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Everything posted by WalrusMan

  1. I can understand it because most rides use a restraint type that holds you in by your legs, and well, when you don't have them you're not held in. The only roller coaster system I can think of that doesn't do this is old Horsecollars. OTSRs, although they are over the shoulder, still pin you in by the lap.
  2. Of course, I was used to it from the Intellivision II system. Wow.......
  3. No mention of my favourite alltime game yet.... BURGER TIME!!!!!
  4. If we're going to start talking about minor league parks, Municipal Stadium, home of the San Jose Giants, is a great old stadium. Dates back to the early 1900s even. And if we're going to start talking about ballpark food, can't beat Garlic Fries at The Bell!
  5. I must say that The Bell in San Francisco (SBC Park if you must call it that) is my favourite stadium. Great views from every seat, small crowd, good atmosphere, and who can beat a giant coke bottle and glove in left center? lol. But I may be a bit biased on that. I have to say that Petco Park is quite interesting, with it's foul pole. And for a park to acomplish something in, Coors Field. The Giants network shows it every time they go to Colorado. In batting practice, Barry Bonds hit a ball above the purple line, which is a mile above sea level. And no one else has ever done that (or that's what they say).
  6. Jeez, can the A's ever fill up their stadium? The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim....wow.....lol And to the most beautiful ballpark, The former Bell, now known as SBC Park.
  7. Down with the dreaded Dodgers, Go Giants! And Hooters! Always wondered about that Pacific Park place.....
  8. Well, for a graduation present, I'm getting a laptop. But not being the smartest person in this section of knowledge, I'd like your opinion. What specs should I get minimum? I know I want the ability to have mobile internet, but what do I need for that? An internet card or WiFi or what? As for what I'd do with it, mostly just school stuff, word processing, presentations, maybe some simple games that I can play if I get bored during English. So what do you reccommend?
  9. Well once I saw where it was, away from the subduction zone, I knew there wasn't going to be a tsunami. Only going to happen on a subduction fault. But Comcast interuppted all programming lol.
  10. Well, if you are looking for realism and freedom, go for No Limits. Go to www.nolimitscoaster.com for information. If you are looking for simplicity, go for RCT2. And in my opinion, don't get RCT3.
  11. LOL well, the Gilroy area is (well was) a very farming oriented place. They're still the garlic capital of the world.
  12. The theme park of Bonfonte Gardens does not use up all or even (I think this is true) half of the land owned by the park. So hopefully they get their money back, get more money after that, and finally build that terrain woodie there.
  13. Remember by the Greg Kihn Band, something no one has ever heard of probably.
  14. >Well, PGA has screwed up our schedule. They don't open until Saturday. >Which means now we will be doing SF City Stuff on Thursday and PGA >on Saturday. I think we may just take the coast up on Wednesday now >and take the fast way (Interstate 5) home on Monday. Boy....that'll be a long car ride up, all the way up the coast on US 101 and CA 1? But, guess it's worth it with all the scenery. Cliffs around Big Sur are amazing. >How busy will PGA be on that Saturday? Should we also set aside >Monday Morning/Afternoon for PGA? We will have AP's there (since they >are also good at Bonfante) so we will probably go back sometime during > the summer. I would doubt that PGA would be overly crowded on Saturday, even though it is a holiday weekend. Most people in the bay area head out of town. A day should be plenty for it though. >What else besides Pier 39, Golden Gate, Alcatraz are MUST do's in SF? I >haven't been in about 13 years and Kristi and the kids have never been. > We are also thinking of doing the Jelly Belly tour on our way up to >Vallejo. I would say Golden Gate and Alcatraz are the only MUST do's on your list. Other places to go are Ghiradeli Square (and there's a nice bread shop right below it with great Cesar salad too ), the Exploratorium, Golden Gate Park, and if you're into baseball any, the Dodgers are in town for a game at SBC Park. (BEAT LA!) >Is 10-6 enough time for SFMW on a Friday? Remember we have never >been here. 10-6 is enough time to do the rides, but if you want the whole experience, all the animal attractions etc., I'd want more time. Rides would only take you to about 1 or 2 if you just want a few quick rides on them, but the animals can take forever, depending on how long you want to have fun for. My friends and I (we were all 16 year old guys at the time) spent about 45 mins in a bird house area. lol >How much time do we set aside for Bonfante and SCBB on Sunday? >Remember our kids will LOVE Bonfante. Well, I would do SCBB and the warf (you can't miss the warf) in the morning, right when SCBB opens. It's not crowded at all and you can get quick rides on Giant Dipper and Hurricane. Then head over to Gilroy over CA 152 and Bonfonte Gardens is right along there. I don't really know if the kids really will like Bonfonte. There's really not much to do there. If you want to view the gardens, take a lot of time, but to just ride some rides for the kids, I'd say 1-2 hours, literally. It's a tiny park with almost no rides, and definetly no lines. >Any suggestions on Hotels for the City, Six Flags, PGA and Santa >Cruz/Gilroy. We don't care what chain as long as it's clean and in a >relatively safe area. >Is staying in the city too expensive? Should we just stay outside the city >on Wednesday night? Wouldn't know, the only hotel I can suggest is in San Jose, about 25 mins away from PGA called the Residence Inn. Kind of expensive, but a cool place to stay.....had to stay there a few months once........ >Thanks!!! Yup
  15. He looks quite lively for 78 though..... I could care less though......
  16. Today's South Bay Area unofficial average is $2.609 for regular unleaded. Cheapest around is $2.499. But we've got a $2.819 around somewhere.
  17. I play for our Varsity volleyball team at my highschool and I'm a defensive specialist. It's what happens when you can't get more than 3 inches over the net. My friends and I sometimes play hockey in the school parking lot too....not too much else though.
  18. My Uncle says (keyword says) that he was inline to have a Colosus @ SFMM world record setting marathon. Had it planned out, gotten permission from Guiness world records, every 6 hours 15 minute break for bathroom and getting food, etc. But then SFMM backed out.
  19. PGA, right now I could live without it, as I've been living without it for a few years now. I'm about 20 minutes away, so a few years back I had a VIP Pass and my dad had a WOW Card. We would just go after he got home from work during the summer and basically re-ride Top Gun over and over. So now I'm a bit tired of PGA. I think that Grizzly should be torn down and a newer age smoother (but not too smooth, not steel smooth) woodie be put in. Demon's a great ride, probably the 4th best ride in the Bay Area behind Giant Dipper, Top Gun, and Medusa. I love being shrowded in trees, and it has some great airtime in the back. Long Live the Demon!
  20. Now don't get too excited over disaster movie. This is actually true. Millions of years ago, Yellowstone was a huge volcano. It blew up, the whole globe has ash from the explosion it was so big. And now lately, the geysers, even old faithful, have been less, well, faithful. Scientists are viewing changes in the ground shape. Trees that don't grow in water (pines) have been submerged and underwater vegetation uplifted and left to dry. Glad I'm living west of this thing so I won't get as much ash.....
  21. Elissa, I've haven't enough money to buy a new car with all my money being sucked out of my pocket for gas.
  22. Prices in San Jose average are $2.459 per gallon, highest is $2.799 and lowest is $2.299. Our gas I believe has 70 or so cents of taxes...so it actually evens out in price almost between here and UK if you look at the base price of just the gas. It sucks....especially when you own a car that only gets 10 mpg....
  23. Life of Brian is great, but for Python you just have to be special to get it. On the note of John Clease, anyone ever seen Fawlty Towers? Funniest show ever! Any Pythonite needs to see Fawlty Towers.
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