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Everything posted by thesman

  1. I forgot what article but i saw it going to another country and it was confirmed. Now i just can't find that article. (It was a reliable source too).
  2. Wow I always though it was possible riding the different models of these. Curious which cable snapped? Now this may be an excuse to get a good flyer model that isn't from the 40s like one from Larson international.
  3. I know T2 is shorter than the rest (as its the prototype) but I'm not sure where it's shortened as it looks the same as the standard.
  4. Even though everyone said it. mean streak could use a retracing (even though when I rode it, it wasn't bad). Ghost runner at knotts. That was brutal.
  5. I love how ALMOST everyone has their hands up! LOL Reminds me of my solo ride in the back seat. I love how the kid has his thumbs up like he's not even flying down the track. LOL. Quick question though... I have a souvenir cup that I purchased during my visit back in June. Can I bring that with me next weekend? And if so, how much would the refills cost? Yeah you can bring it. i think its something like 5-10 bucks for refills.
  6. You said that you liked the sign for steel force. That was actually the original logo for Mantis at Cedar Point when it was called Banshee before being changed to Mantis with it's current logo. (Or now old since it closed yesterday).
  7. ^^^ Wow they really ripped and gutted the whole hotel. When they said make over I was really on expecting new paint, carpet and furniture. Maybe they will finally get rid of the 90's tv's at all of the hotels
  8. Phoenix at Knoebels easily. Insane fast air time. felt like i was going to fly out of my seat.
  9. Pretty much all wooden coasters. Depending on the time of day the wheels and track warm up and give better, faster rides. Thats why many people like to have night rides on coasters. Also the wood stretches in the heat adding a different ride rather than a cold day.
  10. This year is extremely tough to choose. But, I'm gonna have to say Batman The Ride only because it's the first ride of it's type.
  11. Zuminjaro drop of doom. Have to walk something like half a mile. well maybe not but farther than the length of kingda ka.
  12. At knoebels they unloaded, loaded, checked and dispatched the train in like 30 seconds.
  13. My top 3 would have to be Fire Chaser Express, Lightning Run and Helix. It would be hard to pick one. They also seem like the most advertised coasters of the year.
  14. Disney's California Adventure gets a lot more crowded in the afternoon, so hitting Tower of Terror, Radiator Springs Racers and California Screamin' first should be a must. When I went radiator springs racer had at least a 2 and half hour line all day and the fast pass line was really long and sold out early and this was when the park first opened.
  15. Curious, who built the off road vehicles for the Safari Off Road Adventure? I know GM built Disney's was it the same here?
  16. Heading to the park today anyone know how the crowds are? (I'm guessing light in the beginning of the day then crowded later since its the first day of fright fest).
  17. Heading to the park today anyone know how the crowds are or what to do this season?
  18. Although I never had a problem with mantis and actually found it smooth except for one element. But it looks pretty cool. Wonder who will get the old trains SF or who ever buys the Togo Stand Up. Also does this count as another credit?
  19. I don't think it would look that bad. It would look like sasquatch at Great Escape
  20. For the 2015 season I'm guessing the park will either add the spinning coaster they have been talking about for years or either a 2nd tower to down time which will be a space shot.
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