurora, OH, yet I can't seem to recall ever riding Mr. Hyde's Nasty Fall at Geauga Lake. I have been on the one at Dorney, though, so I suppose that's redemption to a degree.
  18. I think that Dare Devil Dive would be another one that should be knocked out early, since the cars only hold 6 riders which strongly limits capacity.
  19. One of the biggest things that SDC and Dollywood have going for them is their setting. Both are located in very mountainous, picturesque, tourist friendly areas. For whatever reason, trying to replicate that type of theming/experience literally right next to an international airport would almost seem out of place to me... but I guess we'll see what happens.
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