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Everything posted by STR8FXXXINEDGE

  1. Alright, I "think" there might be 7 duckies, but I feel more confident going with 6. This was another though one for me, with the pink ducky. Colorblindness is NOT my best friend, haha. So, with that being said... please lock me in for 6 duckies! I loved all of this weeks updates, Big Mike! Next time I'm in Chicago, I'm definitely gonna have to check out Kuma's Corner. Looks like my kinda place!
  2. I was thinking the same thing! Are you holding out on us, Werner? Haha, share those things with us!
  3. I hope so! This little thing looks awesome! Even MORE incentive for me to move my butt to the Orlando area.
  4. ^ HOORAYYY!!! I can't wait any longer. I have to get my butt on the road here. I'll try again later. Have fun everyone!
  5. They're definitely working on stuff. When I was in there, someone kept walking back and forth in front of the camera, and in a hurry like he was trying to fix something.
  6. I couldn't see anything 'till it was my time to play. When I got in there and hit the arrows, it said it booted me, but it just kept me in there to watch and wouldn't let me do anything.
  7. At least there's a little but of conversation happening in the little chat box thing, haha.
  8. I finally got a button to "Continue live feed", but nothing happened when I clicked it.
  9. Good god, I hope they at least paint the things to some what fit the theme.
  10. As usual, awesome photos! I love 'em! I think these might be some of, if not my favorite photos that I've seen you post. Thanks for sharing!
  11. Hey Werner, it's great to see another update from you! Brings back all sorts of fun memories from the trip. Looking forward to the rest!
  12. This is hilarious! Honestly though, I would be super happy if they put in another log flume. I love them, and they seem to be disappearing everywhere. I really liked the old ones at Phantasialand, and you know they would top them with the new one(s).
  13. Well, I'm not confident with this decision at all, but I'm gonna go with 3 duckies. Lock me in, please!
  14. Locked in! I'm gonna run through the pics one more time, then I'll be back with my official guess.
  15. A couple of my friends hang out with these people. Some of them can even be spotted in the video from NatGeo. I wanted to see if I could head down there over the summer and ride these things, but never got around to it. I'm hoping for next summer. If I am able to do it, I will for sure do a TR about it.
  16. You've all been locked in! As for, I'm still searching. That ducky with the red on it is crazy hard for me to spot.
  17. You realize that there are 24 hours in a day, right? Anyway, I loved this update, Big Mike! I've always wanted to do one of those air boat tours. I drove down through the Everglades a few years ago, but for whatever reason didn't do anything fun like this.
  18. I could see that. Seems like an odd type of coaster that would fit in well with the rest of the odd things in the park. I bet they'd come up with some crazy theming, too! I'm quite curious and excited to see what it turns out to be.
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