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Everything posted by tndank

  1. It was announced a month ago, maybe. Pretty sure it's just Great Adventure and Magic Mountain doing the 'Extreme' park. Passes still get you in. They really should fix the calendar and get more info on there to help people.
  2. It seemed crazy at first but it's really just keeping things in line with CF. Prestige + All Parks and Gold + All Parks are within the ballpark of each other between the chains.
  3. 2025 passes now on sale. ~$350 for All Parks add on to a Prestige pass seems a bit over priced and crazy in my opinion.
  4. All signs point to 2 passes, 2 passports, etc if you want dining, flash, etc at both "chains".
  5. Memberships don't change. Want cedar Fair parks? Add the all passport.
  6. Also, let's clear this up. Schlitterbahn with all parks is $190. So pretty much the same as all the other parks.
  7. HITP is advertised on their website. I would assume it's happening.
  8. $183 at Kings Dominion for everything. All the other Cedar Fair parks are going to be fairly similar. You'd think Six Flags will have to offer similar pricing. Still haven't seen any rumors/etc on their pricing yet. Diamond + All Parks add-on for ~185-200 is my guess currently.
  9. Kings Dominion has Gold plus All Parks for $183.00. Seems like no real difference since last year (maybe even cheaper?). Sounds good to me.
  10. They were testing TT2 for several hours last night. Even had water dummies on one of the trains. Might be opening sometime real soon.
  11. Good news for your visit. Beast is testing today. It's been down a week or two waiting on parts.
  12. thrill-data.net, queue-times, and other similar sites have historical data you can view. Just go see what those weeks were like the last couple years.
  13. Free double sided lockers for El Toro opening soon. Could be this week. Strange move for a Six Flags park but I hope they keep them coming.
  14. Should give them time to install free lockers, right? /s
  15. T3 has now been taken down. I also feel the future of this park doesn't look all that bright.
  16. Steel Curtain down for 2024. https://www.wpxi.com/news/local/flagship-kennywood-roller-coaster-will-not-open-this-season/K7UHT6YEURB7RCKZ7AK5LNQ33U/
  17. Great news for the kids. Iron Menace is only a 48" height requirement.
  18. I went for the first time last year. Had after 4pm tickets and it started raining off and on as soon as we walked in. Park kept everything but Zinger open and we had a blast. I couldn't get enough of Mamba. I got a solid 45 minutes of rides on Prowler at night. They still ran the Carnival parade even with off and on rain. Can't wait to get back to this park. I could ride Mamba and Prowler all day long and be happy. I really liked Timber Wolf, too.
  19. There is no Platinum pass anymore. Need a goldpass + all parks addon, prestige pass, or hotel stay for early entry currently.
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