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Everything posted by Projektion

  1. Looks like Nemesis isn't staying white Sorce:TowersStreet
  2. Hoping it does. I'm probably going to be making my first trip to Phantasialand later in the year, and whether or not I book hinges on Tarons opening.
  3. Potentially, no source was given on PA-Community for where the image came from, but it makes sense given the wide catwalks on the lift.
  4. I don't know how I feel about this. I probably would have preferred some sort of spinning train like everyone was expecting. Found the image on PA-Community, not sure where they found it from.
  5. Machine head on the "An Evening With..." tour on the 12th. No support acts, just Machine Head playing for 2 and a half hours and it was absolutely amazing. It was also the first time I'd paid for VIP tickets at a concert, so I got to meet the band and got a bit of stuff signed too which is a memory I'll never forget.
  6. I'm not sure, since in other pics of the track, it is definitely bent. (bottom piece in the middle of the picture)
  7. With Shambhala and DK, it's not quite the same. The lifts on Shambhala and Dk have flexed almost as a singular piece, similar to what happens to most coaster due to the metal expanding and contracting because to the constant changes of heat during day and night (especially during the summer) On the Ferrari Land giga, every single track piece has bowed and flexed before even being put together.
  8. If you look at the track, it's bowed down in the middle of each track section, which is probably from it sitting on the wood blocks on parking lot before being built.
  9. Probably just to have a comparison to the closest thing we already have in Europe
  10. My guess is they need a taller crane for the next bit and to avoid renting it for a few weeks they'll just lift it all up in 1 or 2 goes.
  11. ^ I mentioned a couple of day ago that I think PA might have a height restriction. Arn'O posted this pic a few days ago comparing the height of each of the rides at PA. The land that the accelerator will be on is about 20 meters lower than the land Hurakan Condor is built on meaning they will both equal out at about the same height (minus the aircraft warning light).
  12. Judging by how it seems to connect to a plaza at one end and there's a a staircase at the other, I'd think it's some sort of pathway (queue/walkthrough area/etc).
  13. On the first page of the plans there is a sheet index. On page 18 through 21 is "Layout and Materials Plan" but the plans given to us cut off at page 17. From what I can see, everything at the moment is just land clearing/building proposals.
  14. It's not going to be staying white. Judging by the cover picture of this unused "Towers Loving Care" Twitter profile, the ending colour will be more of a rusty brown. Very left = Pre-Paint, Middle = Primer (I'm guessing), Right = What looks to be the final colour
  15. After a bit of comparing/judging the lengths of the brakes in Google Earth, the trim brake section is about 40m long and the fixed fins on the final brakes are 28m long, the same as the ones of Furius Baco, because of this I still think the train will be carrying quite a speed when it runs into the final brakes. My guess, is the train would still be going around 110 kmph (~70mph) when it hits the brakes.
  16. ^Not anymore, the Drop of Doom towers have got replaced by 2 separate S&S towers.
  17. Few more pics of the Ferrari Land area (Source: PAC): Trims before the bump... well, that's annoying.
  18. ^^From what I can see with the supports, it's going to be the next vertical support on the left (the side that is lower at the moment) that will confirm whether or not it will have one. I'm also curious to see how the structure deviates from the KK and TTD style one. Edit: Now I think about it, we haven't seen any track pieces that have a roll/banking to them
  19. 1 curious thing to point out, the land that the accelerator will be on is about 20 meters lower than the land Hurakan Condor is built on meaning they will both equal out at about the same height (minus the aircraft warning light). Could it be PA wanted to go taller, but couldn't due to a height ceiling because of Reus?
  20. I can see that hump giving a pop of airtime assuming the train hasn't already run over any trims before that point. Btw, what are those spikes that seems to be sticking out of the brake run supports.
  21. Here's the image for anyone to make it a bit easier. Also the source video by PAC: Considering how high the brake run is, there is definitely going to be some sort of hump leading into the brakes, now we just have to wait and see if it produces much airtime.
  22. If I recall correctly, it was to allow them to launch the trains faster than they needed so that they minimize potential roll backs. The trim was to slow the trains down again for the drop so they weren't going to fast.
  23. Given how much sorter the coaster will be than TTD or KK, I imagine the 270ยบ twist (if there is one) would have a much stronger snap to it, similar to the Maverick or Intimidator switchbacks.
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