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Everything posted by tndank

  1. More reports of them gone now. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpf15Akv7nt/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D Would be great if they took them off others in the chain.
  2. Hundreds of visits and I've never parked in preferred. I've also never used the trams. I like walking and I'm cheap.
  3. Media day is confirmed for Friday, March 31. ACE's call for riders indicates it could start as early as 5:30am.
  4. On FB Fun Spot has stated the park and AF1 opens to the public at 4pm that day. They have also said there will be passholder ride times but they are not ready to release that info yet. Many people assume it'll be earlier in the day before official open, but who knows at this point. I would guess media first, passholders second, open to public at 4. I keep thinking after it opens it will be easy to marathon this thing if you can get there on a weekday. Will be really interesting to see how the wait times and crowds end up. It's such a small park.
  5. Anyone seen anything about Power Hours? Seems that might have been dropped this year.
  6. I'm going to guess it's another exciting psghetti coaster given the checkered flag.
  7. Over a 4 on Google rating with 2000+ reviews. It'll be just fine for a night or two. Recent reviews seem to be good.
  8. VC now on express. Roughly a 45 min line the last year has been 90+ today.
  9. All can be done in a single day, especially weekdays, without FL/QQ. This is especially true if you show up before park opening. Check your dates. Probably only open during the week for Spring Break week in April.
  10. World's first RMC dual single rail coming to Walibi Holland 2025. https://thecoasterkings.com/walibi-holland-adds-two-rmc-single-rail-coasters/
  11. Rumors suggest Velocicoaster will be added to express in the next week or two. Sounds good to me.
  12. Strange. Still showing $149.99 on their website. Sounds like upgrading is nice and easy. Good deal, for sure. Glad you got that taken care of.
  13. In good news, some SF parks have recently lowered Diamond pass to $124.99. St Louis is one of those. (SFoG is another)
  14. Grew up near Dollywood and finally did the 10 hour drive to SDC to ride FITH last year with all the rumors. Something I've always wanted to ride. Might do it again now that it's official. (full disclosure, Flooded Mine was the #2 reason since ours shut down long ago)
  15. Announced today: this will be the last year for Fire in the Hole.
  16. Rise has a standby line. You can always wait if you don't want to purchase the skip the line pass (or it's sold out). All are good options. You'd get the most rides at SeaWorld obviously.
  17. Hate to see this. I was really hoping to ride this. One of my most wanted. https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/mindbender-roller-coaster-closed-after-37-years-at-west-edmonton-mall-1.6252033
  18. They basically dropped $100 off the Diamond pass at all parks this week. If a SF park hasn't dropped it yet, it's coming soon.
  19. If you haven't seen a POV yet, it's a pretty unique ride. Seems more like something that would be at Universal or Disney.
  20. What does everyone think of the growing trend to turn the last row backwards?
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