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exit english

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Everything posted by exit english

  1. Well, right now I'm working, and there's a million cookies in the room next to my office. When I get home, I'm hitting the Grey Goose and cranberry juice.
  2. For now, I'm still going to sit back and watch. I have an upconvert DVD player which suits me just fine for the time being.
  3. Does common sense even exist at age 10? I always thought that came with experience, which usually comes with growing up.
  4. I can only pretty much hang my head in shame. That's pretty ridiculous.
  5. I don't know, I've done it with Heineken (ugh....) and it came out pretty good, but something darker and more flavorful, would seem to overpower the meat IMO. Then again, I didn't marinate it overnight, either.
  6. First, you gotta use a much lighter colored beer, and 2nd, you can't marinate it for that long. It's pretty good if you use use it lightly. Also, seconding the medium-rare comment.
  7. ^ LOL, not a KOSHER move. Was that an intentional pickle joke? [/b]
  8. Oh man.. Let's see here. Jen: 100% cotton terry sleep pants with embroidered cherries Monkey slippers 100% cashmere gloves DKNY "Be Delicious" gift set (perfume) A couple of sets of clothes from American Eagle Outfitters (sweaters, tank tops and the like...) a "Diet Pepsi" keychain (a joke between us because she is addicted to diet pepsi, but I much prefer coke) I love Lucy collectible stuff Citizen Eco-Drive white gold watch with 12 Swarovski crystals situated around a mother-of-pearl face. A WACOM "Bamboo" USB drawing tablet for the PC, so she can do some of her artwork directly and not have to get out messy paints or pencils. Various lotions and the like Parents: searching for an up-convert DVD player to go with their new HDTV Brother: Not sure yet, but we usually don't get each other traditional gifts, instead we tell each other that we're trying to find them something (in my case, he's looking for bluetooth audio so I can stream from my laptop to the surround system without plugging in, and I'm looking for laptop accessories for him) and when we find it, we give them.
  9. So, playing "hide the pickle" is now a Christmas tradition??
  10. Um. Wow. What happen to dis thread? I didn't think it could get any worse.
  11. The teal was a pain in the you know what to put on the wall. We wound up buying a second quart so we could even it out. The green wasn't so bad at all, but the teal was pretty stubborn. Thanks for liking my living room .
  12. Winning the championship game in my fantasy football league, a trophy and $75. And they all laughed at me when I picked Brett Favre.
  13. I still say that you shouldn't attempt to live vicariously through him.
  14. ^ That statement is truth no matter what song you are talking about.
  15. Dude, I gotta agree with these 2... I mean, yeah - she's a good looking girl, but making an attempt to live vicariously through CTU Agent just doesn't seem right.
  16. ^ You should see Jen's bathroom. It's entirely (down to the trashcan, shower curtain and hooks) I love Lucy. She has so many collectibles from that era, and she was so excited when we found the Marilyn picture on clearance for $17 with the frame. Also, thanks for the compliments on the place. I'll have to round up some pics of our matching-color Christmas tree (also from Target, and decorated with Target lights, ornaments and ribbon), as well as our other decorations. We even have a couple of the "Studio 54" trees .
  17. Let me be the first to say that I love Target. Those of you who are employed there, let's see if you recognize the following: Target chair, Target ottoman, Target picture frames, Vase, end-table, glass coasters, DVDs purchased at Target and Amazon, and some other decorations that most likely came from the TGT. Target picture, Target sconces, Target candles, Target pillows on the couch, Target frames for the 2 pictures next to the lamp, and a Target TV stand, which I've just recently replaced with another one from Target. The napkin in the center of the table that started it all. Our obsession with color (well, Jen's obsession with color and my going along with it....) The color in the next pictures was actually color-matched to that napkin. Also the vase and silk flowers in the center (and the glass beads in it) are from... you guessed it. edit: also the very bottom of a picture frame is barely visible. That's Jen's Audrey Hepburn picture, and frame, from target.
  18. Nothing wrong with iPods, nothing at all. In fact, I still have my Nano - though it's broken and I can't put songs on it. I just decided to make the switch, and I couldn't be happier.
  19. ^ Thank God someone else around here has the good sense to purchase a Zune. What color is yours? I'm proud to say I own a poop brown 30 GB. I'm rockin' white SkullCandy Smokin' Buds, but I think I'm going to upgrade to the "Full Metal Jacket" in blue.
  20. Right on, man. That's one of the biggest reasons I loved them (other than the fact that they're Intamin hypers:) ). I especially like Darien's, because that straightaway is out over the water, and you feel like you're in the middle of nowhere, then BAM! Totally freaking awesome. I need to go back up to DL this summer and get Jen on a kick ass Intamin hyper, especially now that she likes MF.
  21. It's all about the Skull Candy.
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