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Henry M

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Everything posted by Henry M

  1. Nice to see a simple ride well themed, to make it look like a big ride.
  2. Nice line up of rides. Not sire on the title, to the moon and back, but oh well.
  3. Keep making posts like this and you'll find out! Ah, sorry, I think I know what you mean (deleting/banning people). At least some people think you are nice, and to be fair it does not really bother me if the person who provides me with the highest quality roller coaster footage is nice or not.
  4. Yes, but not as much as dogs! Do you like merlin parks?
  5. What do you mean, you weed out most of them?
  6. Nice! These are the photos I wave wanted to see for a long time. By the expressions on the riders faces, it looks like a fun ride.
  7. Obviously, I don't know for sure, but it looks like they have fone a lot of research into what would be the best way for this ride to drop. E.g, it makes the twist very soon into the drop, then stays vertical for a while.
  8. Yes, these inside pictures are nice. Do you know if the trains are going to be special or have anything like a lighting package?
  9. We need more old style wooden coasters to be built. They have more character.
  10. I mean ... There is no doubt it had potential, and the first bit looks good. However, it looks like the designers did the first part, got bored, and ended it like they have. Remindes me of a kid on No Limits, when they get bored and just end the ride.
  11. WOW, form the POV, it looks to have a lot of "OH MY GOD!!! Parts to it. Considering it is a 'small' ride on the big world of coasters, it looks good.
  12. The one at Brighton looks good. All of the ones which tip you over the sea make a more unique experiance, which not many rides can offer.
  13. Hi, I am not asking for a title yet (don't worry I know the rules) but I wanted to know what the title faries favourite ride is and why.
  14. For some reason, Oblivion gets so many people trying to take videos of. I have heard so many stories of it stoping due to people taking videos! I think it is because it either has more cctv or people think it would be an 'easy' ride to film.
  15. ^What is your favorite pendulum ride? Mine is an Intamin one, like Claw or Maelstrom.
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