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Everything posted by EliHorton

  1. Eh. This is the one announcement I"m a bit disappointed by. Oh well! This will still be a great addition! It will be a great family attraction and it will add to the water park!
  2. Oh my! I love the color and the trains! I'm so excited for this and the Golden Lasso coaster!
  3. I think it is safe to say that Six Flags Over Texas has the best Gotham section.
  4. YES! I'm so happy that Magic Mountain got a flat ride and this new boardwalk area looks like so nice!
  5. I'm thinking a sky warp as well. I'm going to be totally honest, Six Flags has me stumped this year. Every year I can have a firm guess on what each park will be getting but I'm so stumped on just about every park. I mean Six Flags America is teasing the removal of a couple rides in different areas of the park, Six Flags Over Texas is doing all this weird teasing, Six Flags Over Georgia closed cyclone but having the fidget spinner teasers makes me think of like a free spin or extreme spinner. I'm so excited for them to make the announcement tomorrow.
  6. Same. Discoveries are probably my favorite modern flat rides. You get so much floater air time on them! And for some reason I don't feel nauseous on them. Like, swinging ship rides usually make me feel really nauseous but discoveries don't.
  7. This thread has been quite for a WHILE. Anywho, Santa's Village said on Facebook to stay tuned for a special 2018 announcement. I'm excited! I'm thinking it will either be a splash battle type ride, a twist and splash/watermania type ride, or a water play structure.
  8. That is later than I would like to be out. It isn't road conditions holding me back, it is not wanting to be out driving late (midnight is late).
  9. I really want to go to Holiday in the Park! Unfortunately Six Flags St. Louis is about three hours from me and during the school year I am constantly on the go, especially during the Christmas season. Plus I'd hate to have to drive home in the middle of the night, I only did that once when I went from Kings Island at nine o'clock back to Springfield at six o'clock in the morning (I had reservations in Cincinnati but when I got in the car at Kings Island, I realized the only place I wanted to be was home).
  10. ^^^ I would love a Spinsanity! That is if it is a Zamperla disco Spinsanity. Although if they do get one, I hope it is the version with only 24 seats, the one at Six Flags St. Louis (40 seats) doesn't seem as intense as the ones with only 24 seats. I think the announcement I'm most looking forward to is the one for Six Flags America. I mean with most parks you know, or have a pretty good idea what they are getting, but not with Six Flags America. They have been doing teasing all over the park! I'm also super excited to see what La Ronde gets, see if Great Adventure is actually getting an ABC Tourbilon, and if Magic Mountain is actually get some flat rides.
  11. My issue with them is that I rode this exact same attraction at a cheap A$$ traveling weekend carnival 15+ years ago, and they were fine for a carnival attraction just like a fun house or zipper, but they are a tacky addition to parks that have invested millions into long lasting permanent attractions. These are abysmal additions devaluing the park by thinking "anything" is better than nothing. Nobody wants to ride these things. On my last trip to SFDK they had a Larson Looper, and surprise surprise, it was CLOSED. And NOBODY fretted over it. Nobody cared. Because everyone just looks at it and goes...that's it? Loops may have been cool 15 years ago, but they're a yawner now. And the installations LOOK like a carnival attraction. Who wants to pay admission to ride something that rides and looks like crap? I would rather they skip on the lame attraction and put that money toward the park in other ways. Oh my. Why are you so negative? Why not look at the positives of Valleyfair's 2018 addition? They are getting something, it will be the only looping ride in Route 76, it will create a nice ratio of thrill rides to family rides in the Route 76 section, there is going to be improved lighting and shading in Route 76, the general public will LOVE it, it will look nice in Route 76. I can't think of any negatives about this new addition.
  12. Wowwie! Great pictures! I absolutely love Funtown Splashtown USA! I'm not too into water parks but I think they have a GREAT waterpark! Excalibur, Wild Mouse, and Dragon's Descent are all great thrill rides. And I really love their family ride selection! I love both of the antique cars, the log flume, the dodgem cars, and I really like their tea cups. Funtown is a very charming family owned park.
  13. I know this may sound insane, but maybe they are adding an addition to both the water park and the dry park.
  14. I really hope Penguin's Blizzard River isn't closing. It is a great family ride and a really fun water ride! I absolutely love it! Plus it is one of the only family rides in the Gotham section.
  15. Oh I'd love to see them get a giant discovery! Although would hope they would put it back by Batwing and Superman so there is something else back there. I'm excited to see what they get! I love Six Flags America! It may not have the best coasters or operations, but it is still a fun park and none of the coasters are so bad that I didn't want to reride them. Plus I really love their Gotham section and their Mardi Gras section.
  16. If they were removing V2 they would have announced it a long time ago like how Six Flags Over Georgia announced the closure of the Cyclone a month before it closed. V2 is staying at Six Flags Great America for at least another year.
  17. It just seems like a lot of parks have been removing their Falling Stars lately. Didn't know if maybe they are fairly unreliable and it is hard to find parts or replicate parts that need to be replaced. I love them. Adventureland in Iowa has one and it is one of my favorite rides in that park! I love sliding back and forth and I love feeling weightless going over the top. But you're probably right about the tree thing in Gotham. I think it would be cool if they took out that Batman logo in the middle of the entrance plaza along with those surrounding game stalls. Then they could have a nice landscaped area with several trees and maybe a fountain and have a little path through it. They could have a sign saying "Gotham City Park." And also if by Penguin's Blizzard River if they had a building going over the path for shade and every now in then it could blast some mist. They could have a sign on it saying "Penguin's Deep Freeze" or something like that. They could have it look like a little warehouse, have some icicles in there.
  18. I could kind of see them replacing Zydeco Zinger with King Chaos. Although I'd hate if they did that because I love Chance Falling Stars. But I could also see them adding it into the Gotham City section and giving it the name of the Zamperla Windshear that was at Six Flags New Orleans: Lex Luthor's Inveratron.
  19. I like the idea of a Harley Quinn themed free spin. It could be called Harley Quinn's Flying Trapeze or something like that. But I'd also love to see a Two Face themed one and use the old Two Face: The Flip Side theme. On one said, the track could be white and the supports black, then on the other it could have purple track and black supports. Or a variation of that. I'd also love to see a giant discovery. I'd love to see a flat ride package at Six Flags America before a new coaster to be honest. I'd love a giant discovery to go in between the station of Superman and Batwing. That one could be called Catwoman's Whip and maybe while they are at it they could add a bathroom down there. Then they could put in a Zamperla disco where that basketball game is in the entrance of Gotham. Since that one is by Joker's Jinx they could call it Harley Quinn's Spinsanity.
  20. WOW! I get more excited for Time Traveler everyday! I looks like so much fun!
  21. This is just a dumb idea of mine, but I think if Six Flags St. Louis doesn't replace Highland Fling with another thrill ride, I'd love to see maybe like a kiddie coaster and a kiddie ride. It could just be like a tiny kid's area like how Holiday World has Rudolph's Reindeer Ranch, which only has kiddie flat rides, and Holidog's Funtown, which has a kiddie coaster and one or two kiddie rides. Six Flags St. Louis doesn't really have a coaster for the little ones. Maybe one of those small Zamperla family gravity coasters and a Zamperla jump around. Then maybe put in some pop jets or something around it. The same year they did that they could get new trains for the Boomerang or do a refurbishment of the Boss with either a GCI train, Timberliner, or PTC train.
  22. I'd be perfectly happy with that. Although I'd hope they'd go with a version like Zombie Ride that has a sliding station. Then we'd have two great Premier coasters in the state!
  23. This is probably just a wild dream, but I kind of hope they get a launched Mack coaster similar to Helix. Us Missourians would be so lucky, we'd have an awesome RMC, an amazing PTC coaster, two spectacular GCI coasters, three great B&M coasters, a splendid hyper coaster, a fun Premier launch coaster, a strange but fun S&S coaster, and then two Macks! Although I of course see them getting a launched B&M. Then we'd have four great B&M coasters!
  24. Looks like a lot of people are looking at some of the weird things more than the good things. The track length may be a bit short but look at the ride time, it is just under two minutes. Most of the coasters at SDC have a ride time around there, give or take about twenty seconds. But Time Traveler doesn't even have a lift hill so it will still feel like a long ride. It has a longer ride time and more track than Outlaw Run yet Outlaw Run is still an amazing ride. It may not have themeing during the ride but who cares? None of the other major coasters at SDC do. And I wouldn't count the two tunnels on Thunderation, there isn't actually any themed elements in there. But again, who cares? The themeing in the queue line will no doubt be amazing! And it will be super unique! The placement of the launches might seem a little strange to most people but why not just be happy it HAS launches? I can't WAIT for Time Traveler. I know it will be a ride that will really make me scream. I can only imagine going down that drop face first, or backwards, or sideways! And it will be such a cool feeling going through that loop while turning. Oh my. I'm getting even more excited just talking about Time Traveler!
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