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Everything posted by STR8FXXXINEDGE

  1. Very nice! Looks like this thing will be tons of fun. Now, I've just gotta move my butt down to Orlando!
  2. ^ You guys are killin' it! I'm gonna have to do some creative work to keep up this time. Congrats on the new ducky farm!
  3. Looks flippin' awesome! Thanks for the pics, Derek. I can't wait to get back to Hershey to give this thing a whirl myself.
  4. You've got some beautiful photos here of a beautiful park. I really enjoyed my time there. Thanks for sharing!
  5. Alright Big Mike, it looks like I'm gonna have to do some brushing up on my ducky counting skills. I kept getting distracted and would forget that I was looking for duckies while going through the TR, haha. With that said, I'm gonna go with 6 Duckies for this round!
  6. You need to find the thinnest flip flops out there! Like those cheap, disposable, paper thin, foam things. The ones that come in like a sheet, and you "snap" them together.
  7. Good stuff, Chuck! Everything about the ride looks completely awesome! I too, thought that Gerta and Gunter were husband and wife, and I also pictured Gunter as an older, heavyset guy. I pictured him with a white beard, the little round glasses, and the traditional German lederhosen. Kind of funny how people build their own images in their heads. Gerta is pretty babe-like, though! Also, I'm VERY happy to see the return of the waterfall! Thanks for the coverage!
  8. I don't know about best ending, but I'd definitely give the lamest ending to Adventure Express at Kings Island. I remember the first time I rode it, I didn't know much of anything about it. When it got to that big, enclosed lift hill, that is so nicely themed, I was so pumped for what was going to come next, then it just rolled back into the station at the top of the lift, haha! What a disappointment that was!
  9. I haven't checked in on this thread in a couple of weeks. This thing is looking amazing! I think the whole area with the coaster, the trees fully bloomed, and the creek filled with water is stunning. There are gonna be some sweet photo opportunities when the area is fully open. Can't wait to see pics of full trains!
  10. Hey Larry, I'm glad to see this is still moving along! If the people at Wild Bill's aren't already aware of this, you should let them know about "indiegogo". It looks as if they may not reach their goal on Kickstarter, and I know that if your goal is not reached, that all the money that has been donated is then refunded to the person that donated it. With indiegogo, you get to keep the money that has been donated even if your goal is not reached, and I believe that indiegogo just keeps a small percentage. I really wanna see this happen, and I unfortunately am not in the position to donate right now, so I figure the best I can do is offer this tip.
  11. I've been to Columbus a ton of times, and had no idea that this German Village even existed. My mouth is literally watering after looking at those giant peanut butter cups. Looking forward to the rest of your report, Larry.
  12. Nice little report! Europa is my favorite park that I've even been to. You've got some great photos here, and I really enjoyed the video. Thanks for sharing! Also, you did good for your first report in English. Nice work!
  13. This is awesome! Thanks so much for putting this together, Coastinmiller!
  14. Oh man, chocolate is my weakness. Oh, and cute girls serving brownie brittle, too! My mouth is literally watering right now. I see chocolate Pop-Tarts in my very near future (Don't judge, it's the only chocolate left in the whole house, haha). Thanks for sharing this. I've never even heard of such a thing. I guess I'm a bad chocolate enthusiast. P.S. Did Misty win anything for showing off her chopstick skills?
  15. I wonder if I could replace my couch with a few WildCat cars...
  16. Bummer, I really enjoyed WildCat. I think it got overlooked by a lot of people just cause it wasn't a "big" coaster. A lot of people missed out on a great ride! Can't say I'm surprised though, considering the rocky history that it's recently had.
  17. Good stuff, Griffin! Like you (were), I'm also a Disney World virgin. Been to Disneyland, but we all know it's not the same. Looks like you had a great time, and you got some really nice shots of Expedition Everest! Looking forward to the rest.
  18. What a nice little park. I wasn't expecting that. Congrats to Megan on #300! I'll assume it was the Big Mike charm, and luck too, that got you the awesome cab driver. What an awesome perk. Also, glad you two made it back safe, and in one piece! P.S. NO WAYYYY!!!! I never win ANYTHING! This is just the news that I needed to pick me up out of this rut that I've been in the last couple months. Thanks so much for all that you do for TPR, for your readers, and your friends. You're the best, Big Mike! Seriously, thanks again!
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