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Everything posted by tndank

  1. The park removed I305 from the ride closure list this week. People are optimistic it opens soon.
  2. The track photos yesterday are from a reliable source in the industry. And it seems to match their 208 Retrak product. This should mean it's going to keep its layout. This could end up being really good. Love the layout.
  3. LR was running today. So, there's some hope for you two.
  4. Been down since last Wed or Thurs. Dollywood's excuse for removing the LR single rider above is weak. If they didn't run the line so poorly there wouldn't have been a problem. The way they have the grouper a floor down with no control of the actual lines is just dumb. And yet they have been doing it for a year+ now.
  5. Phantom Theater show is returning. They have also added a new webcam on International Street. You'll be able to watch the fireworks when they happen.
  6. I will say this looks like an amazing event. I tried to figure out a cheap way to get down there. Meals, walk backs, ERT sessions and 2 days of flash pass for $60? That's crazy.
  7. Unfortunately I haven't seen a poster yet. I'll post one if I see it. I wont be back at the park for a couple weeks. I think I'd just tell me kid to say they are 14. Agree with Jarmor here. If this is real, it seems really strange.
  8. RIP kids under 14 being able to ride Lighting Rod and others by themselves at Dollywood. I'm told this new policy along with signs started appearing last weekend. Seems odd.
  9. I thought the idea was crazy as well but I've come around. Looking forward to seeing the final plans and all the details.
  10. Hole behind Dragster now. People seem to think it may be the beginning of the spike.
  11. Just seems strange to add them a year later. Was it running during that year? Doesn't matter to me just seemed strange and over the top. I'm curious WHY it's there now. Where the decision came from. Maybe Texas inspectors? The ride manufacturer of the Orlando ride didn't add these to their drop tower. So, just a little curious why they were added a year later here. Good chance no one here knows why and that's fine.
  12. New body seatbelt has been added to Superman now. Anyone been on it since? Seems pointless. What's the story?
  13. That line was great for me. I often just visit for a couple hours in the mornings. They were usually great about basically let me walk through.
  14. Fury has run 2 trains recently. No idea how that decision is made. Many assumed it would be 2 train ops going forward but it was back to one today.
  15. Strong line-up for early entry this year. Hit it out of the park here. GateKeeper Wild Mouse Atomic Scrambler Matterhorn Calypso Dodgem Kiddy Kingdom (select rides) https://www.cedarpoint.com/early-entry
  16. No bids yet and they have now reduced the initial bids from $2K/$1K to $500/$250. I was 50/50 on attending opening day but I think I'm out now. I'll be in the area a couple weeks later and check it out then.
  17. Their awesome beer festival returns in September. https://facebook.com/events/s/hops-coaster-drops-2023/633806251140622/
  18. Deconstruction has begun on the drop tower. Top is off. Cranes now starting to bring down the pieces.
  19. Pass holder time is 12-4. Still some tickets for the 9:30 vip grand opening event available, as well (free; https://bit.ly/AF1-SP-RSVP).
  20. Email from the park. No idea who was emailed but I am a season pass holder.
  21. Auction now up and running for first public train. Seats start at $1K ($2k for front row). https://bramsey.hibid.com/catalog/438320/first-arieforce-one-roller-coaster-ride/
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