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Henry M

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Everything posted by Henry M

  1. To make it worse, they also announced the closing of enterprise and Nemesis. A nuclear war breaks out over the world.
  2. To make it worse, they added OSTR's. The Smiler has another accident.
  3. To make it worse, I know you are lying because you just posted that! Intamin and B&M go bust.
  4. To make it worse, they play let it go throughout the whole ride. Darien lake gets a decent and well themed flat ride.
  5. To make it worse, the owner writes a personal letter stating how things are about to get a whole lot worse. Someone pukes up on you on the slammers at the top.
  6. ^so Saw and other eurofighter coasters, their drop is an inversion. An inversion is when it feels like one.
  7. Oh my gosh!! This may not be GP but it sounds like something they would say. It shocked me as it was on the Six Flags La Ronde website for Goliath: WTF!!!! So, they count this as a hyper coaster: So this is a hypercoaster?
  8. Ah, well that changes everything! I get what you mean about the pain.
  9. How do you get your hands on those amazing pics, gutterfish?
  10. You really should make another visit, a lot has changed in ten years, and the park now has some coasters which are descent.
  11. Whenever you see or hear the danish say Welcome and you instantly think of Vekoma. ('Velkommen')
  12. Am I the only one who thinks Darien Lake is getting too much bad press over their rides on this thread?
  13. ^ It sure is an incredible experience. It is one of the few rides around which actually makes you fear for your life and the negative G you pull on the reverse rotation is extreme. And secondly: Did you get that from me per chance? It was very early on in their relationship to be fair, but it is still sad.
  14. ^Just show them a picture or say a smaller english version of Batman the ride!
  15. I was disappointed by the size of this and speed when I first saw it. However, it actually takes the hills really fast and looks more intense that I would have imagined it being. I approve.
  16. Sorry, it is not even the front two. The second seat is not as bad as the rest, but never would I call it smooth. If you want a really enjoyable ride (and I mean seriously it could be an awesome roller coaster) then sit on the front row. It is worth queuing the extra hour or so for the front.
  17. Read my recent trip report (it is on the home page), to find out why that is all the design now consists of. The plans were much bigger, so actually, they have a point to say that.
  18. I know it is not a really stupid thing for the GP to say, but I have heard about this mysterious park called 'SEVEN Flags' many times. I feel I must go and visit it.
  19. Yes, it used to be called X:\ No Way Out, but as a little pun and a reminder as to when the ride went backwards, they have added that in new for this year, to say where the exit is.
  20. Oh damn, this is me EVERY TIME!! This should go in my shame thread, but I actually have lost a whole nights sleep once before Visiting Liseberg!
  21. Why's that? Sorry, it may sound stupid, but I don't get the joke (If it is one)
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