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Everything posted by Projektion

  1. ^^ If I'm honest, I can't really imagine it would take that long to replace the facades. The facades PA have been using for the last few years now (ever since SesamoAventura) have been 3d printed Polystyrene (Probably also the reason it burnt so quickly) so it would just be a case of re printing the parts.
  2. Wouldn't be so sure. 1.35g puts it about on par with TTD. Though, I admit it probably won't maintain that force for the whole launch if the "...in 5 seconds" bit is true.
  3. Well, it's not what NL2 was intended for, but I've been working on this
  4. Last train of the day on Taron at Phantasialand during the hotel guest ERT on Friday. All I can say is that ride deserves every bit of praise it gets, it's just insane, the second half especially which is just ruthless.
  5. Just seen this post now. You say to avoid the park on weekends, but how is it mid week, since I'm there staying on site from the 24th to the 28th.
  6. ^^ Except thats the bottom of the rails as they are lying upside down.
  7. Rammstein, eh? I heard about them from a friend just today. Are they any good live? Aside for at Download where it was a it of a dud (still an 8/10 I'd say, but not the usual 10/10) since the speakers got a bit trashed by the rain, they are absolutely on point every other time I've seen them. Amazing light show and pyrotechnics. During their 2012 tour, they opened their set by lowering a massive walkway over the crowd. They aren't a band that skimp out on production value:
  8. Download Festival. Spent 5 days camping in a field with amazing music from the 8th to the 12th of June. Saw around 25 bands, among some of my highlights were Rammstein, Korn, Babymetal, Amon Amarth & Avatar. Plus, it rained... ... A lot
  9. Imagine if they had just got the RMC truck to sit there while they just tore the whole thing down. It would be some next level trolling by CP.
  10. After spending most of the summer away from NL2 due to work, I recently begun work on an early-2000's Intamin Mega coaster (ala Bizarro/Goliath) Overview of the layout Lift supports Airtime hill supports and a view of the far end of the layout
  11. I'm visiting Phantasialand at the end of October and have been wondering how the seating works for the coaster. Does someone assign you your row or do you choose yourself? And is there a separate queue for Front row?
  12. More pics from around Ferrari Land (Source: PA-Community) And a close up of the front of the giga's trains (Source: Theme News):
  13. Nick Menza, former drummer of Megadeth, died last night at 51 of heart failure while he was playing on stage with this band OHM. RIP.
  14. Download Festival, in exactly 3 weeks time. Been going to this festival every year for the last 6 years, and it's easily the highlight of the year.
  15. Are we talking RMC or Giovanola? Because only one of those still exists. RMC's Goliath. I know it hasn't been cloned yet, but it just has the hallmarks of a layout that will get cloned, it's the mainly fact it seems to give a summary of what an RMC woodie can do and show off it's gimmick in such a compact layout, similar to the original Batman layout before that got cloned.
  16. If it actually happens, and it does get a Goliath clone, I can just say I called it. From the beginning, I always called Goliath a coaster that had the intention of being cloned.
  17. There was a post on the Nolimits-Exchange a few days ago about it, it linked to this pdf. Quick Summary (Originally written up by Luisvaldez989 of the NLE): A few terms used: Restraints Base Case (Class 4 or 5 Restraint) – Some kind of restraint device that provides support to the lower body in all directions and maintains rider contact with the seat at all times. Over-the-Shoulder (Class 5 Restraint) – Included in the base case, but with the added specification of being able to support the upper body. Prone Restraint – The most common application of this is your standard flying coaster. A prone restraint is one where the rider is oriented “face down” at a point or at several points during the ride cycle. A prone restraint is designed to allow the patron to accept higher acceleration in the -Gx (eyes front) as compared to the Base Case and Over-the-Shoulder restraints. Orientation +Gx (Eyes Back) – For practical purposes, these are the Gs felt during a period of forward acceleration, such as a launch. Alternately, these are the Gs felt while on your back during a flying coaster’s loop. -Gx (Eyes Front) – These are the Gs felt during a period of deceleration on a standard coaster, such as a brake run. Alternately, these are the Gs felt on your chest while in the flying position of a flying coaster. +/-Gy (Eyes Left or Eyes Right) – Simply put, lateral Gs. -Gz (Eyes Up) – Airtime, or in the case of a flying coaster, braking deceleration. +Gz (Eyes Down) - Positive vertical Gs, or in the case of a flying coaster, the Gs felt on a launch track.
  18. Geographically, the closest coaster is probably a toss up between Shambhala at PortAventura, Montanya Russa at Tibidabo or the SLC at Terra Mitica (can't think of the name at the moment) unless there's some lesser known coaster somewhere on the Balearics. In terms of how long it takes to get there, probably Montanya Russa. 30 min flight to Barcelona, then probably an hour on public transport to Tibidabo.
  19. ^ I highly doubt it has anything to do with the restraint system B&M uses.
  20. Another reason why I don't watch Mojo It said that Superman the escape travelled as fast as a speeding bulit. Now a bulit goes at 1700mph... "Faster than a speeding bullet" is a phase that shows up in all sorts of Superman Media (Comics, films, etc), it's a reference to that.
  21. ^ I mean, it is an odd thing to say, but there is the possibility that they may have not been to the park since before it was turned to Bizarro.
  22. Fury and Banshee don't have MCBR and they're capacity monsters Fury sort of does. The elevated flat brake run on both Fury and Leviathan both act as the mcbr despite being at the end of the ride.
  23. He's obviously trolling, and judging by the YT comments and your edit, it's working. I love his videos, just cause I love seeing how riled up he gets enthusiasts in the comments.
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