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Everything posted by tndank

  1. Probably because they don't pay enough to have full staff every day. Or think it's not necessary. Neither appears to be down for mechanical reasons.
  2. I've heard rumors of an announcement in Oct. Convert remaining track and lift hill changes. I suspect they will have to start working on it around then.
  3. Love the communication here and how open they are with what has to be done.
  4. I believe they were inspecting a questionable looking support seen by guests. Appears the ride was opened again after inspection.
  5. Some pics from last week show the crack starting. Seems a guest spotted this first and alerted the park. That is a bit crazy. This has the potential to be somewhat big. Wonder if any other hypers will be closed a bit for extra inspections this weekend. Wonder how many maint guys have an early call tomorrow to inspect supports. Lots of questions here that need to be resolved. Crazy it got this bad and seems to have completely severed.
  6. Leaked plans for the 2024 B&M family multi launch coaster surfaced today.
  7. Attack of the single use fast lane coming to CP. Carts were spotted today.
  8. Drop tower is open again. "The ride has been re-themed, re-structured, re-designed and re-named. Although the same tower-drop-style ride, it has undergone extensive structural and procedural changes, officials from the Glenwood Cavern Adventure Park said in an email." https://www.postindependent.com/news/glenwood-caverns-adventure-park-reopens-controversial-ride-following-2021-fatality/
  9. No real news yet, but workers were spotted on Xcelerator over the weekend. Fingers crossed this one comes back onboard this summer.
  10. Jetline derailed. 1 dead, more injured. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/several-injured-roller-coaster-accident-sweden-2023-06-25/
  11. Lots of quick serve places nearby. We hit up Cane's and the mall the days we visited recently. Quick break, AC, and decent food. Easy to get back in the lot/park.
  12. WE vests were fixed roughly 1.5 seasons ago in the fall. Previously, they would not unlock until in the station. Now there is some give while sitting on the brakes.
  13. They have started testing Mine Blower. Many assume it will reopen this week. Can't wait to hear how it is.
  14. Unless you are there on a Saturday, FP is probably not needed. Can also be bought all over the park. No reason to buy early.
  15. The Voyage right now is crazy good. I think most anyone could marathon this thing easily now. New track work and prefab pieces make it far less headache inducing. It's incredible how well it's running now days. The Legend is also still running like a champ from last year's work on it.
  16. New membership options now live at many (all?) SF parks. I think they will add more membership options sometime soon.
  17. Looks like single use FL passes are coming to KI. Pics of the booth to sell them have appeared this week.
  18. It could be worded better, I agree. Most people probably assume "before" means the literal night before. In reality, it's one entry on any night during preview hours before you use it during normal operations.
  19. Just for future reference, your preview night does not have to be the night before your visit. Might help someone in the future.
  20. As far as family coasters go, Big Bear Mountain is excellent. Onboard audio along with everyone screaming is fun. Ride is smooth and twisty. Nothing special but a great ride the family can all enjoy together. Also, all the theming besides the big, stupid circular disc is really well done. Great looking ride.
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