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Everything posted by thesman

  1. That makes two of us. Who is the third one? That would be me! I've ridden this ride twice 4 years apart and had an amazing ride each time, not sure why there is so much hate.
  2. Is it only for one person or am I able to squeeze my bring a friend free onto that fast pass?
  3. Is the cyclone better? I rhode it around when Luna Park took over and it was unbearable.
  4. While I am doubtful I can see them doing this. The park has been trying to dip into the Disney/ tourist crowds the past few years as the thrilling park. A large investment coaster would logically be the next step. I hope the park doesn't remove roaring rapids as it draws crowds and a water ride in the desert is always nice. @intamin make more efficient water pumps!
  5. I think I might be the first ever person to actually be excited to ride an SLC .The new restraints did wonders last seasons and became one of the better rides in the park.
  6. Just took the survey and was surprised when I saw it because I actually thought it was a joke. They also talked a lot about design concepts and theming.
  7. Anyone see the Blac Chyna fight at the park on easter? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SASHBwh09Lg
  8. So we don't have an official thread for action park / Mountain Creek (my personal favorite waterpark) so posting here Johnny Knoxville is staring in movie about action park and it looks amazing! focusing on how dangerous and awesome it was as well as the people that went there I love how they called Great Adventure 7 flags, so seems they are basing it on the actual history which makes me like the movie even more as an action park nerd
  9. Is the maintenance building next to mind eraser painted for the riddler? can't tell.
  10. ^ its a business tactic since so many people go to Disney, its an incentive to book Knott's hotel while still being able to go to Disney and Knott's makes money
  11. Is Gerstlauer building it or did they higher an outside construction company?
  12. Is this later than normal? Do they usually open mid to end March for the college spring breaks or is my memory wrong?
  13. Save button does not work. very annoying when you spend 45 minutes ranking them and it doesn't save. Have also seen others saying the same thing.
  14. Hopefully they take this as a sign and invest in better equipment for the coming HITP seasons.
  15. I believe 15 degrees is the cut off, but they may close earlier as with wind chill and the motion of the ride will be brutal. Would still totally go though!
  16. ^ Also noticed this, glad it was the wheels. My thought was that it gained the B&M roar with age.
  17. SFNE's first holiday in the park was pretty cool. Even though not the whole park is open I recommend it. I really liked how each section had a different scent to it. I was happy they opened after thanksgiving so I could ride some rollercoasters before heading back to school and dealing with finals. The crowds weren't bad at first with everything being a walk on, as the night went on the crowds got worse but most rides did not have more than a 20 minute wait as people were spending most of the time on the midway so its kinda hard to navigate around the park. Longest line I saw was thunderbolt at one point for 45 minutes. Restaurants and shows also had a very long line. All coasters unfortunately only had 1 train running (besides joker) and I believe they will stay like that for the rest of HITP. That being said I think the new loading techniques have made a huge difference with trains being dispatched asap. Hopefully it gets passed through out the chain and stays like that. And my theory for mind eraser after it gets re-themed is that they will change the south end of the park into Gotham city. The park also made minor updates to trains through out the park with some new handles and foam and some new foam on OTSR. In the mind eraser station they got new light fixtures and fans. As well as heat lamps in the station to stay warm. If you look on the grass theres pieces of metal that looks like it could be RMC track or joker track. Anyone have any idea of what it is? On the kids safari they put out the penguins from blizzard river. Also got my last rides in on buzzsaw, definitely going to miss this ride. All rides except Goliath are open in the jingle bell junction Flashback was open which wasn't supposed too that was a nice surprise. Although rough wasn't too much head banging Around now crowds started to pick up Heres the midway with the most lights... and most of the crowd Giant ornament Rockville decked out, I recommend going to the shows early as the line for it went all the way to scream and security had to cut off the line since they were at capacity, can definitely see the park adding a bigger theater or arena in the future. looking at the south end polar playland had some nice lights such as this, the car ride here had a lot of themeing I suggest you ride it even if you're not a kid a look at the Harley Quinn site with riddler errrrr Mind Eraser in the background. And btw I find Mind Eraser actually enjoyable now. Scream in hibernation At least they found a use for the old sky ride supports the kids whip has been removed and looks like something is going on there Also a nice walkthrough area in bugs bunny area There were fire pits through out the park to keep you warm. you can also buy s'mores to make for only... $8 While waiting for thunderbolt the ride op accidentally hit the e-stop so we had to wait for maintenance to come and reset it... However when that happened the last trim was turned off and we got some good air time on the last 2 hills. Also anyone know if the second train is a train repainted from the cyclone? heat lamps keeping the floor mechanisms warm hmmm?? Thats it for holiday in the park at SFNE. can't wait for the actual season so I can ride superman and Wicked Cyclone.
  18. I could see them having a maintenance year and opening the lake plunge slides that are in storage but not go into the lake and market it as a new ride.
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