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Everything posted by STR8FXXXINEDGE

  1. Apparently I've been living under a rock, as I've never even heard or seen anything about this coaster 'till now. I agree with some of the other comments that I've read though, in that it does remind me of Powder Keg, which is a good thing!
  2. ^ Yeah, I'm no photographer, but I really like 'em, and I think the colors work well with the feel and atmosphere. Haha, no more ducky counting 'till Monday rolls around!
  3. kirkf1tz, those are some really great photos! I really like how you did something different with each of them, and how you captured so many great expressions. I absolutely LOVED Coney Island, and I can't wait to get back there to spend some more time. Thanks for sharing your photos!
  4. Awesome pics, Steve! Looks like a beautiful park, and I love what they've done with the old Cypress Gardens stuff. Lego's were my favorite thing ever when I was little, and I've always wanted to get to a Legoland. Next time I'm in Florida, I will be sure to get my butt to this park. Thanks for sharing!
  5. Alright, here are the 6 Duckies that I "think" I spotted, along with the one that I debated for quite a while... Ducky#1 Ducky#2 Ducky#3 Ducky#4 Ducky#5 Ducky#6 Then, this is the one that I was really debating if it was a ducky or not. In the end, I decided it was too big to be a ducky. Hell, it may even be the wrong color. I mean, I am color blind, lol.
  6. Locked in! I'm curious to see what really are duckies, at what aren't this round. I had a really tough time with them!
  7. Locked in! After much deliberation, I am going with 6 Duckies! Lock me in, please!
  8. Locked in! I'll be back in a couple minutes with my guess. I've been going back and forth with one of them for quite a bit.
  9. While I do love cars, I don't know a ton about them. I do know that a guy a couple houses down from me has a gray Tesla Roadster, though. Every summer, sometimes multiple times a summer, a giant double-decker semi from Tesla comes to his house. Not sure if they are fixing something, doing regular maintenance, or what they're doing. Either way, it's pretty sweet, and dead silent when it goes by.
  10. ^ I watched that earlier, and even shared it on my facebook. It's a great video!
  11. Locked in! I've always wanted to go to the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest. As always, it looks like you had a good time. Thanks for sharing, Big Mike!
  12. So, in this article on www.nypost.com, it states that they will NOT be replacing the old trains on Cyclone. Sounds like good news to me.
  13. Man, this thing is looking awesome! I'm really excited to back to the park to check it out, along with all the other awesome coasters. Love this park! Thanks a bunch for the reports, guys! I remember some talk about this before, but don't recall if we ever found out for sure or not. Do we know if the waterfall will makes it return or not?
  14. I think Laura nailed it with the kiddie coaster. I just read about it in this article on The Aspen Times. "The small coaster was purchased used as well from an indoor amusement park in Canada, as was the Ferris-wheel-style “Mine Wheel,” Beckley said. The wheel will be 32 feet tall, and will be situated where the existing climbing wall has been. The climbing wall will be moved to a new location."
  15. ^ I overlooked the one on the Jazzy Jellies sign many times, and the one on the Budweiser wheel is the one that I was about 95% sure of, and felt confident enough to count it.
  16. Alright, here are the 7 duckies that I spotted. I have NO idea how anyone was guessing less than 5 duckies! Ducky #1 Ducky #2 Ducky #3 Ducky #4 Ducky #5 Ducky #6 Ducky #7
  17. Locked in! Alright, I'm coming in last minute from a hockey game tonight and cutting it close on time. I'm 100% sure that I see 6 duckies, and I'm about 95% sure that I see 7 duckies. With that being said, please lock me in for 7 duckies!
  18. Loving the train! I'm exciting to see what the others look like as well. I really like the BBW reference in the "Wolf Crossing" plate on the front, too.
  19. I've always wanted to ride a Mountain Coaster! We've got an Alpine Slide here in Michigan now, Big Mike, and I've also wiped out on it twice! The last time I rode it, about three years ago, I was going brake less the whole way down and picked up way too much speed and ended up flipping right over. I still have scars from it, haha! I thought they would be slippery like a water slide, but they are the complete opposite. They are are not slippery at all, so there is NO sliding, just burning! OUCH!
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