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Everything posted by thecoasterdude

  1. I loved the Space Mountain queue at Magic Kingdom.
  2. You should drive the extra 2 hours to Great Adventure, or Hershey and skip SFA. But it's your call.
  3. Nitro about 1 and a half hours ago, in the rain and 40 degree weather, and in the foggy night. I was pleased with my last coaster ride of 2015. And I did ride it about 10 times tonight.
  4. Probably a toss-up between Skyrush and El Toro. Both drops are breath-taking, however the Skyrush drop is steeper. But El Toros drop is just how everyone says it is. I would probably lean more towards Skyrush though.
  5. Going on Anthem of the Seas, the newest RCI ship in March, out of Cape Liberty. Any recommendations on things to do?
  6. When life gives you oranges, don't expect lemonade!
  7. 5 favorite movies of 2015 in no particular order: Inside Out The Martian Star Wars: The Force Awakens Jurassic World Ant-Man
  8. Also I recommend the Jack Frost show. It's at the Showcase Theater, and was a very enjoyable Christmas-themed magic show, that contained quite extreme stunts.
  9. Saw Star Wars twice already. Movie is great, but not mind-blowing. If I were to rank all 7 Star Wars Movies it would go like this: 7- Phantom Menace 6- Attack of the Clones 5- Return of the Jedi 4- Revenge of the Sith 3- The Force Awakens 2- A New Hope 1- Empire Strikes Back
  10. Been On: Kingda Ka, the launch wasn't very enjoyable and it gave me a bad headache. One that looks the worst: Green Lantern at SFMM.
  11. What is your least favorite B&M coaster that you have been on?
  12. My most "fun" coaster ride ever was on Wicked Cyclone in the back row at night. It was absolutely amazing.
  13. My first coaster was Joust at Dutch Wonderland, and I rode it when I was 3.
  14. I would say Dinosaur at Disney's Animal Kingdom. A very well themed ride, and the effects really interact with it.
  15. Im also heading to the park today for Fright Fest. Last year I wasn't able to do any haunts, so are any recommended? I heard Asylum and Voodoo are the best.
  16. I like Superman, but what I like more than Superman is Batman. Even though they're both clones, which doesn't really matter, I feel Batman is one of the most intense B&M Inverts out there because it's so compact. And yes, the pretzel loop on Superman is fun, I would probably rank Batman 5th in the park, and Superman 6th. As for GL, I honestly hate all stand ups. However GL, is considered one of the best of its kind, it doesn't really compare to Superman. I feel GL is skippable, but if you want the credit do it.
  17. I believe on Bizarro the maximum is 6 foot 4 (76 inches), due to the restraints.
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