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Everything posted by tndank

  1. What does everyone think of the growing trend to turn the last row backwards?
  2. Since Universal's announcement OT and Fiesta have knocked $100 off the diamond pass for all parks.
  3. I've heard rumors Six Flags bought 5 of them. 2 are now accounted for.
  4. It's the same as the new Fiesta Texas single rail. ACE twitter has pics from the slides shown this afternoon at No CoasterCon.
  5. Opening day is April 22. April and May are visible when buying group tickets. Looks like daily ops may start May 23rd. Fast pass uses the app. Reserve a ride, use a special line when it's your time. Not the best but not terrible most days.
  6. That would be nice. If this ends up happening, I'll get down there for opening day. Could be fun. Six Flags opens the next day.
  7. https://www.kingsdominion.com/blog/2023/kings-dominion-year-round-operations RIDES Americana Apple Zapple Bad Apple Berserker Boo Blasters Carousel Charlie Brown’s Wind-Up Dodgem Dominator Flying Ace Flying Ace Balloon Race Great Pumpkin Coaster Kite Eating Tree Linus Launcher Lucy’s Crabbie Cabbies Lucy’s Tugboat Peanuts 500 Peanuts Turnpike Snoopy’s Junction Snoopy’s Space Buggies Twisted Timbers Wave Swinger Woodstock Whirlybirds FOOD Apple Ida’s Funnel Cake Auntie Anne’s Boardwalk Fries (Grove and Arbor locations) Border Burrito Cinnabon Country Kitchen Foutain & Floats Grain & Grill Grove Bar Juke Box Diner Rita’s (Grove and International Street locations) Starbucks Sweet Frog Sweet Tooth Refresh Victoria’s Pizza (featuring live entertainment) World's Greatest Funnel Cakes
  8. Good news Carowinds pass holders (gold and above): now through Feb you can enter the park a half hour early to ride Nighthawk and the Carolina Skytower.
  9. According to their website they are open all week April 1-9 for spring break.
  10. Look at the date on that bill. I think you can only see the last one unless you pay.
  11. This appeared on Reddit recently. Seemed like an odd location for the first new Vekoma family boomerang in the US. No other info seems to be known at this point. https://panjiva.com/Vekoma-Rides-Mfg-B-V/1306668
  12. POVs don't get much worse than that. Ride looks fun. I'll be there a few times this year.
  13. Lots of new water slides and a kids skyline attractions dueling single rail confirmed and shown at the event today. Adults can ride, no kid required for either. Missed the first part but I'm pretty sure new WW trains also announced.
  14. Water was removed from the ending of Blazing Fury in 2011. Branson still has it.
  15. Looks like the announcement is going to be a Skyline Attraction P-Sghetti Bowl coaster with lighted track. https://www.facebook.com/groups/thrillseekersunited1/permalink/1305989236845416/ https://skylineattractions.com/products/childrens-rides/psghetti-bowl-childrens-coaster/
  16. Part of it has to be advertising. Can't imagine they are on after they close for the season.
  17. SEAS passes are active when you purchase them. No activation needed.
  18. I get emails most every day from San Antonio. Got one yesterday for the pre-Black Friday sale. Not uncommon to get 2 in a day. I haven't been a passholder there in a couple years. Platinum is down to $190 currently. Side note, seems the park president here is leaving. Not sure I've seen that mentioned.
  19. IG down until the 12th as of right now. Posted on their closure page now.
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