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Everything posted by LiftThrill

  1. The sunset footage is pretty awesome and some of the shots are great. It may not be the rest ride but it does look good.
  2. I'm mostly laughing at Switchback being listed as new for 2016.
  3. I'll be totally honest, it's actually fairly fun in the back car. There's a hint of airtime and no headache in those three rows. It also looks good and has a great presence at the front of the park. Maybe my tolerance for greying out just got bigger or something but out of the 5 rides I've had on it, there has now been one good one. I wish I had ridden it again that day to see if it was growing on me or if it was just a lucky seat. Firehawk is the new #last. I dont need more blood flowing into my neck. Also I love you coasterbill lol
  4. I can actually agree with Raven and Banshee when I rode them. Context could have been part of the issue though, as I rode Banshee on a fairly hot day where I was pretty dehydrated for parts of the day. It just felt sort of like the "heavy g force on loop" kind of thing and wasn't really all the hype. Raven was amazing but it was definitely one of the roughest woodies I've been on(although I'm sure it had something to do with the time we rode it as Voyage was running smoother than it so maybe it hadn't been retracked in a while). On the other hand, anyone who thinks Maverick is forceless is either delusional or rode it in the front row in the rain or something. I do like Raven and Banshee, I just don't think they deserve the hype. Just my two cents.
  5. Much of this is true, but not all 14 year olds are like that. Many of them are complete punks though. It still sucks to hear about this, violence is the exact opposite of what we want at amusement parks (except maybe during Halloween)
  6. That's strange. NTAG usually has the fastest operations out of all the rides in the park. NTaG's operations are very inconsistent. In the same day, it went from an op dabbing instead of checking restraints and causing 5+ minute dispatches, then later there were 45 second dispatches. I think it just depends on the crew.
  7. I think you forgot the (if applicable) on "Every guest" As for a spinning coaster, I think if they put a spinner with high capacity (do these exist?) and a good layout it could be a good fit, but I don't know if the park would go in that direction soon. While I don't think Pipe Scream is a coaster, it does sort of fill that void. Although it's Cedar Point, so it doesn't actually have any voids in its lineup. At this point it's just "add awesome stuff" and "make the existing stuff more awesome." (and yes that includes infrastructure, flats, pretty much any non-coaster thing that's not food. CP food is mostly not awesome)
  8. Went to the park for a night ride on Iron Rattler today. It was about a 45 minute wait from the bottom of the switchbacks with only one train running, which is actually really, really good operations-wise. Definitely worth the 2 hours if you include driving, waiting, and everything else involved. Iron Rattler in the middle rows at night is one of the most soothing experiences ever. Incredibly fun.
  9. On the contrary, I'm very interested to hear how the Saucer slides end up being. They look like really fun rides.
  10. I don't think the full layout is shown in the video. It still won't be the shortest in the area though, Mad Raft @ ZDT's is still a thing. Either way it will definitely fit in the waterpark well and probably be one of the better slides there.
  11. This is honestly pretty hype. Anything in the vein of Wildebeest and Dragon's Revenge/Master Blaster is good in my book, and it looks like it'll be one of the better ones out there too. Between this and the Six Chute/Mineshaft complex the waterpark is definitely going to be somewhere I spend more time in 2017 than I did this past season.
  12. Boss is one that comes to mind but I'll be totally honest that an RMC Boss could pretty much be the best coaster ever made. The ones that come to mind for me at the moment (the list could be different at different times) are: Runaway Mountain, Mr Freeze, and Shock Wave @ SFOT (seriously, this park probably has the best "middle tier" outside of Cedar Point or Silver Dollar City) Switchback @ ZDT's (more underridden then anything but still one of the best coasters ever and especially in Texas) Rougarou and Raptor @ CP (Rougarou is just underappreciated because it's at CP, Raptor is seriously amazing and while people love it, it deserves way more than that) Vortex @ KI (Gets a ton of hate but is actually pretty fun) All three supporting rides @ SDC (Best "middle tier" I've experienced except Cedar Point and the park doesn't even have a bottom tier at all) Road Runner Express @ SFFT (One of the rides that is actually really fun even though it shouldn't be based on stats or layout or anything, the setting combined with minimal restraints and janky airtime makes it potentially my favorite mine train (only other that comes close is Thunderation @ SDC) Big list but I feel like none of these rides get quite the attention they deserve.
  13. I've been the only rider on Switchback @ ZDT's quite a few times.
  14. I'll be totally honest about the fact that I don't know what we're getting and that anything I suggest will probably be unlikely, but a Power Splash or Mack dive type ride (especially replacing Power Surge) would be absolutely amazing.
  15. SFOT's flat collection really is becoming awesome. If it really is a Super Loop that's cool although I'm not a big fan of them but it will fit nicely with the other new flats that have been added.
  16. If I were at a winter event at Kings Island that was open past sunset I wouldn't care about riding Diamondback at all. Sub-freezing Beast night rides all day and night.
  17. Old. They tend to leave more room. If the new ones didn't tighten during the ride I'd be even between them but especially on older coasters with the new restraints it starts to really hurt my collarbone and hips and when dispatches are slow and it starts stacking *coughwildeaglecough* it really hurts. I had an indention in my hips after the second lap on Wild Eagle.
  18. I just wear a swim shirt, water shoes, and trunks to a park if I'm doing a dry side and wet side in the same day, unless I need to have my phone on me for whatever reason in which case I'll just rent a bunny for my needs and at that point, screw it I'm just going to bring a change of clothes anyway.
  19. Nice TR! I agree with many of your points but I think you probably should've swapped The Boss for Eagle. I found Eagle to be around average for a wooden coaster and haven't heard too many things about it being rough while The Boss has a reputation for being pretty much one of if not the roughest coaster ever (Gerst trains don't help at all either). I don't think I've heard anyone talk about The Boss without mentioning how rough it is whereas Eagle has a good reputation for its amazing floater air. Anyway what's done is done and you definitely visited better parks than SFStL on your trip so hopefully you had a good time at those. Anyway nice TR so far, can't wait to see the KI and CP part of it
  20. Boldikus's Pilgrimage to the Point is the one that comes to mind for me.
  21. that's just one I found online (and seems to be for Laredo, Tx. . so they must be running in a couple of Texas cities). the ones in the paper, actually have at the bottom of the page, the logos for the "FOUR NEW RIDES!" - Hurricane Force 5, Spinsanity, Fireball, and Superman: Krypton Coaster VR So I think those are actually the bots you shoot at on the VR coaster. ^ yeah I doubt we're getting a JL for 2017. Although ever since this year's additions Scooby's line has taken a huge hit so it's possible.
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