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exit english

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Everything posted by exit english

  1. No, MySpace is becoming overly flooded with spam and stalkers. Have you tried new (Mt. Dew) AMP Sugar Free energy drink?
  2. As long as Dexter, Weeds and Californication stay running, I'm cool. Dexter, most definitely should as it is based on a series of books. Not to mention, I'm not sure networks like Showtime would be affected by such a boycott. -Josh
  3. Yeah. That's pretty easy, I guess.. Let's try this one.
  4. Let's see if anyone can get this one... edit: oops huge version. re-uploading.
  5. Corona? UGH. I've tried, honestly, I have tried. I cannot get through a full 12 Oz. of that stuff. -Josh
  6. Planet Terror came out on Tuesday, and I was there at midnight (stopped on my way home from work) to pick it up. That completes the Grindhouse set, of course, until the "double feature" box set version comes out... Next on the list: Vanishing Point. -Josh
  7. OMG this pisses me off so bad. I left a company because it was terrible, and I'm pretty sure on it's way to going out of business, and 2 months later, I get emails asking me if I can help the new people finish up the exchange archiving I had been working on. I gave them the same answer they give their clients when they ask for help. "Absolutely, my billable rate is $145 per hour, minimum 1 hour, and 15 minute increments thereafter." Never heard back from them. -Josh
  8. ^ So, how long until you start hating your job at BGA, again? Me? I work information systems for Ohio's top rated hospital. It's a decent gig, though being a hospital, it operates 24/7, so the hours can suck sometimes. -Josh
  9. OK I lied. I am still shopping for the TV, but my iPod took a crap on me, so I bought a 30 GB Zune. It's brown.
  10. That was one of the absolute WORST things about working for them. They didn't do it when I started working for them, but 4 years later they decided it was a good idea. Luckily, it had always been my 2nd job - so I had an excuse. "Can't come in, gotta work 9-5 at my job that actually pays me "
  11. This one may come as a shocker, especially with all of you guys that hate her. I think she's hot as hell. Don't think she's all that funny, but I'd hit it. -Josh
  12. How about a purchase that's currently in the works? I'm searching for the best price on this: http://westinghousedigital.com/details.aspx?itemnum=59 I currently have this: http://www.westinghousedigital.com/details.aspx?itemnum=101 Which will go into our bedroom.
  13. I'm Josh. I've been around for quite a while, and I've hung around quite a few people from here, whether I mentioned TPR or not. I hadn't posted much until recently. Oh, and as the title says, I'm Elissa's REAL Boyfriend. -Josh This is me rolling my eyes at n00bs, I guess.
  14. You know what's so great about this time of year? (besides halloween and horror movies?) Right now, Great Lakes is brewing up a batch of my favorite beer, and it will hit the shelves in a month or so. Gotta love Great Lakes Christmas Ale. -Josh
  15. Though I prefer the total ride in the front seat... Maverick, back seat = YANK.
  16. ^ Not that particular one, but I have been on Superman/Steel Venom and the V2 at SFGrAm, which are the exact ride that the "modified" one was. -Josh
  17. I was always a fan of the Whirlwind at Knoebels, when you were on your way back to the station, there's that support that looked like it was probably4 inches away from the side of the train. You couldn't actually reach it, though - thanks to the restrictive nature of the OTSRs on those older Arrow trains, but it was damn close. Josh
  18. With today's advancements in polymer technology, I'd bet it would be possible for a coaster to create the illusion of jumping by constructing some kind of super-durable resin-based track sections in crystal clear. Problem with that is, you'd still see it because it would be like a giant prism and the sun would reflect through it. I'm sure if you enclosed it in a tunnel, or did something so that you could see the "absence" of track, but not the presence of the polymer, it would be pretty damn effective. I've thought about that before, and I think it could work. -Josh
  19. OK, I'll jump in on this since It's early in the morning and I'm still at work... Ridiculous MYSPACE ANGLES LOL
  20. Wells Banana Bread Beer. mmmmmm...mmmmm...Tasty Josh
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