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Everything posted by STR8FXXXINEDGE

  1. ^ Right, thanks Big Mike! (I had to Google map it to figure out where that was, haha) I'll have to remember that the next time I make a trip to Orlando. Doesn't look too far away!
  2. My buddy Jerry got married on The Voyage. It was all over the news, and on Holiday World's website as well.
  3. Good stuff, Big Mike! I also wondered about the ballpark when I was there last year. It does look really nice. I also had no idea there was an aquarium on the other side of Coney Island. Probably a good thing, cause I would've felt like I was missing out on it, haha. P.S. I think I see a 24 on this guy. I'll take 3 points, please.
  4. Man, this thing looks fantastic! I had no idea all that theming was going into the queue as well. Everything looks so good! I can't believe they had a sky bar and everything for the media day. So cool. Add that to the long list of reasons why Europa Park, is in my opinion, the best park ever! Thanks a bunch for sharing these pics, Hanno! I hate to sound like a broken record, but I am SO bummed that I can't make the Europe trip this year. I can't wait to get back there!
  5. My biggest Park Pet Peeve, is when someone behind me in line keeps running into me. Especially if they step on the back of my feet. I'll usually let it slide about twice before snapping. Also, when parents don't control their kids and they are constantly touching me and running into the back of me. Pay attention, and respect other peoples personal space!!!
  6. Good stuff, Nicole! I've never even seen this thread before. I was gonna say that I can't wait to see your pics from the NE trip last year, but I've seen them on Facebook. It's been too long already, haha. Either way, I'm looking forward to more updates!
  7. Awesome update, Big Mike! I've never been to Oktoberfest, but I did get to make it to a German fair in Würzburg with TPR a couple years ago, and it was AWESOME! I can't decide if my favorite part was getting to ride Olympia Looping, or checking out all the hot girls in Lederhosen! Also, I'm going to go with #24 as my lucky number!
  8. That's funny! I remember back in the day, people used to steal the hood ornaments off of Mercedes and Cadillac's all the time and wear them on a necklace. Welcome to the hood!
  9. That was pretty sweet, Big Mike! You looked so pumped to be there, haha. I love seeing behind the scenes. Good stuff!
  10. Dragster H2O doesn't even make sense! They should just keep the word "Dragster" completely out of the name, and if they insist on using it, at least change it to "H2O Dragster", so it makes sense.... ... or am I just crazy?
  11. SOOO pumped for this! Tat Pack - The Reunion: Part 3 is definitely in effect! This time, we even get our honorary 4th member, Dan! I was really bummed that I can't afford a trip this year, but this is going to be a great little TPR trip fix!
  12. ^ So nice! I really hope this same person takes photos once it opens. I would love to see some high resolution desktop wallpapers of this coaster. It's so attractive!
  13. ^ You just gotta dig deeper and get out of all the mainstream garbage.
  14. ^^ Man, I looked at that Foo Dog for a while, too. In the end, I just figured it was the angle of the sun shining on the tooth. I'm excited to hear more about this Find The "Double" Ducky! Glad to see the duckies are making a return.
  15. Great stuff, Chuck! I can't wait to get back to this park. Both to check out Verbolten, and everything else again! Also, You've got a Skyride vehicle in here with two coaster trains. I'd give ya the hat trick!
  16. Awesome stuff, Steve! I browsed through a few days ago, but finally had time to go back and and thoroughly enjoy all of your photos and captions. The details are amazing that they've put in Miniland. I think the little sharks in the water, and the people making out between the buildings are my favorite, haha. Like many others, I flippin' LOVED Lego's when I was younger. I also still have all of mine crammed in boxes down in my basement. I can't wait to get down to Florida to check Legoland out for myself. Thanks for sharing.
  17. Is it this here? I also went back and forth on this for a few days, but decided against counting. Either way, glad I got the right number!
  18. This thing is looking fantastic! Thanks for the update, Chuck. I can't wait to get over there this summer to give it a ride.
  19. Alright, here are the 4 duckies that I "think" I found. I'm sure of 3 of them, but there is one that I went back and forth on for days, and even though I'm only about 60% sure it's a ducky, I decided to count it anyway. Ducky #1 Ducky #2 This is the one that I went back and forth on for days. Ducky #3 Ducky #4
  20. Locked in! I'm also gonna sneak in with a very guessy guess of 4 Duckies! Lock me in please!
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