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Everything posted by EliHorton

  1. That's what I'm thinking, too. Five acres isn't that big at all. I don't see how you could fit eight full sized rides, water play areas, and restaurants on a five acre piece of land.
  2. Looks fun! I certainly can't wait to try it out. Kind of bummed it wasn't the windstorm coaster, but this still looks like it will be a bit fun!
  3. That new amusement "park" is merely some fair rides that are going to be parked there for a year. SDC does not have a windstorm coaster. CC had one, but they sold it to Glenwood Caverns after it closed. I think it will be a cool spot, but think closer to Trader Village than an actual amusement park. Whether or not it is just a fair, it sounds really fun to me! I'll still no doubt go on opening weekend to try out the rides they have! The people running their Facebook page are so friendly. They respond to nearly every comment on every post with something positive. I can't wait. It seems like it will be like a smaller version of Branson USA. And yeah, I did mean the windstorm coaster at Celebration City. The model they might be getting is an SDC one. The one at Celebration City, however, was S&MC.
  4. There's a lot of cool stuff around here these days. The Branson Ferris Wheel (former Navy Pier Ferris Wheel) gives great views of the mountains, and there's a ton of cool mini golf places along 76. Ripleys Believe It or Not and Titanic are worthwhile museums, and downtown Branson has the Landing outdoor mall with good chain restaurants like Laredo and an excursion train that goes into Arkansas and give views only accessible by rail. Wilson's Creek National Battlefield is one of the few Civil War battlefields west of the Mississippi, and is historically significant as the site of Gen. Nathaniel Lyon's death. Downtown Springfield is about the only nightlife area in the Ozarks. I love Harbell's on Park Central West for wings and Civil Kitchen on Park Central East for chicken and waffles. Both great beer selections. Speaking of which, we have 3 breweries in Springfield, Springfield Brewing Co. at Market & McDaniel is the oldest. Try the Greene Ghost (with an e for Greene County). Mother's at Grant & Walnut is great, with a variety of beers and a big lot called the Backyard that's open on Saturdays when the weather is good. Hanging out and chatting with new friends, horseshoes, sometimes live music. It's probably the most fun of the three. Try the Loopty Loop there--yep, a roller coaster themed beer! The newest one is White River on Commercial Street, or "C-Street" as we call it here. It's a second downtown north of the actual downtown. It used to be a town called North Springfield that was incorporated decades ago. Cool vibe on that street. White River does not serve beer, but you can find it at many of C-Street's restaurants. I love Cusco, a Peruvian restaurant at Commercial & Robberson. Their specialty is rabbit in peanut sauce. As for White River, try the Table Rock Red. There's also that new small amusement park opening up where that old shopping center used to be! Supposedly, it might be getting a windstorm coaster from SDC, which I'm excited about! Plus Bigfoot on the Strip and Fritz's are both a blast! I'm so thankful to live so close to Branson (funny you should mention it, I live right next door to Wilson's Creek, you can see the Ray House from my road). There is just so many fun and interesting things to do down there! And there seems to be lots of new attractions almost every year!
  5. That name is even cuter than the first one! Though I wonder if it will still look like a pig or a giant piece of bacon.
  6. Wowwie! That whole area is going to be unrecognizable when the park opens for the season! I was scared that it would feel cramped, but they've really opened it up!
  7. I wish they would start going vertical already with this ride. I can't wait to ride it. I wonder if they are waiting until Scrambler, Sandblasters and the Boardwalk areas are all remodeled first before continuing with Crazanity? I'd imagine that they just don't have the pieces yet. They'll probably wait to lay the foundation whenever they have the pieces.
  8. We have a loopy ride with YOLOcoaster. This is over kill. We need more flats and a giga. Lots of the rides loop at Magic Mountain. Lol. I do agree with you on half of that, you guys really do need some more flat rides. I'd love to see them renovate Cyclone Bay and put a couple flat rides where the slingshot used to be. I'd love to see maybe like two more family flat rides and then a thrill ride. I'd love to see them get a tourbillon ride, some flying scooters, and then a Zamperla disco.
  9. If they were to remove Green Lantern soon, which I don't think they will, I would love to see them put a Skyline Eclipse in its place! It has a long and skinny layout so it could fit. They could also give it a Harley Quinn theme or a Wonder Woman theme (retheming that old round up of course).
  10. Aw. That makes me sad that the Troika is getting removed. It was a very fun ride and it was one of the only non-thrill rides in Gotham. I hope they get some flying scooters in its place or something, though I wouldn't be super surprised if it is a super loop like what Six Flags Great America is getting.
  11. I know it is always a mistake to look at the Facebook comments, but I did look at the comments on the photo of this on Facebook.
  12. I do also hope that they kind of open up that area. It is hard to find Thunderation if you've never been there before. I've been going to SDC all 16 years of my life and I STILL sometimes have trouble finding my way to the Thunderation entrance! And that area gets so clogged all the time!
  13. Oh my god! Same! My two first "adult" coasters were Thunderation at SDC and Screaming Eagle at Six Flags St. Louis!
  14. Um. What? So I can get some of the things that GP say. Like, I understand why they would think some things, but thinking an entire mountain rotates? Why would they even think that?
  15. I think I'm part of the 2% that have always liked Timber Wolf, helix and all. I never thought it was that rough. Though I am 16 so I'm still young enough to take a beating and not really feel it. The helix was always my least favorite part of the ride because it was so slow at the top. I was actually super excited when I saw this! And super surprised! I'm excited! The last part of the ride should be a lot quicker now and I'm excited! I'm so glad this classic isn't getting RMC'd, at least anytime soon. Now, if only they could ever run more than one train at once. The last few times that I've gone to Worlds of Fun, they've only run one train on the Timber Wolf, even on a busy day. Not only that, they'd dispatch a train about once every seven minutes.
  16. Wait? New water park? That's great! I have not really ever liked White Water that much. It had such terrible capacity so that nearly every slide had at least a forty-five minute wait. Is it possible that the new water park would be built where Celebration City used to be? It'd be great if Herschend started doing some major investing into SDC within these next couple years! I wonder if the opening of Heritage USA (reopened Dogpatch USA) in 2020 will at all affect how Herschend invests into SDC?
  17. Wow! Great pictures of Wonder Woman! It looks like so much fun! I'm so excited to see how it turns out!
  18. Yeah the employees at Bigfoot are extremely nice. Every time I have gone, I’ve bought a single ride ticket for the Gravity Bomb drop tower (slingshot was closed every time we went due to wind). Even though it was a single ride ticket, they let me go as many times as a I wish. The last time I was there I got 7 rides on it without getting off. I could’ve got more but my neck was hurting because of the strong deceleration on the drop tower. The employee said it was like a 6g deceleration. I’d take that with a grain of salt, but it’s certainly very forceful. Yeah. We rode probably just like six times. It is so much fun. I'm so glad that we have a Soaring Eagle drop tower here in Branson! It even just looks awesome being right on the strip. Branson looks amazing when you are going south on 76 from Branson West because you get a good view of everything in Branson from the top of the hill. Also, Time Traveler looks so fun! I can't wait to ride! And I can't wait until they release a full testing video!
  19. Oh my God. I tried to go to SDC tonight. My boyfriend and I were going to go see the lights. So, we were going south on 76 from Branson West. We saw the line of cars about a quarter mile away from the entrance and decided that maybe we should wait. So we went straight through that intersection. The line of cars coming from Branson was HORRIBLE! It stretched a mile past Shepard of the Hills! We thought the line would maybe get shorter after a while so we went to Steak'N'Shake. After that, we went and got in line. After waiting for about half an hour, we decided to give up and I did a U-turn in the middle of 76. Instead, we went to the Branson Landing and then Bigfoot on the Strip. The people at Bigfoot are so nice! Though I think part of the reason they were so nice is because they know I'm dear friends with one of the other workers. The Gravity Bomb is insane! It was kind of funny, my boyfriend has never ridden a drop tower before, and he grabbed on to my arm as soon as we started to fall.
  20. Huh. I can't say that this attraction is what I was thinking it was going to be. I was thinking that it would be a kiddie ride package or even just one large flat ride, like an air race or something. Seems like it will be a fun new experience, but not interesting enough to get me to go down to Georgia. I wonder when Herschend will add another coasters since the last one was a used Miler in 2010.
  21. Wild Adventures just did a post on Facebook saying that they are making a "mega huge" announcement tomorrow. I wonder what it will be. Could it possibly be the splash battle from Dollywood?
  22. Wow! It seems like Six Flags Fiesta Texas is putting in some major effort for the coaster. SFOT/SFFT posted a video from the construction tour, and he said that during the tour, the guide said that the Parthenon looking queue line will be made from real stone and they will have fire effects throughout the queue! I'm always impressed by how much Six Flags Fiesta Texas works to make their new rides look amazing!
  23. Wow! What great pictures! My oh my! It looks like Twisted Cyclone will be one HECK of a ride! I can't wait to ride it! I wonder how they could do the layout to add 300 extra feet? I'm sure it will be amazing!
  24. Eh. I think we will see one added to every park except for the Great Escape. I would actually love one at La Ronde. I think they are fun. That is, if you actually flip rather than just rock back and forth. Plus they are huge crowd pleasers. I would love if they ripped out Cobra for one. It sure would look nice next to Vampire. Though I would love if they got a launch coaster even more, like a sky rocket II. I wish Six Flags would add more of those.
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