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Everything posted by STR8FXXXINEDGE

  1. Ummm... I'll watch the burlesque show, and I'll hug the affectionate 20 year old girls, but please keep the snake away, haha!
  2. Something to give you a little chuckle, and to add more fuel to the fire... The author of SOPA is a copyright violator.
  3. Locked in! I'm still searching myself. This ducky with all the red on it is a pain in the butt to find when you're color blind!
  4. I know this isn't high quality, crazy technical photography, but I'm stumped and could use some other opinions. I think I've been staring at them for too long.
  5. Pshh, if I had any credit cards or could get a loan, I wouldn't hesitate! But, I lost my job right after the NE trip and still don't have one, so credit cards, loans, and everything else that has to do with money is pretty much out of the question. I'm barely paying my bills. I'm still hoping the lottery comes through, haha. If I were to win Mega Millions, I'd join every TPR trip!
  6. This thing is looking amazing! Europa was already my most favorite park that I've ever been to, and now they add this to the collection. I am SUPER bummed that I can't afford the Europe trip this year. It literally makes me sick to my stomach thinking about it.
  7. I think I remember hearing them say in the IAAPA video that they would be using both of them.
  8. ^ Haha, it's all good. You may be right, who knows! Here are the four that I spotted. I'm really curious to see this fifth one that some people spotted. I literally spent days looking for these damn things, lol!
  9. ^ I don't think those first two are duckies. I have been wrong more than once in these ducky game though, haha.
  10. ^ His sisters are SUPER annoying! I personally love the show and I do like Buddy. I can see why some people wouldn't though. Both of my roommates can't stand him and hate the way he pronounces certain words. Either way, thanks for sharing this, Larry! I enjoyed it and I would love to stop by there some time to get myself some yummy treats!
  11. My thoughts exactly! This all makes me a bit nervous. While it would be awesome to see KK saved and reopened, I really don't want KK taking any focus, time, or money away from Holiday World. The park is too good for that, and I think they have SO many great opportunities to expand and improve!
  12. ^ That. I had this same situation with an ex-girlfriend before. There's a reason she's an ex-girlfriend.
  13. Happy Birthday, Big Mike!!! Thanks for another great update! Now that I've read and enjoyed the update, I must go back and study hard to find the duckies!
  14. ^ Right on, that all makes sense. I wasn't even considering the other pages on TPR. With what you just said there, it takes care of everything that I was talking about, which makes me more than happy to see either one of them chosen, or even a combo of the two.
  15. It makes me feel better that no one got them all. I studied that damn Sesame Street sign SOOO hard, as I knew there had to be one, and I never found it. But then again, I missed 4 of them, haha! Don't be hard on yourself, Big Mike. It's fun when it's challenging. That just means you did a really good job of hiding the little ducky. Looking forward to the next round!
  16. There are still two things that I don't like about Jack's design. 1. The yellow outline on the Theme Park Review. 2. The white background on the Facebook feed. There is just one thing that I don't care for on David's design right now, and that's the font that the tagline is in. I like the simpler, white font that Jack used for his tagline. Besides that, I like everything about David's. I must say though, I still liked it more when the TPR logo was offset to the left of the page.
  17. ^ I don't know, from a design standpoint, I kind of like it off-centered. If you think about it, nothing else is really centered on the page either.
  18. I don't think The LochNess Monster one is a ducky, and I'm really hoping the Land of the Dragon's one isn't a ducky either. I just though it was someone on the bridge in the background.
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